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This project is a Python game engine that uses Pygame library to provide a game loop, input handling, and game object management.


Python 3.5+

external tools

  • full Tiled support by pytmx with additional own support for native animation integration


All those examples and more, are easily shown in the

alt text

game example with player, meteoroid shader, tile map, animated tiles and a camera

alt text

math projection

alt text

procedural map generation with perlin noise and random

How to use GameCore

Core object

The Core class is responsible for creating the game window, managing the game loop, and handling input events. To use the Core object, simply create an instance of it and provide it with the necessary parameters:

    size=(640, 480),
    background_color=(255, 255, 255),

simple runtime environment

Here is an example of how you can use the engine to create a simple game loop:

from core import *

def start(core): # <- here u get the core object
    # initialize game objects here

def update():
    # update game objects here

Core(update=update, start=start)

what is an Engine?

The Engine class is a base class that you can inherit from to create your own custom runtime controlled object. Engines are started after the Core class has been invoked. The following methods are available for you to override:

  • awake Is called once at the beginning to set properties.
  • start Called once at the beginning or after first enable.
  • on_enable Called when the engine has been enabled. This is the perfect method to pass params, to init or recalculate attributes.
  • on_disable Called when the engine has been disabled.
  • update Constantly called.
  • fixed_update Called in a certain tick rate.
  • on_destroy Called once after engine got destroyed

To create your own engine, you can simply inherit from the Engine class and override any of the above methods as necessary.

from core import *

class MyEngine(Engine):
    def start(self):
        print("MyEngine started")

    def update(self):
        print("MyEngine updated")

Core(background_color=(255, 255, 255, 0), fps=60)

What is a Prefab Engine?

The lifecycle can be completely controlled and engines created dynamically via the parent Prefab.

from core import *

class MyPrefab(Engine, Prefab):
    def start(self):
        print("MyPrefab started")
class MyEngine(Engine):
    def start(self):
        print("MyEngine started")
        self.core.instantiate(MyPrefab) # starts lifecycle

Core(background_color=(255, 255, 255, 0), fps=60)

enable / disable Engine

Engine.enable(**kwargs inject...)

  • inject You can pass properties to the Engine


from core import *

class MyPrefab(Engine, Prefab):
    def awake(self): # set pre configs
        self.is_enabled = False # Disable the start of the lifecycle at the instantiation and allow them to be enabled dynamically.

    def start(self):
        self.start_time = self.core.elapsed_delta_time
        print("MyPrefab started")

    def on_enable(self, inject=None):
        print("MyPrefab enabled")

    def on_disable(self):
        alive_time = self.core.elapsed_delta_time - self.start_time
        print("MyPrefab disabled after {}s".format(round(alive_time/1000)))

class MyEngine(Engine):
    def start(self):
        print("MyEngine started")
        self.prefab_engine = self.core.instantiate(MyPrefab)
        print("Wait three seconds...")
        self.wait_ms = 3000 # wait three seconds

    def update(self):
        self.wait_ms = self.wait_ms - self.core.delta_time
        if self.wait_ms <= 0 and not self.prefab_engine.is_enabled:
            self.prefab_engine.enable(info="This prefab will dies in 10 seconds. This is the perfect method to pass params, to init or recalculate attributes.")
            self.wait_ms = 10000
        if self.wait_ms <= 0 and self.prefab_engine.is_enabled:
            self.is_enabled = False

Core(background_color=(255, 255, 255, 0), fps=60)


MyEngine started
Wait three seconds...
MyPrefab enabled
This prefab will dies in 10 seconds. This is the perfect method to pass params, to init or recalculate attributes.
MyPrefab started
MyPrefab disabled after 10s

destroy Engine

Engine.destroy(Engine engine)

  • engine The Engine to destroy, calls the on_destroy
from core import *

class MyEngine(Engine):
    def start(self):
        print("MyEngine started")

    def on_destroy(self):
        print("MyEngine stopped")

Core(background_color=(255, 255, 255, 0), fps=60)


The Coroutine class is a helper class that provides a way to execute a function at regular intervals. It is an optimal function to create health regeneration or enemy spawns, for example. To use the Coroutine object, create an instance of it and provide it with the necessary parameters:

from core import *
class FooBar(Engine):
    def start(self):
        self.counter = 5
            Coroutine(func=self.my_func, interval=1000, call_delay=1200, loop_condition=lambda: self.counter > 0) # runs my_func in 1200 ms every 1000 ms

    def my_func(self):
        print("Hello World")
        self.counter = self.counter - 1
        return {'interval': random.randint(1000, 2000)} # interval is optionally adjustable every tick

Output: 5x Hello World


The StateMachine class is a finite state machine implementation that allows defining states and transitions between them, and activating a specific state based on its transitions conditions.


example 2:

  • fog of war shader
  • AI state machine
  • coroutine for food interval spawn



The TileMap class is responsible for loading a .tmx file, which contains the information about the tileset and the map made of these tiles. It uses the pytmx library to load the .tmx file and render the tiles onto a surface. It also supports animated tiles. The make_map() method returns the rendered map surface and a list of animated tiles with their position and frames.


The Camera class represents the viewable area of the game world. It takes a target position as input and sets its own position accordingly. The target is usually the player's position, and the camera follows the player around the game world. The look_at() method calculates the position of the camera based on the target position, and the apply() method returns the position of a rectangle in the camera view.


from core import *

class MyEngine(Engine):

    def start(self):
        self.tile_map_drawer = self.core.instantiate(TileMapDrawer) # create TileMapDrawer engine
        self.tile_map_drawer.enable(tile_map_path="map.tmx") # enable engine, load and draw map = self.tile_map_drawer.get_camera()
    def update(self):
        player_position = (player.x, player.y) # player position in world space not window space
        self.core.window.blit(player_image, # draw player sprite on camera

Core(background_color=(255, 255, 255, 0), fps=30)


surface-layer draw system

In this super clear sketch, you can see that the layer draw system is based on the window provided by the pygame. The individual surfaces are layered with a priority, while they can have individual sizes.

alt text

To use the system, you have to create a new layer instance from the core object

self.surface = self.core.create_layer_surface( 
                name=None, # used to identify and edit the surface
                x=0, # pos.x
                y=0,  # pos.y
                render_layer: int = 0, 
                fill_after_draw=True # auto fill with core.background_color

the surface is now automatically added to the system and displayed at the position (x,y) with (width,height). To display pixels or images on this surface, you can do this in the update method

def update(self):
    self.surface.blit(img, img_position) # shows the img on the surface, 
                                         # if the img has the size 32x32 (same like the surface), 
                                         # the img_position should be (0,0) to fill the surface perfect


The NavAgent class is used for controlled approximation from one position to another. Ideal for players, enemies and everything that should move.

self.random_destination_position = (random.randint(0, self.core.window_size[0]), random.randint(0, self.core.window_size[1]))
self.agent = NavAgent(
def update(self):
    if self.agent.distance <= 1:
        # destination reached


With the SpriteAnimator you can animate a surface. For example, to animate your player, the individual images of the animation must be entered into a List. If several images are required per frame, this can easily be solved with a sub-List. These methods can also be mixed. The state names are required to control the animation.

def start(self):
    anim = [
        "state-name-1": [full_body_1_img, full_body_2_img, full_body_3_img],
        "state-name-2": [[body_1_img, hair_1_img], [body_2_img, hair_2_img]],
        "state-name-3": [full_body_1_img, [body_2_img, hair_2_img]]
    self.simpleSpriteAnimator = SimpleSpriteAnimator(
def anim_sate_decision(self): # Decide which animation should be played
    if(velocity < 1):
        return "state-name-1"
            return "state-name-2"
            return "state-name-3"
def update(self):
    surface = self.simpleSpriteAnimator.animate(self.core.delta_time)
    self.core.draw_surface(surface, draw_position)


        size=(480, 480),

change window size

core.window_size = (450, 450)

surface-layer draw system

get_layer_surface(self, name) -> pygame.Surface

remove_layer_surface(self, name)

move_layer_surface(self, name, position)

move existing layer surface

create_layer_surface(self, name=None, width=0, height=0, x=0, y=0, render_layer: int = 0, fill_after_draw=True) -> pygame.Surface

create auto draw surface with own render position

default surface methods

create_surface(self, size=None) -> pygame.Surface

this created surface, will not be automatically drawn, you need to make it per hand

draw_surface(self, surface, position=None)

methods for the Engine

get_engine_by_class(self, searchClass) -> Engine

get_engines_by_class(self, searchClass) -> Engine[]

instantiate(self, engine) -> Engine | None

create engine while runtime

destroy(self, engine)