and status
commands print information about wrapped repository annotated by performance
profiles. perun log
command lists the minor versions history for a major version (currently the
checked out), along with the information about registered profiles, such as e.g. the minor version
description, authors, statistics of profiles, etc. perun status
commands shows the overview of
given minor version of current major head and lists profiles associated to profiles and in pending
directory (i.e. the .perun/jobs
directory. List of profiles contains the types of profiles,
numbers, configurations of profiling run, etc.
The format of outputs of both log
and status
can be customized by setting the formatting
strings c.f. :ref:`logs-log` and :ref:`logs-status`. Moreover, outputs are paged (currently using
the less -R
command) by default. To turn off the paging, run the perun
with --no-pager
option (see :doc:`cli`) or set :ckey:`general.paging`.
The output of perun status
is defined w.r.t. formatting string specified in configuration in
:ckey:`format.status` key (looked up recursively in the nearest local configuration, or
in global configuration). The formatting string consists of raw delimiters and special tags, which
serves as templates to output specific informations about concrete profiles, such as the profiling
configuration, type of profile, creating timestamps, etc.
E.g. the following formatting string:
┃ %type% ┃ %cmd% ┃ %workload% ┃ %collector% ┃ (%time%) ┃
will yield the following status when running perun status
(both for stored and pending
══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════▣ id ┃ type ┃ cmd ┃ workload ┃ collector ┃ time ┃ ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════▣ 0@p ┃ [mixed] ┃ target ┃ hello ┃ complexity ┃ 2017-09-07 14:41:49 ┃ 1@p ┃ [time ] ┃ perun ┃ status ┃ time ┃ 2017-10-19 12:30:29 ┃ 2@p ┃ [time ] ┃ perun ┃ --help ┃ time ┃ 2017-10-19 12:30:31 ┃ ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════▣
The first column of the perun status
output, id
, has a fixed position and defines a tag for
the given profile, which can be used in add
, rm
, show
and postprocessby
commands as
a quick wildcard for concrete profiles, e.g. perun add 0@p
would register the first profile
stored in the pending .perun/jobs
directory to the index of current head. Tags are always in
form of i@p
(for pending profiles) and i@i
for profiles registered in index, where i
stands for position in the corresponding storage, index from zero.
The specification of the formatting string can contain the following special tags:
:- Lists the most generic type of the profile according to the collected resources serving as quick tagging of similar profiles. Currently Perun supports memory, time, mixed.
:- Lists the command for which the data was collected, this e.g. corresponds to the binary or script that was executed and profiled using collector/profiler. Refer to :ref:`jobs-overview` for more information about profiling jobs and commands.
:- List input workload which was passed to the profiled command, i.e. some inputs of the profiled program, script or binary. Refer to :ref:`jobs-overview` for more information about profiling jobs and command workloads.
:- Lists the optional, user-defined string label associated with the profile. Labels may be used to further distinguish profiles, e.g., collected using different environment configuration or collected on differently configured machines.
:- Lists the collector which was used to obtain the given profile. Refer to :doc:`collectors` for list of supported collectors and more information about collection of profiles.
:- Timestamp when the profile was last modified in format YEAR-MONTH-DAY HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.
:- Original source of the profile. This corresponds to the name of the generated profile and the original path.
By default the profiles are sorted in ascending order according to the timestamp. The sort order
can be modified by setting either the :ckey:`format.sort_profiles_by` and
:ckey:`format.sort_profiles_order` configuration options, or the :doc:`cli` options --sort-by
and --sort-order
to a valid profile information attribute and a valid sort order. Setting the
command line options --sort-by
and --sort-order
have higher priority than the keys set in
the :ckey:`format.sort_profiles_by` and :ckey:`format.sort_profiles_order`.
The output of perun log --short
is defined w.r.t. formatting string specified in configuration
in :ckey:`format.shortlog` key (looked up recursively in the nearest local
configuration, or in global configuration). The formatting string can contain both raw characters
(such as delimiters, etc.) and special tags, which serves as templates to output information for
concrete minor version such as minor version description, number of assigned profiles, etc.
E.g. the following formatting string:
'%checksum:6% (%stats%) %desc%'
will yield the following output when running perun log --short
minor (a|m|x|t profiles) info 53d35c (2|0|2|0 profiles) Add deleted jobs directory 07f2b4 (1|0|1|0 profiles) Add necessary files for perun to work on this repo. bd3dc3 ---no--profiles--- root
The specification of the formatting string can contain the following special tags:
: Identification of the minor version (should be hash preferably). If we takegit
as an examplechecksum
will correspond to the SHA of one commit.%stats%
:- Lists short summary of overall number of profiles (
) and number of memory (m
), mixed (x
) and time (t
) profiles assinged to given minor version. %changes%
:- Lists a short string of overall found changes for a given minor version. Found degradations are
represented by red
, while found optimizations are represented by green+
. %desc:num%
: Lists short description of the minor version, limiting to the first sentence of the- description. If we take
as an example this will correspond to the short commit message. %date:num%
:- Lists the date the minor version was commited (in the wrapped vcs).
:- Lists the author of the minor version (not commiter).
:- Lists the email of the author of the minor version.
:- Lists the parents of the given minor version. Note that one minor version can have potentially several parents, e.g. in git, when the merge of two commits happens.
Specifying num
in the selected tags will shorten the displayed identification to num
characters only. In case the specified num
is smaller then the length of the attribute name,
then the shortening will be limited to the lenght of the attribute name.