provides tools to facilitate downloading and processing of data
from the Norwegian Veterinary Institute’s databases. The package
comprises several categories of functions. 1) Manage credentials
(i.e. password and username), 2) Login functions for database services,
3) Read, copy and update various in-house data registers, 4) Translate
codes into descriptions. NVIdb is dependant of NVIconfig which has to be
installed manually from GitHub. All PJS and EOS related functions are
moved to NVIpjsr.
is part of NVIverse
, a collection of R-packages with tools to
facilitate data management and data reporting at the Norwegian
Veterinary Institute (NVI). The NVIverse
consists of the following
packages: NVIconfig
, NVIdb
, NVIpjsr
, NVIspatial
, NVIpretty
, OKplan
, OKcheck
, NVIcheckmate
, NVIpackager
. See Contribute to
for more information.
is available at
GitHub. To install
you will need:
- R version > 4.1.0
- R package
- Rtools version 4.0, 4.2, 4.3 or 4.4 depending on R version
First install and attach the remotes
To install (or update) the NVIdb
package without vignettes, run the
following code:
upgrade = FALSE,
build = TRUE,
build_vignettes = FALSE)
To install (or update) the NVIdb
package with vignettes, you will need
to first install some additional R-packages needed to build the
vignettes. Check README below in the section Vignettes to
see which vignettes are available. To install the package with the
vignettes, first install the packages: knitr
, rmarkdown
, R.rsp
and NVIrpackages
(from GitHub) if they are missing. If you don’t use
R-studio, you will also need to install Pandoc. Then run the following
upgrade = FALSE,
build = TRUE,
build_vignettes = TRUE)
In addition, you will also need to install the private package
that keep specific information on NVI’s paths and databases.
is expected to be relatively stable and you will not need to
update NVIconfig
every time NVIdb
is updated.
To install (or update) the NVIconfig
package, run the following code:
auth_token = "PAT",
upgrade = FALSE,
build = TRUE,
build_vignettes = TRUE)
where PAT is your personal access token.
The NVIdb
package needs to be attached.
provides tools to facilitate downloading and processing of data
from the Norwegian Veterinary Institute’s databases, in particular PJS
and EOS. The package comprises several categories of functions:
- Manage credentials (i.e. password and username),
- Login functions for database services,
- Select PJS-data,
- Initial cleaning of PJS-data,
- Read, copy and update various in-house data registers,
- Translate codes into descriptions.
By combining the functions for managing username and password and the
login functions, you are able to login to PJS and EOS (and potentially
other databases) without hard coding the password in the script.
Thereafter, you may extract data from PJS and EOS using the R-package
The read copy and update functions for data from NVI’s internal databases gives you access to these data without any need of knowing where the data are stored. Currently you get access to registers of administrative regions (Kommune, Fylke, Postnummer, Mattilsynets avdelinger og regioner), produsentinformasjon (Produksjonstilskuddsregister and new and old prodnr) and translation tables for PJS-codes into descriptive text.
There are also functions to use these registers to translate variables with codes into names and others. You can translate
- PJS-codes into descriptive text,
- kommunenr into kommune, fylke, as well as current kommunenr, kommune, fylkenr and fylke
- kommunenr into Mattilsynets avdeling and region
- postnr into poststed and poststedets kommunenr
- old produsentnr into current produsentnr
The full list of all available functions and datasets can be accessed by typing
help(package = "NVIdb")
Consult the vignettes for task-oriented help.
vignette(package = "NVIdb")
Vignettes in package NVIdb
- Contribute to NVIdb (html)
- NVIdb reference manual (pdf)
- Retrieve and standardise PJS-data (html)
Please check the NEWS for information on new features, bug fixes and other changes.
Copyright (c) 2019 - 2024 Norwegian Veterinary Institute.
Licensed under the BSD_3_clause License. See
for details.
Contributions to develop NVIdb
is highly appreciated. There are
several ways you can contribute to this project: ask a question, propose
an idea, report a bug, improve the documentation, or contribute code.
See Contribute to
for more information.
Please note that the NVIdb project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.