zib-AbilityToEat, nl-core-AbilityToEat
zib-AbilityToEat.EatingLimitations, nl-core-AbilityToEat.EatingLimitations
AddressInformation (zib-AddressInformation, nl-core-AddressInformation)
; textual ; Moved guidance for HouseNumberLetter and HouseNumberAddition from .definition
to .comment
, added zib concept definitions to .definition
. ; ZIBFHIR-142
; textual ; Added guidance for HouseNumberIndication. ; ZIB-2218
; constraint ; Removed houseNumberIndication for HouseNumberIndication. ; ZIB-2218
; terminology ; Changed codes in LandCodelijsten (LandGBACodelijst and LandISOCodelijst). ; ZIB-2218
zib-ContactInformation-TelephoneNumbers, nl-core-ContactInformation-TelephoneNumbers
; textual ; Added guidance for NumberType. ; ZIB-1652
; extension ; Replaced extension ExtComment with ContactPointComment. ; ZIBFHIR-97
; extension ; Added ContactPointPurpose for NumberType. ; ZIB-1652, ZIBFHIR-129
; terminology ; Added mappings in NummerSoortCodelijst_to_ContactInformation_TelephoneNumbersUse. ; ZIB-1652
; textual ; Added guidance for NumberType. ; ZIB-1652
zib-ContactInformation-EmailAddresses, nl-core-ContactInformation-EmailAddresses
zib-ContactPerson, nl-core-ContactPerson
; extension ; Added Note for Comment. ; ZIB-947, ZIB-1375, ZIBFHIR-97
; textual ; Added guidance for Role. ; ZIBFHIR-73
; terminology ; Changed value set from RolCodelijst to RolSnomedCodelijst. ; ZIB-1180, ZIB-1470, ZIB-1481, ZIB-1496, ZIB-1556, ZIB-1616, ZIB-1789, ZIB-2008, ZIB-2211
; textual ; Changed definition of Relationship. ; ZIB-1556
; terminology ; Changed value set from RelatieCodelijst to RelatieSnomedCodelijst. ; ZIB-1180, ZIB-1438, ZIB-1495, ZIB-1486, ZIB-1556, ZIB-1616, ZIB-1770, ZIB-1789, ZIB-1941, ZIB-2008
zib-Patient, nl-core-Patient
; textual ; Added guidance for Role. ; ZIBFHIR-73
; terminology ; Changed value set from RolCodelijst to RolSnomedCodelijst. ; ZIB-1180, ZIB-1470, ZIB-1481, ZIB-1496, ZIB-1556, ZIB-1616, ZIB-1789, ZIB-2008, ZIB-2211
; textual ; Changed definition of Relationship. ; ZIB-1556
; terminology ; Changed value set from RelatieCodelijst to RelatieSnomedCodelijst. ; ZIB-1180, ZIB-1438, ZIB-1495, ZIB-1486, ZIB-1556, ZIB-1616, ZIB-1770, ZIB-1789, ZIB-1941, ZIB-2008
zib-HealthcareProvider, nl-core-HealthcareProvider
zib-HealthcareProvider-Organization, nl-core-HealthcareProvider-Organization
; terminology ; Changed codes in OrganisatieTypeCodelijst. ; ZIB-1559, ZIB-1927
; terminology ; Changed codes in AfdelingSpecialismeCodelijst. ; ZIB-2218
; textual ; Changed definition of DepartmentSpecialty. ; ZIB-1665
zib-HealthProfessional-Practitioner, nl-core-HealthProfessional-Practitioner
; textual ; Changed definition of HealthProfessionalIdentificationNumber. ; ZIB-1673
; textual ; Changed definition of Gender. ; ZIB-1256, ZIB-1368
zib-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole, nl-core-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole
; terminology ; Changed codes in SpecialismeCodelijsten (SpecialismeAGBCodelijst and SpecialismeUZICodelijst). ; ZIB-2218
zib-IllnessPerception, nl-core-IllnessPerception
zib-IllnessPerception.CopingWithIllnessByFamily, nl-core-IllnessPerception.CopingWithIllnessByFamily
zib-IllnessPerception.CopingWithIllnessByPatient, nl-core-IllnessPerception.CopingWithIllnessByPatient
zib-IllnessPerception.PatientIllnessInsight, nl-core-IllnessPerception.PatientIllnessInsight
LanguageProficiency (zib-Patient, nl-core-Patient)
; terminology ; Changed codes in TaalvaardigheidBegrijpenCodelijst, TaalvaardigheidLezenCodelijst and TaalvaardigheidSprekenCodelijst, changed value set from v3.LanguageAbilityProficiency to TaalvaardigheidCodelijsten. ; ZIB-1877
; extension ; Replaced extension ExtComment with ExtLanguageProficiencyComment. ; ZIBFHIR-97
; terminology ; Changed codes in CommunicatieTaalCodelijst. ; ZIB-2218
MaritalStatus (zib-Patient, nl-core-Patient)
; terminology ; Changed codes in BurgerlijkeStaatCodelijst. ; ZIB-2218
All changes from the zib profile.
; constraint ; Renamed nl-core-NameInformation-01 to nl-core-NameInformation-1. ; ZIBFHIR-141
; constraint ; Renamed nl-core-NameInformation-02 to nl-core-NameInformation-2. ; ZIBFHIR-141
zib-NameInformation.GivenName, nl-core-NameInformation.GivenName
Nationality (zib-Patient, nl-core-Patient)
Patient (zib-Patient, nl-core-Patient)
; extension ; Added extension genderIdentity for GenderIdentity. ; ZIB-1693
; terminology ; Changed code description in GeslachtCodelijst. ; ZIB-1239
; mapping ; Added mapping of MultipleBirthSequence. ; ZIB-1670
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