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584 lines (480 loc) · 17.7 KB

File metadata and controls

584 lines (480 loc) · 17.7 KB

Trees with variable-size arrays

storing arrays of values

In a typical data analysis, we deal with data collected for different experiments or events. For example in particle physics, an event corresponds to data recorded by the detector following a collision.

In general you might have a set of sensors or detectors that collect information when requested. We collect this data, which can potentially be correleated and/or related together to define an event or experiment.

for example we measure x and its uncertainty nmeas times, but the value of nmeas can be different for diffrent groups or for the same group at different times.

In we want to store variable-size array of information

Let's assume that there can be at most nMeasMax measurements in each experiment

  // variables to be stored in the tree
  const int nMeasMax=200; // maxim size of static array
  double x[nMeasMax], dx[nMeasMax];
  int nmeas;

as you see we are forced to use old-style static C arrays!

Then we create the new Tree

  // create the tree
  TTree* tree = new TTree("datatree","tree containg our data");
  // now set the info for each branch of the tree to correspond to our data
  tree->Branch("nmeas", &nmeas, "nmeas/I");
  tree->Branch("value", x,  "value[nmeas]/D"); // nmeas is the index of value[]
  tree->Branch("error", dx, "error[nmeas]/D"); // and error[] in the tree

And finally we can loop over experiments and measurements

  // # of experiments and average # of measurements 
  int nMeasAvg=10;
  int nexp = 100;

  for(int iexp=0; iexp<nexp; iexp++) {

    // each experiment has a different # of measurements
    nmeas = gen->Poisson(nMeasAvg);
    if( nmeas > nMeasMax ) {
      std::cout << "WARNING: nmeas > " << nMeasMax << " your TTRee will be corrupted" << std::endl;
    for(int i=0; i< nmeas; ++i) {
      // genarate value
      x[i] = x1 + gen->Uniform(x2-x1);
      //generate uncertainty based on the value
      dx[i] = gen->Gaus(x[i], x[i]*resol);        

    tree->Fill(); // write the data from memory to file at end of each experiment

  } // end of experiments

for every experiment we store the number of measurements nmeas that tells us the number of actual data points stored in value and error branches.

Link the executable and run

g++ -o /tmp/01-write `$ROOTSYS/bin/root-config --libs --cflags` 

storing output in root file /tmp/dati.root

Nota bene: the g++ compiler on ubuntu and newer versions of g++ require this order of files and options.

reading variable-size arrays from TTree

In 02-readTree we want to read the TTree with variable-size arrays.

Get pointer to the TTree in the file

  // get pointer to tree object stored in the file
  TTree* tree = (TTree*) orootfile->Get("datatree");
  if(!tree) {
    std::cout << "null pointer for TTree! exiting..." << std::endl;

Now define the arrays in memory that will be filled with data stored in the file and set the branch address

  // variables to be read from the tree
  // You need to define maximum number of cells in the array
  // this is *UGLY* but necessary
  const int nMeasMax = 200; 
  double y[nMeasMax], dy[nMeasMax];
  int nmeas;

  // now set the info for each branch of the tree to correspond to our data
  tree->SetBranchAddress("value", y);
  tree->SetBranchAddress("error", dy);
  tree->SetBranchAddress("nmeas", &nmeas);

Now loop over experiments and analyse data for each experiment

  int nentries = tree->GetEntries();
  for (int iexp=0; iexp<nentries; ++iexp) {
    tree->GetEntry(iexp); // read data from file to memory

    // vector of Datum in case you want to use your Datum class
    std::vector<Datum> dati;

    // plot of # measurements
    // for each experiment read the measurements
    for(int i = 0; i< nmeas; ++i) {
      dati.push_back( Datum(y[i], dy[i]) );
      // fill histogram
      hdx1.Fill( dy[i] );

    } // loop on mesurements

    // compute RMS for measurements in each experiment
    // and fill a histogram
    hdxRMS.Fill( hdx1.GetRMS() );
    h2RMS.Fill(nmeas, hdx1.GetRMS() );
  } // end of experiments

This time we are also filling a 2D hisotogram that shows the distribution of uncdertainties as a function of number of measurements:

  TH2F h2RMS("h2RMS", "Distribution of dx RMS vs numb. measurements",
	     21, -0.5, 20.5,
	     nbins, 0.05, 0.10 );

Before plotting the histograms you can set options for additional info to be shown

  // useful plot settings
   gStyle->SetOptStat(111111); // show over and underflow  

Create canvas and show plots

  // create canvas
  TCanvas canv("canv", "canvas for plotting", 1280, 1024);
  h2RMS.GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of measurements");
  h2RMS.GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dx RMS");

Now link the executable

g++ -o /tmp/02-read `$ROOTSYS/bin/root-config --libs --cflags` 

and run

# bins: 50	 bin width: 0.02
Reading data from root file /tmp/dati.root
Info in <TCanvas::Print>: pdf file /tmp/2dRMS.pdf has been created
Info in <TCanvas::Print>: pdf file /tmp/expplots.pdf has been created

Trees with custom objects

Storing custom objects in TTree

First we need to tell ROOT about our class and its interface. This requires generating a Dictionary for your class. For example suppose we want to store Datum objects in TTree branches.

Generate dictionary for Datum

$ROOTSYS/bin/rootcint -f MyDict.cxx Datum.h

This will create a new file MyDict.cxx. You can check it was successful by compiling it

g++ -c `$ROOTSYS/bin/root-config --cflags` MyDict.cxx

If everything worked fine you will see

ls MyDict*
MyDict.cxx        MyDict.o          MyDict_rdict.pcm

Now we write a program to store Datum in branches. For example

First you need to add these additional lines in your application

// my header files
#include "Datum.h"

#ifdef __MAKECINT__
#pragma link C++ class Datum+;

Then you add a new branch for your Datum object

 // create the tree
  TTree* tree = new TTree("datatree","tree containg our data");

  // variables to be stored in the tree
  Datum  dato;
  // now set the info for each branch of the tree to correspond to our data
  tree->Branch("datum", &dato);

Generate pseudo-measurements and add data to the tree

  for(int i=0; i< nmeas; ++i) {
    // genarate value
    double x = x1 + gen->Uniform(x2-x1);

    dato = Datum( x, gen->Gaus(x , x*resol) );

    // add leaf to the  tree

Link you application, adding also the dictionary MyDict.cxx in addition to

g++ -o /tmp/03-write MyDict.cxx `$ROOTSYS/bin/root-config --libs --cflags` 

and run

storing output in root file /tmp/dati.root

you should now see there is only one branch in your tree called datum

Reading custom objects from TTree

We now want to write a new application to read back the Datum objects stored in the root file from the previous example.

After opening the file and getting a pointer to the TTree

  TString rootfname("/tmp/dati.root");
  TFile* orootfile = new TFile( rootfname );
  if( !orootfile->IsOpen() ) {
    std::cout << "problems opdening root file. existing... " << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Reading data from root file " << rootfname << std::endl;

You need as usual to set the branch address to read the data

// Pointer to a Datum object to be read from Branch
Datum* d=0;

// now set the info for each branch of the tree to correspond to our data
tree->SetBranchAddress("datum", &d);

Note that you are setting the address of a pointer to a Datum object in the branch!

As usual you can now loop over all the entries in the tree and access your Datum object which is the leaf of the tree

  int nentries = tree->GetEntries();
  for (int i=0; i<nentries; ++i) {
    tree->GetEntry(i); // read data from file to memory
    hx1.Fill( d->value() );
    hdx1.Fill ( d->error() );

Link the new executable read

g++ -o /tmp/04-read MyDict.cxx `$ROOTSYS/bin/root-config --libs --cflags` 

and run it

# bins: 50	 bin width: 0.02
Reading data from root file /tmp/dati.root
Info in <TCanvas::Print>: pdf file /tmp/newplots.pdf has been created

You will notice that this time the plots correctly report also the entries per bin width in the Y axis label. This is done with the TString::Form() function which has a syntax very similar to sprintf in C.

  TH1F hx1("hx1", "distribution of x values",
	     nbins, x1, x2 );

  // use TString::Form() function to add correct y axis label with bin width 
  hx1.GetYaxis()->SetTitle(Form("entries/%.3f cm", binwidth));

Using TTree not created by you

Very often you will have to analyse data stored in a TTree not created by you. This is typical in particle physics experiments.

In principle to write an application to read the TTree, you need the list and types of all branches in order to BranchSetAddress for each of them. This can be both painful and tedious to do. Luckily this part can be generated automatically by ROOT.

Let's assume you have /tmp/dati.root created by

You can inspect and create a skeleton for a class based on the Tree object

root /tmp/dati.root
  | Welcome to ROOT 6.14/00       |
  |                               (c) 1995-2018, The ROOT Team |
  | Built for macosx64                                         |
  | From tag v6-14-00, 13 June 2018                            |
  | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' |

root [0]
Attaching file /tmp/dati.root as _file0...
(TFile *) 0x7fe4798df040
root [1] .ls
TFile**		/tmp/dati.root
 TFile*		/tmp/dati.root
  KEY: TTree	datatree;1	tree containg our data
root [2] datatree->Print()
*Tree    :datatree  : tree containg our data                                 *
*Entries :      100 : Total =           19709 bytes  File  Size =      15648 *
*        :          : Tree compression factor =   1.19                       *
*Br    0 :nmeas     : nmeas/I                                                *
*Entries :      100 : Total  Size=        961 bytes  File Size  =        278 *
*Baskets :        1 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.71     *
*Br    1 :value     : value[nmeas]/D                                         *
*Entries :      100 : Total  Size=       9252 bytes  File Size  =       6044 *
*Baskets :        1 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.43     *
*Br    2 :error     : error[nmeas]/D                                         *
*Entries :      100 : Total  Size=       9252 bytes  File Size  =       8668 *
*Baskets :        1 : Basket Size=      32000 bytes  Compression=   1.00     *
root [3] datatree->MakeClass("DataTree");
ignore the errors and warnings about libHbook and libFortran
Info in <TTreePlayer::MakeClass>: Files: DataTree.h and DataTree.C generated from TTree: datatree

this will generate 2 files DataTree.h and DataTree.C

Let's start with taking a look at DataTree.h

// This class has been automatically generated on
// Tue Oct 23 11:32:33 2018 by ROOT version 6.14/00
// from TTree datatree/tree containg our data
// found on file: /tmp/dati.root

#ifndef DataTree_h
#define DataTree_h

#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TChain.h>
#include <TFile.h>

// Header file for the classes stored in the TTree if any.

class DataTree {
public :
   TTree          *fChain;   //!pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
   Int_t           fCurrent; //!current Tree number in a TChain

// Fixed size dimensions of array or collections stored in the TTree if any.

   // Declaration of leaf types
   Int_t           nmeas;
   Double_t        value[17];   //[nmeas]  you need to change by hand  17 -> 200
   Double_t        error[17];   //[nmeas]  you need to change by hand  17 -> 200
    // List of branches
   TBranch        *b_nmeas;   //!
   TBranch        *b_value;   //!
   TBranch        *b_error;   //!

   DataTree(TTree *tree=0);
   virtual ~DataTree();
   virtual Int_t    Cut(Long64_t entry);
   virtual Int_t    GetEntry(Long64_t entry);
   virtual Long64_t LoadTree(Long64_t entry);
   virtual void     Init(TTree *tree);
   virtual void     Loop();
   virtual Bool_t   Notify();
   virtual void     Show(Long64_t entry = -1);


you notice that 17 is a non-typical value! It is that maximum length of the array in the tree. You need to modify this by hand and set it to a large value based on infortmation provided to you by whoever created the root file. This is yet another unfortunate example of static C arrays. We will change this to be 200.

You wil also notice that DataTree.h implements also most of the class member functions

#ifdef DataTree_cxx
DataTree::DataTree(TTree *tree) : fChain(0) 
// if parameter tree is not specified (or zero), connect the file
// used to generate this class and read the Tree.
   if (tree == 0) {
      TFile *f = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("/tmp/dati.root");
      if (!f || !f->IsOpen()) {
         f = new TFile("/tmp/dati.root");


The constor needs a pointer to a TTree in order to build a new DataTree object. It is better to change the the defult behaviour to avoid problems in the future

#ifdef DataTree_cxx
DataTree::DataTree(TTree *tree) : fChain(0) 
// if parameter tree is not specified (or zero) exit
   if (tree == 0) {
        std::cout << "No tree has been provided. exiting!" << std::endl;


The rest of the code in DataTree.h can be left unchanged:

   if (!fChain) return;
   delete fChain->GetCurrentFile();

Int_t DataTree::GetEntry(Long64_t entry)
// Read contents of entry.
   if (!fChain) return 0;
   return fChain->GetEntry(entry);
Long64_t DataTree::LoadTree(Long64_t entry)
// Set the environment to read one entry
   if (!fChain) return -5;
   Long64_t centry = fChain->LoadTree(entry);
   if (centry < 0) return centry;
   if (fChain->GetTreeNumber() != fCurrent) {
      fCurrent = fChain->GetTreeNumber();
   return centry;

In particular the Init() function does set the Branch Adderess correctly for all branches in the tree.

void DataTree::Init(TTree *tree)
   // The Init() function is called when the selector needs to initialize
   // a new tree or chain. Typically here the branch addresses and branch
   // pointers of the tree will be set.
   // It is normally not necessary to make changes to the generated
   // code, but the routine can be extended by the user if needed.
   // Init() will be called many times when running on PROOF
   // (once per file to be processed).

   // Set branch addresses and branch pointers
   if (!tree) return;
   fChain = tree;
   fCurrent = -1;

   fChain->SetBranchAddress("nmeas", &nmeas, &b_nmeas);
   fChain->SetBranchAddress("value", value, &b_value);
   fChain->SetBranchAddress("error", error, &b_error);

Bool_t DataTree::Notify()
   // The Notify() function is called when a new file is opened. This
   // can be either for a new TTree in a TChain or when when a new TTree
   // is started when using PROOF. It is normally not necessary to make changes
   // to the generated code, but the routine can be extended by the
   // user if needed. The return value is currently not used.

   return kTRUE;

void DataTree::Show(Long64_t entry)
// Print contents of entry.
// If entry is not specified, print current entry
   if (!fChain) return;
Int_t DataTree::Cut(Long64_t entry)
// This function may be called from Loop.
// returns  1 if entry is accepted.
// returns -1 otherwise.
   return 1;
#endif // #ifdef DataTree_cxx

Looking at DataTree.C it implements the most important function DataTree::Loop() which will be used to analyse the data in the TTree.

#define DataTree_cxx
#include "DataTree.h"
#include <TH2.h>
#include <TStyle.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>

void DataTree::Loop()
   if (fChain == 0) return;

   Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast();

   Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;
   for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) {
      Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry);
      if (ientry < 0) break;
      nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry);   nbytes += nb;
      // if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue;

This is the file to be modified by you to add your custom analysis code