- OLMIS-4649: Added Jenkinsfile
- OLMIS-4459: Pick Pack List no longer displays values in a separate line if there's no lot defined
- OLMIS-4815: Fixed lack of update on Facility Assignment Configuration Errors report
- OLMIS-3289: Fixed Null values in the Facility Assignment Report columns
New functionality added in a backwards-compatible manner::
- OLMIS-239: Add possibility to generate Pick Pack List report
- OLMIS-4197: Add possibility to generate CCE alert history report
Bug fixes added in a backwards-compatible manner::
- OLMIS-3778: Fixed service checks the rights of a wrong user
- Released openlmis-report 1.0.0 as part of openlmis-ref-distro 3.2.1.
- This was the first stable release of openlmis-report.