diff --git a/.Rbuildignore b/.Rbuildignore
index 20ebdd9..8bbfc42 100644
--- a/.Rbuildignore
+++ b/.Rbuildignore
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
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index b7f403a..6d6372a 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96ba540
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+# Contribute to OKplan
+Thank you for considering contributing to `OKplan`.
+`OKplan` is one of several packages assembled under the name `NVIverse`,
+a collection of R-packages with tools to facilitate data management and
+data reporting at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI).
+### NVIverse packages
+NVIconfig |
+Private |
+Configuration information necessary for some NVIverse functions |
+NVIdb |
+Public |
+Tools to facilitate the use of NVI’s databases |
+NVIpretty |
+Public |
+Tools to make R-output pretty in accord with NVI’s graphical profile |
+NVIbatch |
+Public |
+Tools to facilitate the running of R-scripts in batch mode at NVI |
+OKplan |
+Public |
+Tools to facilitate the planning of surveillance programmes for the NFSA |
+OKcheck |
+Public |
+Tools to facilitate checking of data from national surveillance programmes |
+NVIcheckmate |
+Public |
+Extension of checkmate with argument checking adapted for NVIverse |
+NVIpackager |
+Public |
+Tools to facilitate the development of NVIverse packages |
+How you can contribute
+There are several ways you can contribute to this project: ask a
+question, propose an idea, report a bug, improve the documentation, or
+contribute code.
+### Ask a question
+Using `OKplan` and need help? Browse the package help to see if you can
+find a solution. Still problems? Post your question in R-forum at
+workplace or contact the package maintainer by
+### Propose an idea
+Have an idea for a new `OKplan` feature? Take a look at the `OKplan`
+help and [issue
+list](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/OKplan/issues) to
+see if it isn’t included or suggested yet. If not, suggest your idea as
+an [issue on
+While we can’t promise to implement your idea, it helps to:
+- Explain in detail how it would work.
+- Keep the scope as narrow as possible.
+See below if you want to contribute code for your idea as well.
+### Report a bug
+Using `OKplan` and discovered a bug? Don’t let others have the same
+experience and report it as an [issue on
+so we can fix it. A good bug report makes it easier for us to do so, so
+please include:
+- Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in
+ troubleshooting.
+- Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.
+### Improve the documentation
+Noticed a typo on the function help? Think a function could use a better
+example? Good documentation makes all the difference, so your help to
+improve it is very welcome!
+Functions are described as comments near their code and translated to
+documentation using [`roxygen2`](https://klutometis.github.io/roxygen/).
+If you want to improve a function description:
+1. Go to `R/` directory in the [code
+ repository](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/OKplan/tree/main/R).
+2. Look for the file with the name of the function.
+3. [Propose a file
+ change](https://help.github.com/articles/editing-files-in-another-user-s-repository/)
+ to update the function documentation in the roxygen comments
+ (starting with `#'`).
+### Contribute code
+Care to fix bugs or implement new functionality for our\_package? Great!
+Have a look at the [issue
+list](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/OKplan/issues) and
+leave a comment on the things you want to work on. See also the
+development guidelines below.
+Development guidelines
+If you want to contribute code, you are welcome to do so. Please try to
+adhere to some principles and style convention used for
+- Please limit the number of package dependencies for `OKplan`. The
+ use of base functions is much appreciated.
+- New code should generally follow the tidyverse [style
+ guide](http://style.tidyverse.org). I recommend to use the
+ [`styler`](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=styler) package to
+ apply spaces: `styler::style_file(filename, scope = "spaces")`.
+ Please don’t restyle code that has nothing to do with your pull
+ request.
+- You should add a bullet point to `NEWS.md` motivating the change.
+- You should add yourself as a contributor to the `DESCRIPTION`.
+- If you’re adding a new function or new arguments to an existing
+ function, you’ll also need to document them. `NVIverse`-packages use
+ [`roxygen2`](https://cran.r-project.org/package=roxygen2), with
+ [Markdown
+ syntax](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/roxygen2/vignettes/markdown.html),
+ for documentation. Make sure to re-run `devtools::document()` on the
+ code before submitting.
+- `NVIverse`-packages use the assert-functions from
+ [`checkmate`](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=checkmate) package
+ for argument checking as well as some additional assert\_functions
+ in
+ [`NVIcheckmate`](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/NVIcheckmate).
+ Adding argument checking for new functions and/or arguments will be
+ highly appreciated.
+- If you can, also write a test. `NVIverse`-packages use
+ [`testthat`](https://cran.r-project.org/package=testthat) for tests.
+- Also run `devtools::check()` to make sure your function doesn’t
+ imply downstream errors or warnings.
+### Git commit standards
+We follow the commit message style guide maintained within the
+angular.js project.
+The start of commit messages should be one of the following:
+- feat: A new feature
+- fix: A bug fix
+- doc: Documentation only changes
+- style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code
+ (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
+- refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug or adds a feature
+- perf: A code change that improves performance
+- test: Adding missing tests
+- chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries
+ such as documentation generation
+Do not capitalize the first letter.
+Code of conduct
+Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of
+By participating to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
+This document is adapted from a
+by @peterdesmet .
index 19f9482..c3e210d 100644
@@ -1,35 +1,42 @@
Package: OKplan
-Title: Tools facilitating the planning of surveillance programmes for the NFSA
-Version: 0.2.0
-Date: 2021-01-29
-Author: Petter Hopp
-Maintainer: Petter Hopp
-Description: The R-package include tools facilitating the planning of surveillance programmes
- for the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. The package is under development. Included will
- be tools for:
- 1) Making the target population,
- 2) Random selection,
- 3) generate lists for the NFSA.
+Title: Tools to facilitate the Planning of the annual Surveillance Programmes
+Version: 0.3.0
+Date: 2021-11-29
+ c(person(given = "Petter",
+ family = "Hopp",
+ role = c("aut", "cre"),
+ email = "Petter.Hopp@vetinst.no"),
+ person(given = "Norwegian Veterinary Institute",
+ role = "cph"))
+Description: Provide tools to facilitate the planning of the annual surveillance
+ programmes. The main focus is tools for generating standardized lists for
URL: https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/OKplan
BugReports: https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/OKplan/issues
-Depends: R (>= 3.4.1)
-License: Proprietary. Do not distribute outside the Norwegian Veterinary Institute
+Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
+License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
+ checkmate,
- NVIdb,
- checkmate
-RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
+ stats,
+ NVIdb (>= 0.3.0)
- usethis,
+ covr,
+ devtools,
+ knitr,
- testthat,
+ rmarkdown,
- withr,
- devtools,
- knitr,
- rmarkdown
+ testthat,
+ usethis,
+ NVIpackager
+ NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/NVIdb,
+ NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/NVIpackager
+RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Language: en-GB
index f39f8dd..5082727 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 08deedf..b8b250f 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,5 +1,32 @@
+OKplan 0.3.0 - (2021-11-29)
+New features:
+- adjust_sample_number adjusts the sample numbers per unit up or down to reach the total sample size in accord with the budget.
+- append_sum_line appends a line with the sum of samples to the table in Excel.
+Bug fixes:
+- Included reference to NVIdb at GitHub to correct potential problems when installing the package.
+Other changes:
+ - Updated licence to BSD_3_clause and the copyright holder to Norwegian Veterinary Institute.
+ - Updated documentation and help.
+ - Renamed to append_date_generated_line from include_generated_date.
OKplan 0.2.0 - (2021-01-29)
New features:
@@ -7,7 +34,7 @@ New features:
OKplan 0.1.1 - (2021-01-01)
Other changes:
@@ -15,7 +42,7 @@ Other changes:
OKplan 0.1.0 - (2020-12-30)
First release:
diff --git a/R/adjust_samples_to_budget.R b/R/adjust_samples_to_budget.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a937bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/adjust_samples_to_budget.R
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#' @title Adjust the sample size per selected unit
+#' @description Adds new column with an adjusted the sample size per selected
+#' unit. The total sample size is adjusted to be in accord with the total
+#' budgeted sample size.
+#' @details The sample size should first be estimated by percentage or similar.
+#' @param data Data frame
+#' @param budget The total budgeted sample number.
+#' @param sample_to_adjust The name of the column with the sample number per unit that should be adjusted.
+#' @param adjusted_sample The name of the column with the adjusted sample number per unit.
+#' @param adjust_by The maximum number of samples that one should adjust by.
+#' @return A data frame with a new column with an adjusted sample number.
+#' @author Petter Hopp Petter.Hopp@@vetinst.no
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' # Add data frame with sample number to adjust
+#' x <- as.data.frame(cbind(c(1:10),
+#' c(24, 30, 36, 12, 6, 18, 6, 0, 0, 0)))
+#' colnames(x) <- c("id", "sample")
+#' # Adjust total sample number to budget
+#' x <- adjust_samples_to_budget(data = x,
+#' budget = 150,
+#' sample_to_adjust = "sample",
+#' adjusted_sample = "new_sample",
+#' adjust_by = 4)
+adjust_samples_to_budget <- function(data, budget, sample_to_adjust, adjusted_sample = "justert_ant_prover", adjust_by) {
+ # Object to store check-results
+ checks <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
+ # Perform assertions
+ checkmate::assert_data_frame(x = data, all.missing = FALSE, add = checks)
+ checkmate::assert_integerish(budget, lower = 1, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, add = checks)
+ checkmate::assert_choice(sample_to_adjust, choices = colnames(data), add = checks)
+ checkmate::assert_character(adjusted_sample, len = 1, min.chars = 1, any.missing = FALSE, add = checks)
+ checkmate::assert_integerish(adjust_by, lower = 1, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, add = checks)
+ # Report errors
+ checkmate::reportAssertions(checks)
+ total_estimated <- sum(data[, sample_to_adjust], na.rm = TRUE)
+ n_units <- length(which(data[, sample_to_adjust] > 0))
+ difference <- c(as.numeric(total_estimated - budget) ,rep(NA, dim(data)[1] - 1))
+ # Order data with largest sample size first
+ data <- data[order(data[, sample_to_adjust], decreasing = TRUE), ]
+ # Only justify sample number when there is disagreement between budget and calculated number of samples
+ if (total_estimated != budget) {
+ # Adjust for each sampled unit with the unit having the largest sample size first
+ for (i in c(1:dim(data)[1])) {
+ # Justify by positive or negative number depending on whether sample size is too small or too large.
+ # If the difference is larger than adjust_by, then adjust by adjust_by
+ # Else adjust by 1 | -1
+ # If no difference "adjust by" 0
+ if (abs(difference[i]) >= adjust_by) {
+ justify <- ifelse(difference[i] > 0, -adjust_by, adjust_by)
+ } else {
+ justify <- ifelse(difference[i] > 0,
+ floor(- difference[i] / (n_units - i)),
+ ceiling(- difference[i] / (n_units - i)))
+ }
+ if (difference[i] == 0) {justify <- 0}
+ # Make new column with adjusted number
+ data[i, adjusted_sample] <- data[i, sample_to_adjust] + justify
+ if (i < dim(data)[1]) {
+ difference[i+1] <- difference[i] + justify
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return(data)
diff --git a/R/include_generated_date.R b/R/append_date_generated_line.R
similarity index 86%
rename from R/include_generated_date.R
rename to R/append_date_generated_line.R
index df96b5f..6937cd1 100644
--- a/R/include_generated_date.R
+++ b/R/append_date_generated_line.R
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Add row with generated date using standard values
-#' gris_virus_slaktegris_utvalg <- include_generated_date(gris_virus_slaktegris_utvalg)
+#' gris_virus_slaktegris_utvalg <- append_date_generated_line(gris_virus_slaktegris_utvalg)
#' }
-include_generated_date <- function(data, pretext = "Datauttrekket er gjort", date = format(Sys.Date(),"%d/%m/%Y")) {
+append_date_generated_line <- function(data, pretext = "Datauttrekket er gjort", date = format(Sys.Date(),"%d/%m/%Y")) {
# Argument checking
checks <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
diff --git a/R/append_sum_line.R b/R/append_sum_line.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd165a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/append_sum_line.R
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#' @title Append row with column sums
+#' @description Appends a new row with column sums for selected columns. A pretext can be placed on the row.
+#' @details One row is appended to the data frame. The sum is calculated with na.rm = TRUE.
+#' If a tibble, it is transformed to a data frame to avoid errors if the pretext is to be placed in a numeric variable.
+#' @param data Data frame to which a row should be appended.
+#' @param column Character vector. The column names of columns to sum.
+#' @param pretext The explaining text before the sum, defaults to "Sum".
+#' @param position The position for the pretext, on of c("first", left", "none"). defaults to left.
+#' @return A data frame with an appended row with sums.
+#' @author Petter Hopp Petter.Hopp@@vetinst.no
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' # Append row with sum
+#' gris_blodprover_slakteri <- append_sum_line(data = gris_blodprover_slakteri,
+#' col_name = c("ant_prover"),
+#' pretext = "Sum",
+#' position = "first")
+#' }
+append_sum_line <- function(data, column, pretext = "Sum", position = "left") {
+ # Removes tibble as tibble will not accept the the pretext (character variable) in a numeric variable
+ data <- as.data.frame(data)
+ # Sum for one or more columns
+ if (length(column) == 1) {
+ sum_column <- unname(sum(data[, column], na.rm = TRUE))
+ } else {
+ sum_column <- unname(colSums(data[, column], na.rm = TRUE))
+ }
+ # Append a line with the sum. The pretext is placed in accord with position
+ if (position == "none") {
+ data[dim(data)[1] + 1, c(column)] <- c(sum_column)
+ }
+ if (position == "first") {
+ data[dim(data)[1] + 1, c(colnames(data)[1], column)] <- c(pretext, sum_column)
+ }
+ if (position == "left") {
+ data[dim(data)[1] + 1, c((colnames(data)[which(colnames(data) == column[1]) - 1]), column)] <- c(pretext, sum_column)
+ }
+ return(data)
diff --git a/R/check_OK_selection.R b/R/check_OK_selection.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7e3dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/check_OK_selection.R
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#' @title Control of standard output file with OK selection
+#' @description Standard control by performing descriptive statistics of variables in the output file with OK selection.
+#' @details Under development. This should be rewritten to produce nicer output.
+#' Gives descriptive statistics of the selection. This is used to see if the number of selected units per category are correct.
+#' If any mistakes are found, one must go back and correct in the script that produces the selection.
+#' Before the control is run, the column names must have been standardized using \code{NVIdb::standardize_columns}.
+#' @param data Data frame with selection for a OK programme.
+#' @return Prints results of the control to the output window.
+#' @author Petter Hopp Petter.Hopp@@vetinst.no
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' # Checking OK selection data
+#' # Read example data
+#' okplan_MRSA <- read.csv2(file = paste0(
+#' set_dir_NVI("OKprogrammer"),
+#' "Rutine",
+#' plan_aar,
+#' "/planlegging/resultater/utvalgslister/data_MRSA_alle_gris.csv"),
+#' colClasses = colclasses,
+#' fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
+#' # Control
+#' check_OK_selection(okplan_MRSA)
+#' }
+check_OK_selection <- function(data) {
+ # Number of herds and samples that should be tested distributed on groups
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("ok_hensiktkode", "kategori", "statuskode")], exclude = NULL))
+ print("Totalt antall besetninger og prover som skal testes")
+ ktr <- data %>%
+ poorman::group_by(ok_artkode, statuskode) %>%
+ poorman::summarise(antall = poorman::n(), ant_prover = sum(ant_prover, na.rm = TRUE), .groups = "keep") %>%
+ poorman::ungroup()
+ print(ktr)
+ print("Antall utvalgte besetninger med mer enn en registrering per prodnr8")
+ ktr <- data %>%
+ poorman::add_count(ok_hensiktkode, eier_lokalitetnr) %>%
+ poorman::ungroup() %>%
+ poorman::filter(n > 1) %>%
+ poorman::select(eier_lokalitetnr, eier_lokalitet, postnr, poststed)
+ print(ktr)
+ print("Utvalgte besetninger med missing prodnr8 eller missing navn")
+ print(subset(data[, c("eier_lokalitetnr", "eier_lokalitet", "postnr", "poststed")],
+ is.na(data$eier_lokalitetnr) | trimws(data$eier_lokalitetnr) == "" |
+ is.na(data$eier_lokalitet) | trimws(data$eier_lokalitet) == ""))
+ # variabelfrekvenser
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("ok_hensiktkode", "statuskode", "kategori")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("ok_programkode", "analyttkode")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("mt_region")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("mt_avdeling")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("ok_aar")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("ok_programkode")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("ok_hensiktkode")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("eier_lokalitettype")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("analyttkode")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("annen_aktortype")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("annen_aktornr")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("annen_aktor")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("ant_prover", "statuskode")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("ok_artkode")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("ok_driftsformkode")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("storrelseskategori", "statuskode")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("kategori", "statuskode")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("materialekode", "statuskode")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("statuskode")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("status_dato")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("prioritet_av_reserve")], exclude = NULL))
+ print(stats::ftable(data[, c("utvalg_laget_dato")], exclude = NULL))
+ # &oMTreg*&ostatus &oMTavd*&ostatus
+ # &otidspunkt &otidsenhet &olab &oRefNr
+ # &omottatt
+ #
diff --git a/R/control_OK_selection.R b/R/control_OK_selection.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 004da51..0000000
--- a/R/control_OK_selection.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#' @title Control of standard output file with OK selection
-#' @description Standard control by performing descriptive statistics of variables in the output file with OK selection.
-#' @details Under development. This should be rewritten to produce nicer output.
-#' Gives descriptive statistics of the selection. This is used to see if the number of selected units per category are correct.
-#' If any mistakes are found, one must go back and correct in the script that produces the selection.
-#' Before the control is run, the column names must have been standardized using \code{NVIdb::standardize_columns}.
-#' @param data Data frame with selection for a OK programme.
-#' @return Prints results of the control to the output window.
-#' @author Petter Hopp Petter.Hopp@@vetinst.no
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' # Control OK selection data
-#' # Read example data
-#' okplan_MRSA <- read.csv2(file = paste0(set_dir_NVI("OKprogrammer"), "Rutine", plan_aar, "/planlegging/resultater/utvalgslister/data_MRSA_alle_gris.csv"),
-#' colClasses = colclasses,
-#' fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
-#' # Control
-#' control_OK_selection(okplan_MRSA)
-#' }
-control_OK_selection <- function(data) {
- # Antall besetninger og prøver som skal testes fordelt på grupper
- print(ftable(data[, c("ok_hensiktkode", "kategori", "statuskode")], exclude = NULL))
- print("Totalt antall besetninger og prøver som skal testes")
- ktr <- data %>%
- poorman::group_by(ok_artkode, statuskode) %>%
- poorman::summarise(antall = n(), ant_prover = sum(ant_prover, na.rm = TRUE), .groups = "keep") %>%
- poorman::ungroup()
- print(ktr)
- print("Antall utvalgte besetninger med mer enn en registrering per prodnr8")
- ktr <- data %>%
- poorman::add_count(ok_hensiktkode, eier_lokalitetnr) %>%
- poorman::ungroup() %>%
- poorman::filter(n > 1) %>%
- poorman::select(eier_lokalitetnr, eier_lokalitet, postnr, poststed)
- print(ktr)
- print("Utvalgte besetninger med missing prodnr8 eller missing navn")
- print(subset(data[, c("eier_lokalitetnr", "eier_lokalitet", "postnr", "poststed")],
- is.na(data$eier_lokalitetnr) | trimws(data$eier_lokalitetnr) == "" |
- is.na(data$eier_lokalitet) | trimws(data$eier_lokalitet) == ""))
- # variabelfrekvenser
- print(ftable(data[, c("ok_hensiktkode", "statuskode", "kategori")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("ok_programkode", "analyttkode")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("mt_region")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("mt_avdeling")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("ok_aar")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("ok_programkode")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("ok_hensiktkode")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("eier_lokalitettype")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("analyttkode")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("annen_aktortype")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("annen_aktornr")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("annen_aktor")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("ant_prover", "statuskode")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("ok_artkode")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("ok_driftsformkode")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("storrelseskategori", "statuskode")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("kategori", "statuskode")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("materialekode", "statuskode")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("statuskode")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("status_dato")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("prioritet_av_reserve")], exclude = NULL))
- print(ftable(data[, c("utvalg_laget_dato")], exclude = NULL))
- # &oMTreg*&ostatus &oMTavd*&ostatus
- # &otidspunkt &otidsenhet &olab &oRefNr
- # &omottatt
- #
diff --git a/R/make_random.R b/R/make_random.R
index 2a9bd52..5865b80 100644
--- a/R/make_random.R
+++ b/R/make_random.R
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
#' @title Add new column with random numbers
#' @description Adds new column with random numbers. The function is built to be able to use it in piping.
-#' @details To make reproducible random numbers the seed can be initialized with a specific value. The first time the seed is used, set \code{init_seed = TRUE}.
-#' Thereafter, use \code{init_seed = FALSE} if more random numbers are generated in the session to avoid overlapping random numbers.
+#' @details To make reproducible random numbers the seed can be initialized with a
+#' specific value. The first time the seed is used, set \code{init_seed = TRUE}.
+#' Thereafter, use \code{init_seed = FALSE} if more random numbers are generated
+#' in the session to avoid overlapping random numbers.
#' @param data Data frame
#' @param colname The name of the new column with the random number.
#' @param seed The initializing seed
+#' @param init_seed Should the seed be initialized, defaults to FALSE.
#' @return A data frame with a new column with a random variable.
@@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ make_random <- function(data, colname = "random", seed = -1, init_seed = FALSE)
# Argument checking
checks <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
checkmate::assert_data_frame(data, add = checks)
- checkmate::assert_character(colname, add = checks)
+ checkmate::assert_character(colname, len = 1, min.chars = 1, any.missing = FALSE, add = checks)
checkmate::assert_number(seed, add = checks)
checkmate::assert_logical(init_seed, add = checks)
@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ make_random <- function(data, colname = "random", seed = -1, init_seed = FALSE)
if (init_seed == TRUE) {set.seed(seed)}
# Generates new column with random numbers
- data[, colname] <- runif(n = dim(data)[1])
+ data[, colname] <- stats::runif(n = dim(data)[1])
diff --git a/README.Rmd b/README.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85be315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+title: "README"
+ md_document:
+ variant: markdown_github
+ NVIpkg: "OKplan"
+```{r, include = FALSE}
+NVIpkg <- params$NVIpkg
+# NVIpkg <- stringi::stri_extract_last_words(usethis::proj_path())
+NVIpkg_inline <- paste0("`", NVIpkg, "`")
+ collapse = TRUE,
+ comment = "#>"
+`r paste0(NVIpkg, ": ", desc::desc_get_field(key = "Title"))`
+ - [Overview](#overview)
+ - [Installation](#installation)
+ - [Usage](#usage)
+ - [Copyright and license](#copyright-and-license)
+ - [Contributing](#contributing)
+## Overview
+```{r, include = FALSE}
+description <- desc::desc_get_field(key = "Description")
+`r paste0(NVIpkg_inline,
+ "",
+ sub(substr(description,1,1), tolower(substr(description,1,1)), description))`
+```{r child=system.file('templates', "README_NVIverse.Rmd", package = "NVIpackager")}
+## Installation
+```{r child=system.file('templates', "README_installation.Rmd", package = "NVIpackager")}
+## Usage
+```{r child=system.file('templates', "README_usage_attach.Rmd", package = "NVIpackager")}
+`r paste0(NVIpkg_inline,
+ "",
+ sub(substr(description,1,1), tolower(substr(description,1,1)), description))`
+```{r child=system.file('templates', "README_usage_help.Rmd", package = "NVIpackager")}
+## Copyright and license
+```{r child=system.file('templates', "README_copyright_and_license.Rmd", package = "NVIpackager")}
+## Contributing
+```{r child=system.file('templates', "README_contributing.Rmd", package = "NVIpackager")}
+```{r child=system.file('templates', "README_code_of_conduct.Rmd", package = "NVIpackager")}
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f1c330d..f1d6ca1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,8 +1,89 @@
-# OKplan
-Tools facilitating the planning of surveillance programmes for the NFSA
-The R-package include tools facilitating the planning of surveillance programmes for the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. Tha package is under development.
-Included will be tools for
-- Making the target population
-- Random selection
-- generate lists for the NFSA
+OKplan: Tools to facilitate the Planning of the annual Surveillance Programmes
+- [Overview](#overview)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Usage](#usage)
+- [Copyright and license](#copyright-and-license)
+- [Contributing](#contributing)
+`OKplan`provide tools to facilitate the planning of the annual
+surveillance programmes. The main focus is tools for generating
+standardized lists for NFSA.
+`OKplan` is part of `NVIverse`, a collection of R-packages with tools to
+facilitate data management and data reporting at the Norwegian
+Veterinary Institute (NVI). The NVIverse consists of the following
+packages: NVIconfig, NVIdb, NVIpretty, NVIbatch, OKplan, OKcheck,
+NVIcheckmate, NVIpackager. See the vignette “Contribute to OKplan” for
+more information.
+`OKplan` is available at
+[GitHub](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute). To install
+`OKplan` you will need:
+- R version > 4.0.0
+- R package `remotes`
+- Rtools 4.0
+First install and attach the `remotes` package.
+ install.packages("remotes")
+ library(remotes)
+To install (or update) the `OKplan` package, run the following code:
+ remotes::install_github("NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/OKplan")
+ upgrade = FALSE,
+ build = TRUE,
+ build_manual = TRUE)
+The `OKplan` package needs to be attached.
+ library(NVIdb)
+`OKplan`provide tools to facilitate the planning of the annual
+surveillance programmes. The main focus is tools for generating
+standardized lists for NFSA.
+The list of available functions and datasets can be accessed by typing
+ help(package="NVIdb")
+Please check the NEWS for information on new features, bug fixes and
+other changes.
+Copyright and license
+Copyright (c) 2021 Norwegian Veterinary Institute.
+Licensed under the BSD\_3\_clause License. See
+for details.
+Contributions to develop `OKplan` is highly appreciated. There are
+several ways you can contribute to this project: ask a question, propose
+an idea, report a bug, improve the documentation, or contribute code.
+The vignette “Contribute to OKplan” gives more information.
+Please note that the OKplan project is released with a [Contributor Code
+By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
diff --git a/data-raw/generate_OK_column_standards.R b/data-raw/generate_OK_column_standards.R
index ea07788..ac862bd 100644
--- a/data-raw/generate_OK_column_standards.R
+++ b/data-raw/generate_OK_column_standards.R
@@ -20,29 +20,29 @@ library(usethis)
OK_column_standards <- read.xlsx(xlsxFile = paste0(set_dir_NVI("ProgrammeringR"), "standardization/colnames/colnames_translation_table.xlsx")) %>%
# Selects only information used in OK-planning
- poorman::filter(db == "OK_planlegging") %>%
+ dplyr::filter(db == "OK_planlegging") %>%
# Generates column labels based on label and spec for no and en
# Use exactly same transformations as for column_standards
- poorman::rename(label_no = collabel_no, label_en = collabel_en) %>%
- poorman::mutate(label_1_no = poorman::case_when(is.na(spec_no) ~ label_no,
+ dplyr::rename(label_no = collabel_no, label_en = collabel_en) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(label_1_no = dplyr::case_when(is.na(spec_no) ~ label_no,
spec_no %in% c("dato", "geometrisk middel 3") ~ paste(label_no, spec_no),
spec_no %in% c("kg", "kjennelse", "tid") ~ label_no,
spec_no %in% c("antall undersøkt") ~ paste(spec_no, label_no),
TRUE ~ spec_no)) %>%
- poorman::mutate(label_1_en = poorman::case_when(is.na(spec_en) ~ label_en,
+ dplyr::mutate(label_1_en = dplyr::case_when(is.na(spec_en) ~ label_en,
spec_en %in% c("date") ~ paste(label_en, spec_en),
spec_en %in% c("kg", "time", "determination") ~ label_en,
spec_en %in% c("No. tested") ~ paste(spec_en, label_en),
TRUE ~ spec_en)) %>%
# selects, renames and orders columns
- poorman::select(db, table_db, colname_db, colname, label_1_no, label_no, spec_no, label_1_en, label_en, spec_en,
+ dplyr::select(db, table_db, colname_db, colname, label_1_no, label_no, spec_no, label_1_en, label_en, spec_en,
colwidth_Excel = colwidth_excel, colwidth_DT = colwidth_dt_tables, colclasses, colorder) %>%
- poorman::distinct()
+ dplyr::distinct()
# Generate data frame with all table names
db_tables <- as.data.frame(unique(OK_column_standards$table_db)) %>%
- poorman::rename(tables = 1) %>%
+ dplyr::rename(tables = 1) %>%
dplyr::mutate(table = strsplit(tables, split = ",")) %>%
dplyr::mutate_if(is.list, purrr::simplify_all) %>% # flatten each list element internally
tidyr::unnest(cols = "table")# expand
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ db_tables <- as.data.frame(unique(OK_column_standards$table_db)) %>%
# Generate table with each table name on one line
OK_column_standards <- OK_column_standards %>%
- poorman::left_join(db_tables, by = c("table_db" = "tables")) %>%
- poorman::mutate(table_db = trimws(table)) %>%
- poorman::select(!table)
+ dplyr::left_join(db_tables, by = c("table_db" = "tables")) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(table_db = trimws(table)) %>%
+ dplyr::select(!table)
# unique_colnames <- unique(column_standards[, c("colname_db", "colname")]) %>%
# poorman::add_count(colname_db, name = "unique_colnames") %>%
diff --git a/data/OK_column_standards.rda b/data/OK_column_standards.rda
index b9dbb3f..88e87bf 100644
Binary files a/data/OK_column_standards.rda and b/data/OK_column_standards.rda differ
diff --git a/man/adjust_samples_to_budget.Rd b/man/adjust_samples_to_budget.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0234a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/adjust_samples_to_budget.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/adjust_samples_to_budget.R
+\title{Adjust the sample size per selected unit}
+ data,
+ budget,
+ sample_to_adjust,
+ adjusted_sample = "justert_ant_prover",
+ adjust_by
+\item{data}{Data frame}
+\item{budget}{The total budgeted sample number.}
+\item{sample_to_adjust}{The name of the column with the sample number per unit that should be adjusted.}
+\item{adjusted_sample}{The name of the column with the adjusted sample number per unit.}
+\item{adjust_by}{The maximum number of samples that one should adjust by.}
+A data frame with a new column with an adjusted sample number.
+Adds new column with an adjusted the sample size per selected
+ unit. The total sample size is adjusted to be in accord with the total
+ budgeted sample size.
+The sample size should first be estimated by percentage or similar.
+# Add data frame with sample number to adjust
+x <- as.data.frame(cbind(c(1:10),
+ c(24, 30, 36, 12, 6, 18, 6, 0, 0, 0)))
+colnames(x) <- c("id", "sample")
+# Adjust total sample number to budget
+x <- adjust_samples_to_budget(data = x,
+ budget = 150,
+ sample_to_adjust = "sample",
+ adjusted_sample = "new_sample",
+ adjust_by = 4)
+Petter Hopp Petter.Hopp@vetinst.no
diff --git a/man/include_generated_date.Rd b/man/append_date_generated_line.Rd
similarity index 77%
rename from man/include_generated_date.Rd
rename to man/append_date_generated_line.Rd
index edffbd0..64bd8e8 100644
--- a/man/include_generated_date.Rd
+++ b/man/append_date_generated_line.Rd
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/include_generated_date.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/append_date_generated_line.R
\title{Add new last row with generated date}
pretext = "Datauttrekket er gjort",
date = format(Sys.Date(), "\%d/\%m/\%Y")
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Two rows are dded to the data frame, the first is empty, the second has the gene
# Add row with generated date using standard values
-gris_virus_slaktegris_utvalg <- include_generated_date(gris_virus_slaktegris_utvalg)
+gris_virus_slaktegris_utvalg <- append_date_generated_line(gris_virus_slaktegris_utvalg)
diff --git a/man/append_sum_line.Rd b/man/append_sum_line.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7af178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/append_sum_line.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/append_sum_line.R
+\title{Append row with column sums}
+append_sum_line(data, column, pretext = "Sum", position = "left")
+\item{data}{Data frame to which a row should be appended.}
+\item{column}{Character vector. The column names of columns to sum.}
+\item{pretext}{The explaining text before the sum, defaults to "Sum".}
+\item{position}{The position for the pretext, on of c("first", left", "none"). defaults to left.}
+A data frame with an appended row with sums.
+Appends a new row with column sums for selected columns. A pretext can be placed on the row.
+One row is appended to the data frame. The sum is calculated with na.rm = TRUE.
+ If a tibble, it is transformed to a data frame to avoid errors if the pretext is to be placed in a numeric variable.
+# Append row with sum
+gris_blodprover_slakteri <- append_sum_line(data = gris_blodprover_slakteri,
+ col_name = c("ant_prover"),
+ pretext = "Sum",
+ position = "first")
+Petter Hopp Petter.Hopp@vetinst.no
diff --git a/man/control_OK_selection.Rd b/man/check_OK_selection.Rd
similarity index 62%
rename from man/control_OK_selection.Rd
rename to man/check_OK_selection.Rd
index bae164b..5afe0a8 100644
--- a/man/control_OK_selection.Rd
+++ b/man/check_OK_selection.Rd
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/control_OK_selection.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/check_OK_selection.R
\title{Control of standard output file with OK selection}
\item{data}{Data frame with selection for a OK programme.}
@@ -25,15 +25,19 @@ Under development. This should be rewritten to produce nicer output.
-# Control OK selection data
+# Checking OK selection data
# Read example data
-okplan_MRSA <- read.csv2(file = paste0(set_dir_NVI("OKprogrammer"), "Rutine", plan_aar, "/planlegging/resultater/utvalgslister/data_MRSA_alle_gris.csv"),
- colClasses = colclasses,
- fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
+okplan_MRSA <- read.csv2(file = paste0(
+ set_dir_NVI("OKprogrammer"),
+ "Rutine",
+ plan_aar,
+ "/planlegging/resultater/utvalgslister/data_MRSA_alle_gris.csv"),
+ colClasses = colclasses,
+ fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
# Control
diff --git a/man/make_random.Rd b/man/make_random.Rd
index c6998cb..997f3bc 100644
--- a/man/make_random.Rd
+++ b/man/make_random.Rd
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ make_random(data, colname = "random", seed = -1, init_seed = FALSE)
\item{colname}{The name of the new column with the random number.}
\item{seed}{The initializing seed}
+\item{init_seed}{Should the seed be initialized, defaults to FALSE.}
A data frame with a new column with a random variable.
@@ -20,8 +22,10 @@ A data frame with a new column with a random variable.
Adds new column with random numbers. The function is built to be able to use it in piping.
-To make reproducible random numbers the seed can be initialized with a specific value. The first time the seed is used, set \code{init_seed = TRUE}.
- Thereafter, use \code{init_seed = FALSE} if more random numbers are generated in the session to avoid overlapping random numbers.
+To make reproducible random numbers the seed can be initialized with a
+ specific value. The first time the seed is used, set \code{init_seed = TRUE}.
+ Thereafter, use \code{init_seed = FALSE} if more random numbers are generated
+ in the session to avoid overlapping random numbers.
diff --git a/notes/build.R b/notes/build.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 45f2de3..0000000
--- a/notes/build.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Set up environment
-Rlibrary <- R.home()
-# Creates new help files
-# Should be run before git push when documentation for functions have been changed
-# Run tests included in ./tests. NVIdb use thestthat
-# Build the vignette
-# devtools::build_vignettes()
-# vignetteRDS <- readRDS("./Meta/vignette.rds")
-# devtools::build_manual()
-# Build the package
-# system("R CMD build ../NVIdb")
-devtools::build(binary = TRUE)
-# devtools::build(binary = TRUE, manual = TRUE, vignettes = TRUE)
-# Extensive checking of package. Is done after build. Creates PDF-manual
-system("R CMD check --ignore-vignettes ../OKplan")
-# Alternative for creating the PDF-manual. The manual is not put in the correct directory
-# system(paste(shQuote(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")),
-# "CMD",
-# "Rd2pdf",
-# shQuote(paste0(Rlibrary,"/library/OKplan"))))
-# Innstall rebuilt package
-detach("package:OKplan", unload=TRUE)
- install(sub("notes", "", dirname(rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path)),
- dependencies = TRUE,
- upgrade=FALSE,
- build_vignettes = TRUE)
-# # Install from binary file
-# remove.packages("OKplan")
-# # install.packages("C:/Users/13hopp/Documents/GitProjects/OKplan_0.1.5.9000.zip",
-# install.packages("C:/Users/13hopp/OneDrive - Veterinærinstituttet/R/OKplan_0.2.2.9002.zip",
-# repos = NULL,
-# type = "binary")
diff --git a/notes/develop.R b/notes/develop.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db5bd76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/develop.R
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# rm(list = ls()) # Benyttes for å tømme R-environment ved behov
+# Attach packages
+# library(devtools)
+# library(roxygen2)
+# Global variables
+pkg <- stringi::stri_extract_last_words(usethis::proj_path())
+pkg_path = usethis::proj_path()
+# Rlibrary <- R.home()
+# create_NVIpkg_skeleton(license_keyword = "CC BY 4.0")
+# Creates new help files
+# Should be run before git push when documentation for functions have been changed
+NVIpackager::document_NVIpkg(style = FALSE,
+ contributing = FALSE,
+ readme = FALSE,
+ scope = c("spaces", "line_breaks"))
+# spelling::spell_check_package(vignettes = TRUE, use_wordlist = TRUE)
+# Alternative for creating the PDF-manual. The manual is not put in the correct directory
+# system(paste(shQuote(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")),
+# "CMD",
+# "Rd2pdf",
+# paste0("../", pkg)))
+# file.copy(from = paste0(pkg, ".pdf"), to = "./vignettes", overwrite = TRUE)
+# file.remove(".Rd2pdf16372")
+# file.remove("NVIdb.pdf")
+# check .install_extras
+# Run tests included in ./tests.
+# Test package coverage
+# The package must be detached to install it.
+if(pkg %in% (.packages())){
+ pkgname <- paste0("package:", pkg)
+ detach(pkgname, unload=TRUE, character.only = TRUE)
+code_coverage <- covr::package_coverage(path = ".", group = "functions")
+print(x = code_coverage, group = "functions")
+# devtools::build_manual(pkg = "../NVIpackager", path = "./vignettes")
+# Build the package
+devtools::build(binary = FALSE, manual = TRUE, vignettes = TRUE)
+# Test built package.
+# Thereby, no problems with files in .Rbuildignore.
+version <- packageVersion(pkg, lib.loc = paste0(getwd(),"/.."))
+devtools::check_built(path = paste0("../", pkg, "_", version, ".tar.gz"), args = c("--no-tests"), manual = TRUE)
+# Extensive checking of package. Is done after build. Creates PDF-manual
+# system("R CMD check --ignore-vignettes ../NVIdb")
+NVIpackager::install_NVIpkg(pkg = pkg, pkg_path = pkg_path, rsource = "local")
+# NVIpackager::install_NVIpkg(pkg = pkg, pkg_path = pkg_path, rsource = "github", username = "PetterHopp")
+# NVIpackager::install_NVIpkg(pkg = pkg, pkg_path = pkg_path, rsource = "github", username = "NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute")
+# # # Install from source file in catalog "NVIverse"
+# utils::install.packages(pkgs = paste0(NVIconfig:::path_NVI["NVIverse"], "/", pkg, "/Arkiv/", pkg, "_", version, ".tar.gz"),
+# repos = NULL,
+# type = "source")
+# # Install from binary file in catalog "NVIverse"
+# install.packages(pkgs = paste0(NVIconfig:::path_NVI["NVIverse"], "/", pkg, "/Arkiv/", pkg, "_", version, ".zip"),
+# repos = NULL,
+# type = "binary")
+utils::help(package = (pkg))
+library(package = pkg, character.only = TRUE)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_OK_column_standards.R b/tests/testthat/test_OK_column_standards.R
index 899e295..e26cd5c 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_OK_column_standards.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_OK_column_standards.R
@@ -1,32 +1,31 @@
test_that("Standard colwidths in Excel for OK-selections", {
# Generate data frame with column names for table that should be exported to Excel
# Example with selection of samples collected in herds
- df <- cbind("ok_aar" = "2021", "rapport" = "Brucellose hos geit, utvalgsliste",
- "mt_regionnr" = "M22000", "mt_region" = " Region Øst ",
- "mt_avdelingnr" = " M22110", "mt_avdeling" = " Glåmdal og Østerdal ",
- "eier_lokalitetnr" = "34343434", "eier_lokalitet" = "Gårdsbruk", "postnr" = "2560", "poststed" = " ALVDAL ",
- "ant_prover" = 30)
+ df <- as.data.frame(cbind("ok_aar" = "2021", "rapport" = "Brucellose hos geit, utvalgsliste",
+ "mt_regionnr" = "M22000", "mt_region" = " Region Øst ",
+ "mt_avdelingnr" = " M22110", "mt_avdeling" = " Glåmdal og Østerdal ",
+ "eier_lokalitetnr" = "34343434", "eier_lokalitet" = "Gårdsbruk", "postnr" = "2560", "poststed" = " ALVDAL ",
+ "ant_prover" = 30))
# Make a vector with correct column names after translation
- correct_result <- c(5, 10.78, 12.5, 16, 13, 33, 12, 30, 8, 15, 8.5)
+ correct_result <- c(5, 10.71, 12.5, 16, 13, 33, 12, 30, 8, 15, 8.5)
# Compare Add fylke, current fylkenr and current fylke with correct result
expect_equal(standardize_columns(data = df, dbsource = "geit_brucella_utvalg",
- standards = OK_column_standards,
+ standards = OK_column_standards,
property = "colwidths_Excel"),
# Generate data frame with column names for table that should be exported to Excel
# Example with selection of samples collected at slaughterhouses
- df <- cbind("mt_regionnr" = "M25000", "mt_region" = "Region Nord",
- "mt_avdelingnr" = "M25150", "mt_avdeling" = "Finnmark",
- "eier_lokalitetnr" = "802", "eier_lokalitet" = "NORTURA SA AVD. FINNMARK/KARASJOK",
- "ant_prover" = 30)
+ df <- as.data.frame(cbind("mt_regionnr" = "M25000", "mt_region" = "Region Nord",
+ "mt_avdelingnr" = "M25150", "mt_avdeling" = "Finnmark",
+ "eier_lokalitetnr" = "802", "eier_lokalitet" = "NORTURA SA AVD. FINNMARK/KARASJOK",
+ "ant_prover" = 30))
# Make a vector with correct column names after translation
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ test_that("Standard colwidths in Excel for OK-selections", {
# Compare Add fylke, current fylkenr and current fylke with correct result
expect_identical(standardize_columns(data = df,
- dbsource = "sau_brucella_slakteri",
+ dbsource = "ok_blodprover_slakteri",
standards = OK_column_standards,
property = "colwidths_Excel"),
@@ -44,11 +43,11 @@ test_that("Standard colwidths in Excel for OK-selections", {
test_that("Standard collabels for OK selections", {
# Example with selection of samples collected in herds
- df <- cbind("aar" = "2021", "rapport" = "Paratuberkulose hos storfe, utvalgsliste",
- "mt_regionnr" = "M21000", "mt_region" = " Region Stor-Oslo",
- "mt_avdelingnr" = "M21130", "mt_avdeling" = "Østfold og Follo",
- "eier_lokalitetnr" = "3030303030", "eier_lokalitet" = "Gårdsbruk", "postnr" = "1747", "poststed" = "SKJEBERG",
- "ant_prover" = 5, "provetakingstidspunkt" = 2)
+ df <- as.data.frame(cbind("aar" = "2021", "rapport" = "Paratuberkulose hos storfe, utvalgsliste",
+ "mt_regionnr" = "M21000", "mt_region" = " Region Stor-Oslo",
+ "mt_avdelingnr" = "M21130", "mt_avdeling" = "Østfold og Follo",
+ "eier_lokalitetnr" = "3030303030", "eier_lokalitet" = "Gårdsbruk", "postnr" = "1747", "poststed" = "SKJEBERG",
+ "ant_prover" = 5, "provetakingstidspunkt" = 2))
# Make a vector with correct column names after translation
correct_result <- c("År", "Rapport", "MT regionnr", "MT region", "MT avdelingsnr", "MT avdeling", "Produsentnr",
@@ -63,10 +62,10 @@ test_that("Standard collabels for OK selections", {
# Generate column labels
# Example with selection of samples collected at slaughterhouses
- df <- cbind("mt_regionnr" = "M25000", "mt_region" = "Region Nord",
- "mt_avdelingnr" = "M25150", "mt_avdeling" = "Finnmark",
- "eier_lokalitetnr" = "802", "eier_lokalitet" = "NORTURA SA AVD. FINNMARK/KARASJOK",
- "ant_prover" = 30)
+ df <- as.data.frame(cbind("mt_regionnr" = "M25000", "mt_region" = "Region Nord",
+ "mt_avdelingnr" = "M25150", "mt_avdeling" = "Finnmark",
+ "eier_lokalitetnr" = "802", "eier_lokalitet" = "NORTURA SA AVD. FINNMARK/KARASJOK",
+ "ant_prover" = 30))
# Make a vector with correct column names after translation
@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ test_that("Standard collabels for OK selections", {
# Compare Add fylke, current fylkenr and current fylke with correct result
expect_identical(standardize_columns(data = df,
- dbsource = "sau_brucella_slakteri",
+ dbsource = "ok_blodprover_slakteri",
standards = OK_column_standards,
property = "collabels"),
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_adjust_samples_to_budget.R b/tests/testthat/test_adjust_samples_to_budget.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a98d37b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_adjust_samples_to_budget.R
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+test_that("Adjusting sample number", {
+ total_budget <- 150
+ # Add data frame with sample number to adjust
+ x <- as.data.frame(cbind(c(1:10),
+ c(24, 30, 36, 12, 6, 18, 6, 0, 0, 0)))
+ colnames(x) <- c("id", "sample")
+ x2 <- adjust_samples_to_budget(data = x,
+ budget = total_budget,
+ sample_to_adjust = "sample",
+ adjusted_sample = "new_sample",
+ adjust_by = 6)
+ expect_identical(x2$new_sample,
+ c(42, 36, 30, 18, 12, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0))
+ x2 <- adjust_samples_to_budget(data = x,
+ budget = total_budget,
+ sample_to_adjust = "sample",
+ adjusted_sample = "new_sample",
+ adjust_by = 4)
+ expect_identical(x2$new_sample,
+ c(40, 34, 28, 22, 13, 7, 6, 0, 0, 0))
+ x2 <- adjust_samples_to_budget(data = x,
+ budget = total_budget,
+ sample_to_adjust = "sample",
+ adjusted_sample = "new_sample",
+ adjust_by = 10)
+ expect_identical(x2$new_sample,
+ c(46, 32, 26, 20, 13, 7, 6, 0, 0, 0))
+ total_budget <- 130
+ x2 <- adjust_samples_to_budget(data = x,
+ budget = total_budget,
+ sample_to_adjust = "sample",
+ adjusted_sample = "new_sample",
+ adjust_by = 6)
+ expect_identical(x2$new_sample,
+ c(35, 29, 24, 18, 12, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0))
+ x2 <- adjust_samples_to_budget(data = x,
+ budget = total_budget,
+ sample_to_adjust = "sample",
+ adjusted_sample = "new_sample",
+ adjust_by = 2)
+ expect_identical(x2$new_sample,
+ c(34, 30, 24, 18, 12, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0))
+test_that("Errors for adjust_sample_number", {
+ total_budget <- 150
+ # Add data frame with sample number to adjust
+ x <- as.data.frame(cbind(c(1:10),
+ c(24, 30, 36, 12, 6, 18, 6, 0, 0, 0)))
+ colnames(x) <- c("id", "sample")
+ expect_error(
+ adjust_samples_to_budget(data = total_budget,
+ budget = total_budget,
+ sample_to_adjust = "sample",
+ adjusted_sample = "new_sample",
+ adjust_by = 6),
+ regexpr = "Variable \'data\': Must be of type \'data.frame\'")
+ expect_error(
+ adjust_samples_to_budget(data = x,
+ budget = 0,
+ sample_to_adjust = "sample",
+ adjusted_sample = "new_sample",
+ adjust_by = 6),
+ regexpr = "Variable \'budget\': Element 1 is not >= 1")
+ expect_error(
+ adjust_samples_to_budget(data = x,
+ budget = total_budget,
+ sample_to_adjust = "samples",
+ adjusted_sample = "new_sample",
+ adjust_by = 6),
+ regexpr = "Variable \'sample_to_adjust\': Must be element of set {\'id\',\'sample\'}, but is \'samples\'")
+ expect_error(
+ adjust_samples_to_budget(data = x,
+ budget = total_budget,
+ sample_to_adjust = "sample",
+ adjusted_sample = total_budget,
+ adjust_by = 6),
+ regexpr = "Variable \'adjusted_sample\': Must be of type \'character\', not \'double\'")
+ expect_error(
+ adjust_samples_to_budget(data = x,
+ budget = total_budget,
+ sample_to_adjust = "sample",
+ adjusted_sample = "new_sample",
+ adjust_by = 0),
+ regexpr = "Variable \'adjust_by\': Element 1 is not >= 1")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_include_generated_date.R b/tests/testthat/test_append_date_generated_line.R
similarity index 80%
rename from tests/testthat/test_include_generated_date.R
rename to tests/testthat/test_append_date_generated_line.R
index 8b6b315..26524c7 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_include_generated_date.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_append_date_generated_line.R
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-test_that("Including generated date in last row", {
+test_that("Append date generated in last row", {
# Make example data
@@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ x <- as.data.frame(cbind("År" = 2021, "Rapport" = "Brucellose hos geit, utvalgs
"Produsentnr" = "30303030", "Foretak" = "XXX XXXXX", "Postnr" = "0468", "Poststed" = "OSLO", "Antall prøver" = 26))
# Include row with generated date
-y <- include_generated_date(x)
+y <- append_date_generated_line(x)
expect_equal(dim(y)[1], dim(x)[1] + 2)
expect_identical(y[dim(y)[1], 1], paste("Datauttrekket er gjort", format(Sys.Date(),"%d/%m/%Y")))
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ expect_identical(y[dim(y)[1], 1], paste("Datauttrekket er gjort", format(Sys.Dat
# Include row with generated date
today <- format(Sys.Date(),"%d/%m/%Y")
-y <- include_generated_date(x, pretext = "Data was generated", date = today)
+y <- append_date_generated_line(x, pretext = "Data was generated", date = today)
expect_equal(dim(y)[1], dim(x)[1] + 2)
expect_identical(y[dim(y)[1], 1], paste("Data was generated", format(Sys.Date(),"%d/%m/%Y")))
diff --git a/vignettes/.gitignore b/vignettes/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..097b241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/vignettes/Contribute_to_OKplan.Rmd b/vignettes/Contribute_to_OKplan.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e02a0e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/Contribute_to_OKplan.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ rmarkdown::html_vignette:
+ keep_md: true
+ variant: markdown_github
+ NVIpkg: "OKplan"
+title: "Contribute to `r params$NVIpkg`"
+vignette: >
+ %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
+ %\VignetteIndexEntry{Contribute to OKplan}
+ %\VignetteEncoding
+```{r, include = FALSE}
+NVIpkg <- params$NVIpkg
+NVIpkg_inline <- paste0("`", NVIpkg, "`")
+NVIpkg_code <- "/tree/main/R"
+# pkg_name <- NVIpkg_inline
+# pkg_name <- "`NVIcheckmate`"
+ collapse = TRUE,
+ comment = "#>"
+Thank you for considering contributing to `r NVIpkg_inline`.
+`r NVIpkg_inline` is one of several packages assembled under the name `NVIverse`, a collection of R-packages with tools to facilitate data management and data reporting at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI).
+### NVIverse packages
+```{r echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'}
+knitr::kable(x = NVIpackages)
+## How you can contribute
+There are several ways you can contribute to this project: ask a question, propose an idea, report a bug, improve the documentation, or contribute code.
+### Ask a question
+Using `r NVIpkg_inline` and need help? Browse the package help to see if you can find a solution. Still problems? Post your question in R-forum at workplace or contact the package maintainer by [email](mailto:petter.hopp@vetinst.no).
+### Propose an idea
+Have an idea for a new `r NVIpkg_inline` feature? Take a look at the `r NVIpkg_inline` help and `r paste0("[issue list](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/",NVIpkg, "/issues)")` to see if it isn't included or suggested yet. If not, suggest your idea as an `r paste0("[issue on GitHub](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/",NVIpkg, "/issues/new)")`. While we can't promise to implement your idea, it helps to:
+* Explain in detail how it would work.
+* Keep the scope as narrow as possible.
+See below if you want to contribute code for your idea as well.
+### Report a bug
+Using `r NVIpkg_inline` and discovered a bug? Don't let others have the same experience and report it as an `r paste0("[issue on GitHub](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/",NVIpkg, "/issues/new)")` so we can fix it. A good bug report makes it easier for us to do so, so please include:
+* Any details about your local setup that might be helpful in troubleshooting.
+* Detailed steps to reproduce the bug.
+### Improve the documentation
+Noticed a typo on the function help? Think a function could use a better example? Good documentation makes all the difference, so your help to improve it is very welcome!
+Functions are described as comments near their code and translated to documentation using [`roxygen2`](https://klutometis.github.io/roxygen/). If you want to improve a function description:
+1. Go to `R/` directory in the `r paste0("[code repository](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/",NVIpkg, NVIpkg_code,")")`.
+2. Look for the file with the name of the function.
+3. [Propose a file change](https://help.github.com/articles/editing-files-in-another-user-s-repository/) to update the function documentation in the roxygen comments (starting with `#'`).
+### Contribute code
+Care to fix bugs or implement new functionality for our_package? Great! Have a look at the `r paste0("[issue list](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/",NVIpkg, "/issues)")` and leave a comment on the things you want to work on. See also the development guidelines below.
+## Development guidelines
+If you want to contribute code, you are welcome to do so. Please try to adhere
+to some principles and style convention used for `NVIverse`-packages.
+* Please limit the number of package dependencies for `r NVIpkg_inline`. The use of base
+functions is much appreciated.
+* New code should generally follow the tidyverse [style guide](http://style.tidyverse.org).
+I recommend to use the [`styler`](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=styler)
+package to apply spaces: `styler::style_file(filename, scope = "spaces")`.
+Please don't restyle code that has nothing to do with your pull request.
+* You should add a bullet point to `NEWS.md` motivating the change.
+* You should add yourself as a contributor to the `DESCRIPTION`.
+* If you're adding a new function or new arguments to an existing function, you'll also need
+ to document them. `NVIverse`-packages use [`roxygen2`](https://cran.r-project.org/package=roxygen2), with
+[Markdown syntax](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/roxygen2/vignettes/markdown.html),
+for documentation. Make sure to re-run `devtools::document()` on the code before submitting.
+* `NVIverse`-packages use the assert-functions from [`checkmate`](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=checkmate) package for argument checking as well as some additional assert_functions in [`NVIcheckmate`](https://github.com/NorwegianVeterinaryInstitute/NVIcheckmate). Adding argument checking for new functions and/or arguments will be highly appreciated.
+* If you can, also write a test. `NVIverse`-packages use [`testthat`](https://cran.r-project.org/package=testthat) for tests.
+* Also run `devtools::check()` to make sure your function doesn't imply downstream errors or warnings.
+### Git commit standards
+We follow the commit message style guide maintained within the angular.js project.
+The start of commit messages should be one of the following:
+* feat: A new feature
+* fix: A bug fix
+* doc: Documentation only changes
+* style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
+* refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug or adds a feature
+* perf: A code change that improves performance
+* test: Adding missing tests
+* chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation
+Do not capitalize the first letter.
+## Code of conduct
+Please note that this project is released with a
+[Contributor Code of Conduct](https://contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html). By participating to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
+## References
+This document is adapted from a [template](https://gist.github.com/peterdesmet/e90a1b0dc17af6c12daf6e8b2f044e7c) by @peterdesmet .