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Releases: OnsenUI/OnsenUI-dist


10 Jul 06:05
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  • Re-release of 2.10.2 due to npm package not containing minified Angular bindings (#2468). No functional changes.


03 Jul 06:19
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Bug Fixes

  • ons-lazy-repeat: Fix dynamic adding of items (#2443)
  • ons-toast: Fix padding of Material toast (#2436)
  • ons-button: Remove dotted border on Firefox (#2408)
  • css: Fix CSS import paths (#2336, #2453)
  • ons-input: Prevent zooming of inputs on iOS (#2400)
  • ons-page: Fix page-with-bottom-toolbar not being set in some cases (#2459)


28 May 06:05
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Bug Fixes

  • ons-tabbar: Fix race condition with some tabs (#2430)
  • ons-list-item: Fix expandable item breaking when compiled more than once (for example, with ng-repeat) (#2434)


17 May 05:30
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New Features

  • ons.notification: Add maskColor configuration for alert, confirm and prompt (#2358)
  • ons-list-item: Add expandable list items (#2380)
  • ons-toast: Toast messages can be more than one line long (#2405)

Bug Fixes

  • onsenui.d.ts: Fixed #2354.
  • ons-toolbar: static attribute works with iOS status bar.
  • ons-pull-hook: Improve scroll behavior in UIWebView. Fixed #2353 and #2357.
  • ons-navigator: Fixed #2376.
  • ons-select: Fixed #2251 for all bindings.
  • ons-splitter-side: Fixed regression of (#2026).
  • ons-popover: Fixed incorrect placement of popover when page is not full width (#2386).


16 Feb 08:54
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New features

  • ons-toolbar: Added new static attribute to avoid animations in the toolbar when pushing or popping pages.

Bug Fixes

  • ons-tabbar: Fixed #2316.
  • ons-tabbar: Fixed #2343.
  • ons-splitter-side: Fixed #2271.
  • ons-navigator: Fixed #2333.
  • ons-select (fastclick): Fixed #2352.
  • ons-switch: Fixed #2341.


  • core, react: Pointed reference pages to new tutorials.


26 Jan 09:02
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Bug Fixes

  • ons-tab: Ensure click event listener is added to nested tabbars.
  • ons-navigator: It now uses default options property also for popPage.
  • ons.notification: toast method error.


25 Jan 09:23
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New Features

  • 🎉 Use passive event listeners whenever possible. PWA score++.
  • ons-navigator: popPage method now supports options.times to pop several pages with one single animation.
  • ons-toolbar-button: Added icon attribute to automatically create an ons-icon element.

Bug Fixes

  • 🎉 fastclick: Use Onsen UI fork of FastClick. Fixes #2254, #2304.
  • ons-tab: Fixed #2307.
  • ons-list-item: Fixed #2292.
  • ons-navigator: Fixed #2286.
  • ons-navigator: Fixed #1992.
  • css-components: Fixed #2045.
  • ons.platform: Fixed #2279.
  • ons-page: Fixed #2255.
  • ons-tab: Fixed #2324.
  • ons-switch: Prevents two click events in a row when placed inside a label tag.
  • iOS scroll issues: Related #2220, #2279, #1949 - Fixed in WKWebView/iOS Safari. For UIWebView, a new ons.forceUIWebViewScrollFix() method is available which may negatively affect momentum scroll in some situations. Also, a ons-ios-scroll class is added to document.body when dialogs are visible to apply custom fixes.


  • css-components: Expose Action Sheet variables for Theme Roller.
  • ons.notification: Display error message when needed imports are missing (AlertDialog, AlertDialogButton, Toast, ActionSheet).


13 Dec 16:44
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New Features

  • ons-list-item: Skip tappable effect on children with prevent-tap attribute or ons-* elements.
  • ons-navigator: resetToPage can now perform 'pop' animation if options.pop is true.

Bug Fixes

  • ons-carousel: Fixed #2260.
  • ons-progress-circular: Fixed #1860.
  • css/polyfills: Fixed #2266.
  • ons-ripple: The effect does not propagate to other ons-ripple parents anymore.
  • ons-carousel: Prevent error state when hidden during the first rendering.
  • angular1: ons-scope directive works when placed on the same element as var attribute.


  • Show warning when Onsen UI is loaded more than once (UMD - ESM).
  • ons-pull-hook: threshold-height is not disabled anymore when its value is lower than the height.
  • angular1: Revised the exposed DOM properties for carousel, modal, navigator, popover, pullHook, splitter, splitterSide, switch and tabbar.


22 Nov 09:31
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New Features

  • ons-navigator: Added onSwipe property function that gets the swiped distance on drag.
  • ons-splitter-side: Added onSwipe property function that gets the swiped distance on drag.

Bug Fixes

  • ons-splitter: Fixed small glitch in 'reveal' animation.
  • ons-select: Fixed custom modifier class from select-* to select--*.
  • ons-tabbar: Fixed #2253.
  • ons-tabbar: Position 'auto' and border visibility now cares about autostyling instead of the actual platform.
  • ons-toolbar: Fix 'transparent' modifier when combined with 'material' (regression).
  • angular1: Remove element.scope() call that depends on AngularJS Debug Data.


15 Nov 11:02
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Bug Fixes

  • css-components: Use new radial-gradient syntax to avoid prefixes.
  • ons-tabbar: Improve scrolling on devices.
  • ons-modal: Possible issue when toggling modal visibility very quickly.
  • ons-action-sheet: Small glitch when hiding on iPhone X.