yarn install
yarn yki:start # Starts Webpack DevServer
and the app runs on > http://localhost:4003/yki/ilmoittautuminen.
See https://github.com/Opetushallitus/yki for details on running the backend.
First start the proxy server under frontend/packages/yki
node proxy.ts
Then build and run yki as
yarn install
yarn yki:start:dev-server # Starts Webpack DevServer
and the app runs on > http://localhost:4003/yki/ilmoittautuminen.
End-to-end tests:
yarn yki:test:cypress
Unit and Integration tests
yarn yki:test:jest
yarn yki:test:jest -- -u # Regenerate snapshots
I18next is used as an internationalization framework. Localizations are stored in JSON files in public/i18n directory and committed to git.
For inspection and modification by OPH clerks, it's possible to create an excel sheet in the application directory as shown below:
npx i18n-json-to-xlsx-converter --convert public/i18n/fi-FI/public.json
npx i18n-json-to-xlsx-converter --convert public.xlsx