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KommandorKeen edited this page Jul 25, 2017 · 18 revisions

The output from OpenDroneMap produces subfolders in the project folder.

.... |-- images/ |-- img-1234.jpg |-- ... |-- images_resize/ |-- img-1234.jpg |-- ... |-- opensfm/ # Tie Points and camera positions here in JSON format |-- pmvs/ |-- recon0/ |-- models/ |-- option-0000.ply # Dense point cloud |-- odm_meshing/ |-- odm_mesh.ply # A 3D mesh |-- odm_meshing_log.txt # Output of the meshing task. May point out errors. |-- odm_texturing/ |-- odm_textured_model.obj # Textured mesh |-- odm_textured_model_geo.obj # Georeferenced textured mesh |-- texture_N.jpg # Associated textured images used by the model |-- odm_georeferencing/ |-- odm_georeferenced_model.ply # A georeferenced dense point cloud |-- odm_georeferenced_model.ply.laz # LAZ format point cloud |-- odm_georeferenced_model.csv # XYZ format point cloud |-- odm_georeferencing_log.txt # Georeferencing log |-- odm_georeferencing_utm_log.txt # Log for the extract_utm portion |-- odm_georeferencing/ |-- odm_orthophoto.png # Orthophoto image (no coordinates) |-- odm_orthophoto.tif # Orthophoto GeoTiff |-- odm_orthophoto_log.txt # Log file |-- gdal_translate_log.txt # Log for georeferencing the png file |-- odm_dem/ |-- dsm.tif # Digital surface model geotiff |-- dtm.tif # Digital terrain model geotiff

3D Models

pmvs/recon0/models/option-0000.ply -- The point cloud file

odm_meshing/odm_mesh.ply -- The meshed surface


odm_texturing/odm_textured_model.obj -- The textured surface mesh

You can access the point cloud and textured meshes using MeshLab. Open MeshLab, and choose File:Import Mesh and choose your textured mesh from a location similar to the following: odm_texturing\odm_textured_model.obj


odm_texturing/odm_textured_model_geo.obj -- The georeferenced and textured surface mesh

odm_georeferenced_model.ply/laz/csv -- The georeferenced point cloud in different file formats


odm_orthphoto.png -- The orthophoto, but this is a simple png, which don't have any georeferencing information

odm_orthphoto.tif -- GeoTIFF Orthophoto. You can use it in QGIS as a raster layer.