Open the page GitHub LineageHD Issues
Click on the green “New Issue” button (upper right)
Fill in the Title – Title should be a brief description of the issue Examples: Can’t equip armor in CDK, Not getting armor set bonus, etc..
Give a more detailed description in the “Write” (text) box, but try not to make it too long. If it doesn’t happen all of the time then note in game location and time of day (include time zone or enter as EST) the issue occurred.
You can add links to screenshots or other files if it helps describe the issue.
Use the “Preview” tab to view the post to make sure that it is readable and accurately describes the issue.
Select the proper category for the type of issue from the “Labels” settings to the right of the text box. Should be one of the following for current round of beta testing: Downloader (problems downloading client), Connector (not linking to client), Gameplay (issues in game), Server (issues on server side) and Translation (in game text that did not translate properly or does not look right)
Select "Submit New Issue"