diff --git a/GameServer/styles/StyleProcessor.cs b/GameServer/styles/StyleProcessor.cs
index d2c9c42b77..336f62fa77 100644
--- a/GameServer/styles/StyleProcessor.cs
+++ b/GameServer/styles/StyleProcessor.cs
@@ -590,43 +590,26 @@ protected static bool CheckWeaponType(Style style, GameLiving living, DbInventor
/// The spellid of the magical effect
protected static ISpellHandler CreateMagicEffect(GameLiving caster, GameLiving target, int spellID)
- SpellLine styleLine = SkillBase.GetSpellLine(GlobalSpellsLines.Combat_Styles_Effect);
- if (styleLine == null || target == null) return null;
+ Spell spell = SkillBase.GetSpellByID(spellID);
- List spells = SkillBase.GetSpellList(styleLine.KeyName);
+ if (spell == null)
+ return null;
- Spell styleSpell = null;
- foreach (Spell spell in spells)
- {
- if (spell.ID == spellID)
- {
- // We have to scale style procs when cast
- if (caster is GameSummonedPet pet)
- pet.ScalePetSpell(spell);
+ // We have to scale style procs when cast.
+ if (caster is GameSummonedPet pet)
+ pet.ScalePetSpell(spell);
- styleSpell = spell;
- break;
- }
- }
+ ISpellHandler spellHandler = ScriptMgr.CreateSpellHandler(caster, spell, SkillBase.GetSpellLine(GlobalSpellsLines.Combat_Styles_Effect));
- ISpellHandler spellHandler = ScriptMgr.CreateSpellHandler(caster, styleSpell, styleLine);
- if (spellHandler == null && styleSpell != null && caster is GamePlayer)
- {
- ((GamePlayer)caster).Out.SendMessage(styleSpell.Name + " not implemented yet (" + styleSpell.SpellType + ")", eChatType.CT_System, eChatLoc.CL_SystemWindow);
+ if (spellHandler == null)
return null;
- }
- // No negative effects can be applied on a keep door or via attacking a keep door
- if ((target is GameKeepComponent || target is GameKeepDoor) && spellHandler?.HasPositiveEffect == false)
- {
+ if ((target is GameKeepComponent || target is GameDoorBase) && !spellHandler.HasPositiveEffect)
return null;
- }
return spellHandler;
/// Delve a Style handled by this processor