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Connecting the Android Debug Bridge to the Mobile VM

Seán Duggan edited this page May 4, 2015 · 3 revisions

# Installing an APK

Ensure the VM is running in bridged mode.

Start the Virtual Machine and press ALT + F1


This will show a list of adapters.

Find the IP Address of eth0 and take note of it.

Press ALT + F7 to return to the GUI

On your host machine, locate adb.exe within the Android SDK folder and type the following command:

adb connect :5555

To Confirm this device is detected by adb: adb devices

Finally to install an APK: adb install /path/to/app.apk

Pushing a file

adb push /path/to/local/file /mnt/sdcard/path/to/file

Connecting to the shell

adb shell