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233 lines (136 loc) · 6.45 KB

File metadata and controls

233 lines (136 loc) · 6.45 KB

This document contains Shapefile fields, values, and how to interpret them



All values are 0.0000000000, if they had contained useful information this would have been addr:postcode - ignore


Names of the roads, NULL is to be substituted with noname=yes. Caminho, R. Projetada and R. Projetada # is treated as NULL, other values are processed to unabreviate the name. R.=Rua, Av.=Avenida, Ac.=Acesso, Rod.=Rodovia, Al.=Alameda, Cam.=Caminho, Esc=Escadaria, Est=Estrada, Pç.=Praça, Rmp.=Rampa, Tr.=Travessa, Srv.=Servidão, Vdo.=Viaduto, Bc.=Beco, Ld.=Ladeira, Lad.=Ladeira, Largo.=Largo, Pte.=Ponte, Rot=Rotatória


This is the surface tag, and it have two values, Não Pavimentada=unpaved and Pavimentada=paved


The following values: Acesso, Alameda, Avenida, Beco, Caminho, Ciclovia, Contorno, Escadaria, Estrada, Ladeira, Largo, Passagem, Ponte, Praça, Rampa, Retorno, Rodovia, Rotatória, Rua, Servidão, Travessa, Trevo, Trilha, Via, Viaduto

Escadaria should be tagged highway=steps

Ponte should have aditional tag bridge=yes + layer=1

Servidão should be tagged highway=service

Rotatória should be tagged junction=roundabout and form a closed circle

Caminho and Trilha should be tagged highway=track + tracktype=grade1

Ciclovia should be tagged highway=cycleway

Rodovia should be tagged as highway=tertiary, highway=secondary, highway=primary, highway=trunk or highway=motorway

Acesso and Rampa should be tagged as _link of the category of the way with highest class connected to it

Viaduto should be tagged bridge=viaduct + layer=1

If Praça forms a closed area, the tag area=yes should be added. These objects should be listed in a separate log file so they can be controlled to see if a multipoligon should be created (i.e. a garden in the middle of the square or similar).

Beco should in most cases be highway=pedestrian, but might also be highway=service + service=alley

Via, Estrada and Rua outside populated areas, not previously mapped should be highway=unclassified

All other roads not previously mapped should be highway=residential


This is the length of the line in meters with 11 decimal precission. - ignore


Physical situation, NULL or Projetada. If value is Projetada, than tag as highway=proposed


Integer value between 1 and 6 for number of lanes, be aware that it seems like it counts lanes in both directions on duplicated roads, even when being marked with separate tracks.


Unknown, all have value NULL - ignore


This is a numeric municipal geocode. - ignore


Name of municipality where the road are located - kept during import in order to sort and split data logically according to municipality borders


Microregion of the municipality - ignore


Macroregion of the municipality - ignore


Month and Year of data - ignore


Year of data - ignore


Two values, NULL and Restituição - ignore


CGEO/IJSN, all ways created by this import should have source=IJSN, for ways edited I suggest we dont change the source tag. All changesets should have the tag source=IJSN. All ways with altered name should have tag source:name=IJSN.



NULL should be tagged with noname=yes

BR-nnn where nnn is a 3 digit number, or ES-nnn, or several of these values separated by /, these values should be added to ref tag, separated by ;

Estrada Municipal shold be treated as NULL

Names starting with Rod. should be changed to Rodovia followed by the name: Rodovia Audifax Barcelos Neves


This name can be added to alt_name, but only if it is not equal to ref or name. Need special attention to names such as BR-101 (Norte)


With values BR for Federal roads, ES for state roads, and MUN for municipal roads, there are also a value ES/BR for coincided fedral/state roads


This is the key for financial/legal jurisdiction of the highway, with values Federal, Estadual, Estadual/Federal and Municipal, mostly same as sigla, but a few deviations


Caminhos do Campo, Rodoviario, the first to be tagged highway=track + tracktype=grade1, the other should be either highway=tertiary, highway=secundary, highway=primary, highway=trunk or highway=motorway


This is the surface tag, and it have two values, Não Pavimentada=unpaved and Pavimentada=paved


NULL - ignore

Ampliação do Projeto a Contratar - ?

Construída - Constructed?

Em Construção - Under construction highway=contruction

Em Obras - Work going on (renovation?)

Obra Paralizada - Work stoped (but not completed?)

Planejada - Planned highway=proposed

Projeto Elaboração - Ampliação - Now, what is this?


Unknown, all have value NULL - ignore


Unknown, all have value NULL - ignore


Unknown, all have value NULL - ignore


Integer value between 2 and 6 for number of lanes, be ware that it seems like it counts lanes in both directions on duplicated roads, even when being marked with separate tracks.


Unknown, all have value NULL - ignore


This is a numeric municipal geocode. - ignore


Name of municipality where the road are located - kept during import in order to sort and split data logically according to municipality borders


Macroregion of the municipality - ignore


Microregion of the municipality - ignore


This is the length of the line in kilometers with 8 decimal precission. - ignore


Unknown, all have value NULL - ignore


Source date, all is 03/08/2012, already traced data from DER-ES is of newer date.


IJSN/DER-ES, all ways created by this import should have source=IJSN, for ways edited I suggest we dont change the source tag. All changesets should have the tag source=IJSN. All ways with altered name should have tag source:name=IJSN.