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Etienne edited this page Jan 15, 2015 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the node-occ wiki!

compile on windows:

  • download and install CMAKE

    cd c:
    git clone cd oce git checkout 0.13 cd .. mkdir oce_build c:\tools\cmake\bin\cmake -D OCE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING='C:/OCE-13' -D OCE_DRAW:BOOLEAN=FALSE -D OCE_OCAF:BOOLEAN=FALSE -D OCE_VISUALISATION:BOOLEAN=FALSE -D OCE_DISABLE_X11:BOOLEAN=TRUE -D OCE_USE_PCH:BOOLEAN=TRUE ../oce msbuild oce.sln msbuild oce.sln /p:Configuration=Release

    set VisualStudioVersion=11.0 msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release


  • ShapeFactory
    • Creation
    • Edition
      • Thick Solid (Shell)
      • Draft Angle
      • Fillet
      • Chamfer
      • Fuse (Union)
      • Cut (Difference)
      • Common (Intersect.)
      • Compound (?)
      • Vertex
      • Edge
      • Wire
      • Face
  • Wire
  • Transformation
    • Basic
      • Translation
      • Rotation
      • Scale
      • Mirror by Plane
      • Mirror by Axis
  • Import/Export
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