Releases: Opentrons/buildroot
Robot OS v1.10.0 - Opentrons v6.0.0
This release of the OT-2 operating system incorporates changes for the version 6.0.0 release of the Opentrons/opentrons software stack.
Change log
Full Changelog: v1.9.0...v1.10.0
Robot OS v1.9.0 - Opentrons v4.7.0
Version 1.9.0
This release of the Opentrons OT-2 Operating System incorporates changes for the upcoming v4.7.0 release of the Opentrons/opentrons software stack.
- package/python{3}-fastapi: bump to version 0.68.1
- package/python{3}-pydantic: bump to version 1.8.2
- udev rule for heater-shaker
- simplified rootfs-overlay by moving all symlink folders inside
merged /usr
Robot OS v1.8.0 - Opentrons v4.6.0
Version 1.8.0
This release of the Opentrons OT-2 Operating System incorporates changes for the upcoming v4.6.0 release of the Opentrons/opentrons software stack.
Change log
This release is focused primarily on Python package update for the existing stack:
- package/python3-setuptools: new package
- package/pkg-python: use host-python3-setuptools when needed
- package/python-setuptools: add comment about python3-setuptools
- package/python{3}-setuptools: bump to version 44.0.0
- package/python-setuptools-scm: bump to version 5.0.1
- package/python-toml: add host variant
- package/python-toml: bump to version 0.10.2
- package/python-dotenv: bump to version 0.19.0
- package/python-typing-extensions: bump to version
- package/python-zipp: new package
- package/python-importlib-metadata: new package
- package/python-click: bump to version 8.0.1
- package/python-httptools: bump to version 0.2.0
- package/python-h11: bump to version 0.12.0
- package/python-idna: bump to version 3.2
- package/python-six: bump to version 1.16.0
- package/python-websockets: bump to version 9.1
- package/python-wsproto: bump to version 1.0.0
- package/python-asgiref: new package
- package/python-uvicorn: bump to version 0.14.0
- package/python-sniffio: new package
- package/python-anyio: new package
Robot OS v1.7.0 and v1.7.1: Software 4.2.0, compatibility with OT-2 refresh
Adds full compatibility for OT-2 refresh, including RTC support and a systemd unit for driving the status LEDs on the electronics housing.
v1.7.1 is a special release created on 2022-08-09 to help fix problems at our factory, which has been using v1.7.0.
v1.7.1 is identical to v1.7.0, except for the following changes, which are all backported from more recent releases.
These fix build problems so our modern CI environments can build v1.7.1:
- fix(buildroot): disallow capital letters in image names by automatically converting to lowercase
- chore: Pin Docker to Debian 10 to work around out-of-date Buildroot
- chore(opentrons-build): fix build script if no env vars imported
- build: fix datadog env var and exit codes
And this fixes the problems at the factory:
See the Git tag v1.7.1
We can't currently create a separate GitHub release for v1.7.1 because it will interfere with CI/CD scripts that look for the "latest" GitHub release.
Robot OS v1.6.0: Software 4.2.0
- Bumps wpa_supplicant to 2.9, which should fix issues with 802.11 fast roaming
- Stabilizes the machine-id for freshly-flashed machine
Robot OS v1.5.0: Software 4.1.0
Robot OS v1.5.0 ships with Robot Software 4.1.0.
It adds preliminary support for upcoming hardware revisions, including a new service for managing status LEDs.
It also adds support for upcoming software changes, like adding a new notifications server based on zmq (which does not currently have any functionality).
Finally, in synch with, it bumps pyserial to 3.5 to allow better functionality for testing on OSX Big Sur.
OS v1.4.0 - Opentrons v3.21.0
Version 1.4.0 of the OT-2 operating system is for use with version 3.21.0 of the Opentrons software. It includes a handful of new packages and libraries as well as OS-level support for using external Bluetooth adapters with the OT-2
- configs/ot2_defconfig: select ca-certificates, curl, git, grep, sl, wget (#86)
- Add support for external Bluetooth adapters (#100)
- package/python-bluepy: new package ver. 1.3.0
- Select package python-bluepy
- Select bluez tools and utils packages
- Add services and udev rules for USB BT hardware
- new package: python-typing-extensions (#101)
- configs/ot2_defconfig: select screen, python3_curses, tmux (#102)
Buildroot 1.3.8: Robot Software 3.20.0
This release fixes link-local IP address assignment by removing systemd-networkd
, which was conflicting with NetworkManager; it adds support for recent motor controller board changes; and it adds support for websocket messages over 1MB in size by installing a different Python websocket library.
Buildroot 1.3.7: Robot software version 3.19.0
This release incorporates changes to how shared-data is accessed in the Python API.
Buildroot 1.3.6: Robot software 3.17.1
This release includes some new and updated dependencies for Python.