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Get Started with XGBoost4J-Spark on AWS EMR

This is a getting started guide for XGBoost4J-Spark on AWS EMR. At the end of this guide, the user will be able to run a sample Apache Spark application that runs on NVIDIA GPUs on AWS EMR.

For more information on AWS EMR, please see the AWS documentation.

Configure and Launch AWS EMR with GPU Nodes

Go to the AWS Management Console and select the EMR service from the "Analytics" section. Choose the region you want to launch your cluster in, e.g. US West Oregon, using the dropdown menu in the top right corner. Click Create cluster and select Go to advanced options, which will bring up a detailed cluster configuration page.

Step 1: Software and Steps

Select emr-5.27.0 for the release, uncheck all the software options, and then check Hadoop 2.8.5 and Spark 2.4.4. (Any EMR version that supports Spark 2.3 or above will work).

In the "Edit software settings" field, add the following snippet to disable Spark Dynamic Allocation by default: [{"classification":"spark-defaults","properties":{"spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled":"false"}}]

Step 1: Software and Steps

Step 2: Hardware

Select the desired VPC and availability zone in the "Network" and "EC2 Subnet" fields respectively. (Default network and subnet are ok)

In the "Core" node row, change the "Instance type" to p3.2xlarge and ensure "Instance count" is set to 2. Keep the default "Master" node instance type of m3.xlarge and ignore the unnecessary "Task" node configuration.

Step 2: Hardware

Step 3: General Cluster Settings

Enter a custom "Cluster name" and make a note of the s3 folder that cluster logs will be written to.

Optionally add key-value "Tags", configure a "Custom AMI", or add custom "Bootstrap Actions" for the EMR cluster on this page.

Step 3: General Cluster Settings

Step 4: Security

Select an existing "EC2 key pair" that will be used to authenticate SSH access to the cluster's nodes. If you do not have access to an EC2 key pair, follow these instructions to create an EC2 key pair.

Optionally set custom security groups in the "EC2 security groups" tab.

In the "EC2 security groups" tab, confirm that the security group chosen for the "Master" node allows for SSH access. Follow these instructions to allow inbound SSH traffic if the security group does not allow it yet.

Step 4: Security

Finish Cluster Configuration

The EMR cluster management page displays the status of multiple clusters or detailed information about a chosen cluster. In the detailed cluster view, the "Summary" and "Hardware" tabs can be used to monitor the status of master and core nodes as they provision and initialize.

Cluster Details

When the cluster is ready, a green-dot will appear next to the cluster name and the "Status" column will display Waiting, cluster ready.

Cluster Waiting

In the cluster's "Summary" tab, find the "Master public DNS" field and click the SSH button. Follow the instructions to SSH to the new cluster's master node.

Cluster DNS

Cluster SSH

Above Cluster can also be built using AWS CLI
aws emr create-cluster --termination-protected --applications Name=Hadoop Name=Spark Name=Zeppelin Name=Livy --tags 'Name=nvidia-gpu-spark' --ec2-attributes '{"KeyName":"your-key-name","InstanceProfile":"EMR_EC2_DefaultRole","SubnetId":"your-subnet-ID","EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup":"your-EMR-slave-security-group-ID","EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup":"your-EMR-master-security-group-ID"}' --release-label emr-5.27.0 --log-uri 's3n://aws-logs-354625738399-us-west-2/elasticmapreduce/' --instance-groups '[{"InstanceCount":1,"EbsConfiguration":{"EbsBlockDeviceConfigs":[{"VolumeSpecification":{"SizeInGB":32,"VolumeType":"gp2"},"VolumesPerInstance":2}]},"InstanceGroupType":"MASTER","InstanceType":"m5.xlarge","Name":"Master - 1"},{"InstanceCount":2,"EbsConfiguration":{"EbsBlockDeviceConfigs":[{"VolumeSpecification":{"SizeInGB":32,"VolumeType":"gp2"},"VolumesPerInstance":4}]},"InstanceGroupType":"CORE","InstanceType":"p3.2xlarge","Name":"Core - 2"}]' --configurations '[{"Classification":"spark-defaults","Properties":{"spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled":"false"}}]' --auto-scaling-role EMR_AutoScaling_DefaultRole --ebs-root-volume-size 10 --service-role EMR_DefaultRole --enable-debugging --name 'nvidia-gpu-spark' --scale-down-behavior TERMINATE_AT_TASK_COMPLETION --region us-west-2

Fill with actual value for KeyName, SubnetId, EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup, EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup, name and region.

Build and Execute XGBoost-Spark examples on EMR

SSH to the EMR cluster's master node and run the following steps to setup, build, and run the XGBoost-Spark examples.

Install git and maven

sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install git -y
export PATH=/home/hadoop/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin:$PATH
mvn --version

Build Example Jars

git clone
pushd spark-examples/examples/apps/scala
mvn package #CUDA 9.2 build command

The mvn package command may require additional configuration depending on the CUDA version of the chosen EMR instance images. For detailed build instructions including different CUDA versions, see Build XGBoost Scala Examples.

Fetch the Mortgage Dataset

mkdir data
pushd data

Upload Data and Jar files to HDFS

hadoop fs -mkdir -p /tmp/xgboost4j_spark/data
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal ~/spark-examples/examples/apps/scala/target/*.jar /tmp/xgboost4j_spark
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal ~/data/* /tmp/xgboost4j_spark/data

Launch the GPU Mortgage Example

# location where data was downloaded
export DATA_PATH=hdfs:/tmp/xgboost4j_spark/data
# location for the required jar
export JARS_PATH=hdfs:/tmp/xgboost4j_spark
# spark deploy mode (see Apache Spark documentation for more information)
export SPARK_DEPLOY_MODE=cluster
# run a single executor for this example to limit the number of spark tasks and
# partitions to 1 as currently this number must match the number of input files
# spark driver memory
# spark executor memory
# example class to use
# XGBoost4J example jar
export JAR_EXAMPLE=${JARS_PATH}/sample_xgboost_apps-0.1.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar
# tree construction algorithm
export TREE_METHOD=gpu_hist

spark-submit                                                                    \
 --master yarn                                                                  \
 --deploy-mode ${SPARK_DEPLOY_MODE}                                             \
 --num-executors ${SPARK_NUM_EXECUTORS}                                         \
 --driver-memory ${SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY}                                         \
 --executor-memory ${SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY}                                     \
 --class ${EXAMPLE_CLASS}                                                       \
 ${JAR_EXAMPLE}                                                                 \
 -trainDataPath=${DATA_PATH}/mortgage/csv/train/mortgage_train_merged.csv       \
 -evalDataPath=${DATA_PATH}/mortgage/csv/test/mortgage_eval_merged.csv          \
 -format=csv                                                                    \
 -numWorkers=${SPARK_NUM_EXECUTORS}                                             \
 -treeMethod=${TREE_METHOD}                                                     \
 -numRound=100                                                                  \

Retrieve the Spark driver's logs from the EMR cluster's "Application history" tab. Select the completed mortgage example's ID from the "Application ID" column and then select the "Executors" tab. In the driver row, click on View logs then stdout. The stdout log file contains time metrics and RMSE accuracy metrics.

View Logs
