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How FTPSync's syncing works

NoxArt edited this page Jan 4, 2013 · 1 revision

When FTPSync is tasked to up/download a certain file, it looks whether the file should not be ignored. Then it will try to look in current and all parent folders in a path whether they contain ftpsync.settings file until the nearest is found (or ends up with none).

Uploading /foo/bar/test.json
...exists? /foo/bar/ftpsync.settings
...exists? /foo/ftpsync.settings
...exists? /ftpsync.settings

If none is found, then the task ends with no upload performed.

Otherwise it takes the contents of the nearest one and merges each connection entry with project_defaults part in for default values.

Unless the file should be ignored by connection's settings, FTPSync then performs upload using ftplib.storbinary (for FTP(S) uploads) and prints a message.

Pairs filename => config_file_path are cached, contents of the config file are currently not to not force you to restart Sublime on each config change.

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