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Texturing 3D cmd Game Tutorial Getting 12 Errors and i have no idea what they mean #55

JonSTGaming opened this issue Dec 1, 2020 · 0 comments


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Everytime i compile i get 12 errors:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall olc::Pixel::Pixel(unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char)" (??0Pixel@olc@@QAE@EEEE@Z) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall olc::Pixel::Pixel(unsigned int)" (??0Pixel@olc@@QAE@I@Z) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual bool __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::Draw(int,int,struct olc::Pixel)" (?Draw@PixelGameEngine@olc@@UAE_NHHUPixel@2@@Z) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: int __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::ScreenHeight(void)const " (?ScreenHeight@PixelGameEngine@olc@@QBEHXZ) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: int __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::ScreenWidth(void)const " (?ScreenWidth@PixelGameEngine@olc@@QBEHXZ) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: struct olc::HWButton __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::GetKey(enum olc::Key)const " (?GetKey@PixelGameEngine@olc@@QBE?AUHWButton@2@W4Key@2@@Z) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual bool __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::OnUserDestroy(void)" (?OnUserDestroy@PixelGameEngine@olc@@UAE_NXZ) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: enum olc::rcode __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::Start(void)" (?Start@PixelGameEngine@olc@@QAE?AW4rcode@2@XZ) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: enum olc::rcode __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::Construct(int,int,int,int,bool,bool,bool)" (?Construct@PixelGameEngine@olc@@QAE?AW4rcode@2@HHHH_N00@Z) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: virtual __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::~PixelGameEngine(void)" (??1PixelGameEngine@olc@@UAE@XZ) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall olc::PixelGameEngine::PixelGameEngine(void)" (??0PixelGameEngine@olc@@QAE@XZ) ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\ConFPS\Source.obj 1 Error LNK1120 11 unresolved externals ConFPS C:\Users\Jonathon\source\repos\ConFPS\Release\ConFPS.exe 1

And here is my Code:

using namespace std;

#include "olcPixelGameEngine.h"

class GameWindow : public olc::PixelGameEngine
sAppName = "Game 3D";

virtual bool OnUserCreate()
	map += L"################";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#....###.......#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#.......########";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"#..............#";
	map += L"################";
	return true;
virtual bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime)
	// Controls
	// Handle CCW rotation
	if (GetKey(olc::Key::A).bHeld)
		fPlayerA -= (0.8) * fElapsedTime;

	if (GetKey(olc::Key::D).bHeld)
		fPlayerA += (0.8) * fElapsedTime;

	if (GetKey(olc::Key::W).bHeld)
		fPlayerX += sinf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;
		fPlayerY += cosf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;

		if (map[(int)fPlayerY * nMapWidth + (int)fPlayerX] == '#')
			fPlayerX -= sinf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;
			fPlayerY -= cosf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;
	if (GetKey(olc::Key::S).bHeld)
		fPlayerX -= sinf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;
		fPlayerY -= cosf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;

		if (map[(int)fPlayerY * nMapWidth + (int)fPlayerX] == '#')
			fPlayerX += sinf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;
			fPlayerY += cosf(fPlayerA) * 5.0f * fElapsedTime;

	for (int x = 0; x < ScreenWidth(); x++)
		// For each column, calculate the projected ray angle into world space
		float fRayAngle = (fPlayerA - fFOV / 2.0f) + ((float)x / (float)ScreenWidth()) * fFOV;

		float fDistanceToWall = 0;
		bool bHitWall = false;
		bool bBoundary = false;

		float fEyeX = sinf(fRayAngle);
		float fEyeY = cosf(fRayAngle);

		while (!bHitWall && fDistanceToWall < fDepth)

			fDistanceToWall += 0.1f;

			int nTestX = (int)(fPlayerX + fEyeX * fDistanceToWall);
			int nTestY = (int)(fPlayerY + fEyeY * fDistanceToWall);

			// Test if ray is out of bounds
			if (nTestX < 0 || nTestX >= nMapWidth || nTestY < 0 || nTestY >= nMapHeight)
				bHitWall = true;			// Just set distance to maximum depth
				fDistanceToWall = fDepth;
				if (map[nTestY * nMapWidth + nTestX] == '#')
					bHitWall = true;

					vector<pair<float, float>> p; // distance, dot
					for (int tx = 0; tx < 2; tx++)
						for (int ty = 0; ty < 2; ty++)
							float vy = (float)nTestY + ty - fPlayerY;
							float vx = (float)nTestX + tx - fPlayerX;
							float d = sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
							float dot = (fEyeX * vx / d) + (fEyeY * vy / d);
							p.push_back(make_pair(d, dot));
					// Sort pairs from closest to farthest
					sort(p.begin(), p.end(), [](const pair<float, float>& left, const pair<float, float>& right) {return left.first < right.first;  });

					float fBound = 0.01;
					if (acos( < fBound) bBoundary = true;
					if (acos( < fBound) bBoundary = true;
					if (acos( < fBound) bBoundary = true;

		// Calculate distance to ceiling and floor
		int nCeiling = (float)(ScreenHeight() / 2.0) - ScreenHeight() / ((float)fDistanceToWall);
		int nFloor = ScreenHeight() - nCeiling;

		// Shader walls based on distance
		short nShade = ' ';
		if (fDistanceToWall <= fDepth / 4.0f)			nShade = 0x2588;	// Very close	
		else if (fDistanceToWall < fDepth / 3.0f)		nShade = 0x2593;
		else if (fDistanceToWall < fDepth / 2.0f)		nShade = 0x2592;
		else if (fDistanceToWall < fDepth)				nShade = 0x2591;
		else                                            nShade = ' ';

		if (bBoundary)		nShade = ' '; //Black it out

		for (int i = 0; i < ScreenHeight(); i++)
			if (i <= nCeiling)
				Draw(x, i, L' ');
			else if (i > nCeiling&& i <= nFloor)
				Draw(x, i, nShade);
				// Shade floor based on distance
				float b = 1.0f - (((float)i - ScreenHeight() / 2.0f) / ((float)ScreenHeight() / 2.0f));
				if (b < 0.25)		nShade = '#';
				else if (b < 0.5)	nShade = 'x';
				else if (b < 0.75)	nShade = '.';
				else if (b < 0.9)	nShade = '-';
				else				nShade = ' ';
				Draw(x, i, nShade);

	// Display Map
	for (int nx = 0; nx < nMapWidth; nx++)
		for (int ny = 0; ny < nMapWidth; ny++)
			Draw(nx + 1, ny + 1, map[ny * nMapWidth + nx]);
	Draw(1 + (int)fPlayerY, 1 + (int)fPlayerX, L'P');


	return true;

int nMapHeight = 16;
int nMapWidth = 16;
wstring map;

float fPlayerX = 8.0f;
float fPlayerY = 8.0f;
float fPlayerA = 0.0f;
float fFOV = 3.14159 / 4.0f;
float fDepth = 16.0f;


int main()

GameWindow game;
game.Construct(120, 80, 8, 8);

return 0;


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