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1577 lines (1316 loc) · 43.5 KB

California Water Rights Dataset - Version 0.0.5

THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. We will note when this document is final. 04/28/2014 -- Laci Videmsky

The State Water Resource Control board maintains a dataset of Water Rights, Statements of Diversions, Permits, and Licenses for water use in the State of California. This includes appropriative water rights, some riparian water rights, some groundwater recordations (i.e. well readings, probably mostly in adjudicated basins), and possibly some listings of some tribal water rights. As you might expect, this does not include illegal diversions.

We are working to create a dataset that is developer-friendly, accurate, up-to-date and well-documented. We believe this will help to speed communication and promote clarity and innovation about water usage in the State. We began in December 2012, and are doing more improvements in Summer 2013. Please watch this Github repository for updates. We would like to have a great & re-usable dataset worked out by January 2014.

Details & Stats about the Water Rights Dataset

Computer systems used by the State of California

The state uses the eWRIMS system (a custom built CMS) and also an ArcGIS server to maintain geographic information. eWRIMS: ARCGIS server:

Number of Water Right Applications and Records

About 50K

Approximate number of active water rights in California (2013)

  • 5000?

Number of Statements of Diversion

  • About 40K records total.
  • Statements of Diversion have been required by law since 2009.
  • A water right holder can submit several yearly reports
  • Number SOD records not digitized yet by the SWRCB: 6000 (mostly for 2012?)

Frequency of updates

Weekly, about 10-100 records per year. (Question is this about right? Seasons?)

Comprehensiveness of the dataset

This is all of the digitized data that the State has


The State strives to be comprehensive.

We are also striving to mirror the State's dataset and eventually get the state to host data for all of us. If you have legal questions about water rights, please refer to the State's system and not us, we are providing this information as a convenience and for exploring new opportunities in communicating about water rights.

As a State, we have passed laws that require water rights holder to report their usage, and in come cases failure to report requires that water rights holders pay fines. These fines go to supporting the SWRCB (???), ___ including efforts to maintain datasets (???) Trained staff help water rights holders fill in information about their water right, which includes information from various water meters, in some cases a watermaster physically unlocks a diversion, the location of points of diversion is required to be surveyed, information about water conservation is reported.

Water rights range from small domestic water rights to full scale water rights holdings by municipalities that supply a city with water, or water districts that supply a group of farmers with water. As such, the larger water rights holders usually have lawyers to help them fill in details, and the smaller holding are a little bit less precise, but not always.

When there is not a recording or a diversion is illegal there is, as you might expect, no data.

How we are improving the data:

  • Seeking real time data stream, or at least a quarterly updated dataset.
  • Documenting the various fields in partnership with the State Water Resource Control Board
  • Attempting to get dataset into

How to Download the data

We are working on a MongoDB database in geoJSON format that can be readily downloaded by developers, and are working to document the fields in the dataset, since water rights are complex and there is significant legal meanings.

Bulk Download


We would like to update the dataset at least twice per year, and eventually monthly or to have a real-time updated dataset available on

How we are working

As a small community of water-interested computer programmers, we are working to recommend what we need to known and access in order to use the valuable water rights data.

Quality Assurance and Tests

We are considering how we test and verify that our information is accurate.


To collaborate, we are putting the documentation, data & processing tools into Github, a public & social place where programmers collaborate on code or data projects.


New California Water Atlas, and data adapted and shared by the New California Water Atlas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Workgroup / Team

  • Chacha Sikes (New California Water Atlas)
  • Ted Grantham (UC Davis Department of Watershed Sciences)
  • Phil Crader (State Water Resources Control Board) He is advising us and answering our questions, helping us make sure this information is accurate.
  • Laci Videmsky (New California Water Atlas)

If you are interested in helping to make water rights data better in California, please contact the New California Water Atlas at [email protected].


New California Water Atlas: Making Water Understandable in California @CAStateWater

Work done as part of California Water Rights project, incubated by the Resource Renewal Institute with financial support from Patagonia.

What is the Water Rights data useful for?

This data can be used for creating models of water usage in the state, for visualizing usage across the states, for creating more maps and visualizations of water rights and usage in the state. Similiarly, we hope that our process of working to clean up and make datasets friendly for re-presenting on the web, we hope this process to be something we can inspire others to take on for other important datasets.

Sample applications

California Water Rights interactive: Launched April 2013. Update planned for August 2013.

Supplementary Datasets

These datasets help tell the story of water rights.

  • Unimpaired flows
  • Fully Appropriated Streams
  • Stream Gauges (USGS (machine readable) 400 sensors & CDEC (NOT machine-readable) 400 sensors)
  • National Hydrography Dataset
  • Cropscape
  • Landsat
  • Others?


Field Template:

machine_readable_name | Human Readable Field Name

  • Description: What the field is for
  • Definition: Technical definition
  • Format: string, machine-readable (alphanumeric, no spaces, etc), Integer, etc.
  • Examples: Samples, along with the syntax format of the fields {{description}}_{{number}} (ignore the braces {{}} )
  • Notes: Notes about this field, used for complex fields
  • Proposed changes: Ideas about ways to better represent the data in future versions.
  • Values: some of the fields have specific kinds of values that have important meaning (ex. water right status) - we will note where there is a list of the values and their definitions.

Priority of fields

  • Unique Identifiers
  • Basic Fields (Name, geographic location, face value amount, diversion type (storage, diversion))
  • Amounts of water (formats -* cfs, afy)
  • Holder information (address, etc)
  • Location information (watershed details, mostly from ArcGIS)
  • Relationship to other water rights (pod_id)
  • Dates (time of first use) -* how legal is that information? applied, received * revoked
  • @TODO timeframe? months of use
  • Data from Statements of Diversion (use code, conservation methods, monthly breakdown of use (different numbers), description)
  • @TODO Add description of Permits, need sample data

About this fields

  • We are filling in fields by priority. There are about 200 possible fields - so it will be a lot of work to do them all, so we will focus on the most important ones, and can update the more obvious ones (such as "billing address") when we have time, or if there is important information to know about those fields.
  • Fields are compiled from ArcGIS & eWRIMS & a exported database dump of California records (Winter 2012) - this is why there are duplicates

Sample Records

These are examples of the data we are compiling @TODO Add samples

  • GIS data export from SWRCB
  • XLS record for one Water Right Application
  • Statements of Diversion
  • License (?) (digital & pdfs)
  • Permit (?) (digital & pdfs)
  • Photos of records not yet digitized

Working Definitions & Our Questions

We have been able to work with the SWRCB as well as to meet lawyers to learn more about water rights. It can be very technical, and calling things by the wrong name can stress out water rights holders if you are not careful. Water in California is contentious. We are learning ourselves.

  • Water Right (well documented)
  • Appropriative Right (well documented)
  • Riparian Right (well documented)
  • Groundwater Recordation (on website?)
  • Stream * how big is it? * measured in volume? How much?
  • River * how big is it?
  • Do springs have diversions? Are they supposed to? Ex. Arrowhead drinking water springs

How is a Face Value Amount calculated?

This is a conservative estimate of the total amount of water allowed. This is NOT usually how much gets allocated.

How is the actual amount of water allocation determined?

We don't know yet. We are trying to find out.

How is water usage measured?

Meters… what else?

Read more about Water Rights

The SWRCB maintains a FAQ page:

Use Codes

  • Format: String
  • How water is used
  • Can be multiple values per water rights application? (???)
  • Values:

Stockwatering 10522 Irrigation 9644 Domestic 5472 Fish and Wildlife Protection and/or Enhancement 2191 Recreational 1391 Fire Protection 1220 Other 579 Dust Control 541 Power 505 Municipal 361 Frost Protection 344 Industrial 258 Fish Culture 120 Mining 89 Heat Protection 65 Incidental Power 21 Milling 15 Snow Making 6 (blank) 12178

@TODO is this all of them? @TODO These need definitions… though they appear to be self-explanatory. @TODO Are the blank entries our mistake or is there not data?

Water Rights Status

This the the status of the water right in the state Claimed 15065 Licensed 12027 Certified 5286 Inactive 3433 Permitted 2337 Revoked 1562 Cancelled 997 Pending 977 Registered 696 Claimed - Local Oversight 683 State Filing 183 Active 113 Non Jurisdictional 105 Rejected 22 Adjudicated 20 Closed 13 Temporary 10 Waste Water Change Order 1 (blank) 1992

@TODO Need definitions @TODO Need to confirm which ones of these count towards actual water use in the state.

Water Rights Type

Appropriative 18564 Statement of Div and Use 14628 Stockpond 5514 Groundwater Recordation 3396 Federal Filings 1973 Small Domestic Reg 856 Not Determined 185 Livestock Stockpond 129 No Right Required 109 Temporary Permit 93 Cert of Right - Power 37 Pre-1914 Claim of Right 19 Section 12 File 16 Riparian Claim of Right 1 Waste Water Change 1 (blank) 2

@TODO These need definitions

Organization Type

Individual 16383 Corporation 15427 Government (State/Municipal) 3905 Federal Government 1835 Trust 1211 Limited Liability Company 1131 Organization/Association 790 Limited Partner 200 Partnership or Co-owners 122 Estate 22 Joint Venture 3 Receivership/Fiduciary 3 (blank) 4490

POD Status

Active 39479 Inactive 3019 Revoked 1672 Canceled 1128 Removed 34 (blank) 191

Year first use

1900's-2013 @TODO Some values are incorrect (ex. 1040, 4897) Is this an artifact from the import?

** FIELDS **

Fields - Unique Identifiers

id | ID

  • Description: NWCA Field Addition. Application POD ID, individual geographic location
  • Definition: This is the location of a point of diversion. Could be one of several PODs.
  • Format: alphanumeric, with underscores {{ApplicationID}}_{{POD value}}
  • Examples: C003105_01, C003105_02

properties.pod_id | Point of Diversion ID

  • Duplicate fields? * "pod_number" * some compiled data are the same. Which one is better?
  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "01", "02"
  • Notes: A water right (based on its Application ID) can have several geographic locations. These are usually built water diversions that lead to different locations, such as storage facilities or an agriculture field.

properties.water_right_id | Water Right ID

  • Description: A value from the eWRIMS system
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Notes: This field is necessary for correctly looking up the urls to statements of diversions and water reports. In the Mongo DB there may be some mismatches due to the way information had to be retrieved.

properties.application_id : Application ID

  • Description: The unique record id for one individual water right with a specific face value amount.
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "C003105"

"application_pod" : "C003105_01",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"ewrims_db_id" : "13976",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"appl_id" : "C003105",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"podid" : "3912",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"permit_id" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

Fields - Record ID

kind | Kind

  • Description: NWCA MongoDB specific field for storing object record
  • Definition: A description of the kind of record, used in each record.
  • Format: string
  • Examples: "right"
  • Proposed change: "water_right"

Fields - Metadata

name | Name

  • Description: Name of the "Holder Name", who holds the water right. Might not be the same as the Primary Owner.
  • Definition: The name of the holder, a person, organization or other entity.
  • Format: string, alphanumeric
  • Examples: JOE ALBERTA

"use_code" : "Stockwatering",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"organization_type" : "Individual",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"pod_status" : "Active"

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Notes: This is from ArcGIS

"status" : "Certified",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"water_right_status" : "Certified",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"first_name" : "JOE",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"holder_name" : "ALBERTA",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"primary_owner" : "JOE ALBERTA",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"primary_owner_entity_type" : "Individual",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"entity_type" : "Individual",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"name_type" : "Primary Owner",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"last_update_user_id" : 9,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"date_last_updated" : 1191046438000,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"agent_name" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"agent_entity_type" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"mailing_street_number" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"mailing_street_name" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"mailing_address_line2" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"mailing_city" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"mailing_state" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"mailing_country" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"mailing_zipcode" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"billing_street_number" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"billing_street_name" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"billing_city" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"billing_state" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"billing_country" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"billing_zipcode" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"phone" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"use_status_new" : "Migrated from old WRIMS data",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"use_population" : "0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"water_right_description" : ""

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

source | Source

  • Description: NWCA Field Addition Web url of the source of the data record
  • Definition: Should point to the URL about the original dataset
  • Format: url
  • Examples:
  • Proposed Changes
    • Change field name to "data_source" | Data Source
    • Add extra field pointing to page that describes the data conversion, example this github repository.
    • Merge with source_alt
  • Description: NWCA Field Addition
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed Changes
    • Make Data Source a multiple entry object.

Fields - Location Information

"place_id" : 663256,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"latitude" : 37.24426798,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"longitude" : -119.70260375,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"range_direction" : "E",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"township_direction" : "S",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"range_number" : "21",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"section_number" : "8",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"section_classifier" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"quarter" : "SW",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

quarter_quarter" : "SE"

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"meridian" : "Mount Diablo",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"northing" : "1912401",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"easting" : "6793775",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"sp_zone" : "3",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"township_number" : "8",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"trib_desc" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"location_method" : "DD_NE",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"source_name" : "UNST",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"moveable" : "N",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"has_opod" : "N",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"watershed" : "AHWAHNEE",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"county" : "Madera",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"quad_map_name" : "O'NEALS",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"quad_map_num" : "JJ023 ",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"quad_map_min_ser" : "7.5",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"parcel_number" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"special_area" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

Fields - Water Amounts & Physical Attributes

face_value_amount | Face Value Amount

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"direct_div_amount" : "0.0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"diversion_storage_amount" : "2.5",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"diversion_acre_feet" : "0.0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"diversion_type" : "Direct Diversion",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"diversion_code_type" : "Diversion point",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"water_right_type" : "Stockpond",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Values: Appropriative 18564 Statement of Div and Use 14628 Stockpond 5514 Groundwater Recordation 3396 Federal Filings 1973 Small Domestic Reg 856 Not Determined 185 Livestock Stockpond 129 No Right Required 109 Temporary Permit 93 Cert of Right - Power 37 Pre-1914 Claim of Right 19 Section 12 File 16 Riparian Claim of Right 1 Waste Water Change 1 (blank) 2

"storage_type" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"pod_unit" : "Gallons per Day",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"well_number" : " ",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"face_value_units" : "Acre-feet per Year",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"max_dd_appl" : "0.0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"max_dd_units" : "Gallons per Day",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"max_dd_ann" : "0.0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"max_storage" : "2.5",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"max_use_appl" : "0.0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"use_net_acreage" : "0.0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"use_gross_acreage" : "0.0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"use_dd_annual" : "0.0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"use_dd_rate" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"use_dd_rate_units" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"use_storage_amount" : "2.5",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"pod_max_dd" : "0.0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"source_max_dd_unit" : "","

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"pod_max_storage" : "0.0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"pod_max_storage" : "0.0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"pod_max_storage" : "0.0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"source_max_storage_unit" : "Gallons per Day",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"pod_gis_maintained_data" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

Fields - Permits / Licenses / Seasonal Use

date_received" : ""

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"date_accepted" : "01/06/1978",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"date_notice" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"protest" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"number_protests" : "0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:

"year_first_use" : "1968.0",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"effective_from_date" : "09/15/1994",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"effective_to_date" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"issue_date" : "1979-03-26",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"construction_completed_by" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"planned_project_completion_date" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"permit_terms" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"term_id" : "0000021",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"direct_div_season_div_rate" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"storage_season_amount" : "2.5",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"direct_div_season_annual_amount" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"storage_season_begin_date" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"storage_season_end_date" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"use_seasons" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"direct_div_season_begin_date" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

"direct_div_season_end_date" : null,

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

direct_div_season_div_rate_units" : "",

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

Fields - Statement of Diversion

@TODO Move this to its own record type… will be easier to index and search.

{{year}} : 2009

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

{{year}}.usage | 2009

  • Description: From use code
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "Other"
  • Proposed change:


  • Description: Has description of usage.
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "6054 Ac. Waterfowl Habitat, and Rice Straw Decomp. "
  • Proposed change:


  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "Acre-Feet",
  • Proposed change:


  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: 6466
  • Proposed change:


  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "Other"
  • Proposed change:


  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "Other"
  • Proposed change:


  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "Other"
  • Proposed change:


  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "Other"
  • Proposed change:


  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "1028"
  • Proposed change:


  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "6466"
  • Proposed change:


  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "1028"
  • Proposed change:


  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "6466"
  • Proposed change:


  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "2009"
  • Proposed change:


  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "13976"
  • Proposed change:


  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples: "37516"
  • Proposed change:

Fields - Unknown

"version_number" : "2.0"

  • Description:
  • Definition:
  • Format:
  • Examples:
  • Proposed change:

** END of FIELDS **

Install Mongo Database

Mongodump file located here:

This is the current MongoDB for the Water Rights interactive.

  • It is a database of geoJSON objects for each water rights record.
  • About 50K records
  • Filesize: About 139MB BSON (Mongo dump file format)

@TODO Document how to import mongodump file into Mongo @TODO Rename to waterrights -- watertransfers is relic of earlier project idea.

Install Mongo Database

@TODO Sample Queries @TODO Sample Collections and indexes

Export Mongo Database as CSV file

@TODO Document this better. In general, the command is something like this: mongoexport -d watertransfer -c database -f properties.application_pod,,properties.water_right_type,properties.max_dd_ann,properties.diversion_acre_feet,properties.organization_type,properties.use_dd_annual,properties.use_dd_rate,properties.use_dd_rate_units,properties.pod_status,properties.diversion_storage_amount,properties.direct_div_amount,properties.latitude,properties.longitude,properties.face_value_amount,properties.water_right_status,properties.issue_date,properties.use_code,properties.year_first_use --csv --out /Users/username/htdocs/folder/data/export/4_13_2013_a.csv

@TODO Make list of all of the fields that could be exported (there are lots.)

Sample geoJSON Record Object of a Water Right

@TODO Add a few different examples: individual, state water project, municipal project, farm @TODO Proposed Change: move Statements of Diversion into their own record format.

        "id" : "C003105_01",
        "kind" : "right",
        "type" : "Feature",
        "coordinates" : [
        "geometry" : {
                "type" : "Point",
                "coordinates" : [
        "properties" : {
                "id" : "C003105_01",
                "kind" : "right",
                "source" : "",
                "name" : "JOE  ALBERTA",
                "pod_id" : "01",
                "water_right_id" : "13601",
                "pod_number" : "01",
                "application_id" : "C003105",
                "direct_div_amount" : "0.0",
                "diversion_storage_amount" : "2.5",
                "diversion_acre_feet" : "0.0",
                "place_id" : 663256,
                "pod_status" : "Active",
                "face_value_amount" : "0.0",
                "diversion_type" : "Direct Diversion",
                "diversion_code_type" : "Diversion point",
                "water_right_type" : "Stockpond",
                "water_right_status" : "Certified",
                "storage_type" : "",
                "pod_unit" : "Gallons per Day",
                "first_name" : "JOE",
                "holder_name" : "ALBERTA",
                "organization_type" : "Individual",
                "application_pod" : "C003105_01",
                "township_number" : "8",
                "range_direction" : "E",
                "township_direction" : "S",
                "range_number" : "21",
                "section_number" : "8",
                "section_classifier" : "",
                "quarter" : "SW",
                "quarter_quarter" : "SE",
                "meridian" : "Mount Diablo",
                "northing" : "1912401",
                "easting" : "6793775",
                "sp_zone" : "3",
                "latitude" : 37.24426798,
                "longitude" : -119.70260375,
                "trib_desc" : "",
                "location_method" : "DD_NE",
                "source_name" : "UNST",
                "moveable" : "N",
                "has_opod" : "N",
                "watershed" : "AHWAHNEE",
                "county" : "Madera",
                "well_number" : "   ",
                "quad_map_name" : "O'NEALS",
                "quad_map_num" : "JJ023 ",
                "quad_map_min_ser" : "7.5",
                "parcel_number" : "",
                "special_area" : null,
                "last_update_user_id" : 9,
                "date_last_updated" : 1191046438000,
                "status" : "Certified",
                "ewrims_db_id" : "13976",
                "reports" : {
                        "2009" : {
                                "usage" : [
                                "usage_quantity" : [
                                        " 6054 Ac. Waterfowl Habitat, and Rice Straw Decomp. "
                                "diversion_unit" : "Acre-Feet",
                                "total_diverted" : 6466,
                                "total_used" : 6466,
                                "diversion_total" : "6466",
                                "used_total" : "6466",
                                "amount_diverted" : [
                                                "January" : "1028"
                                                "February" : "0"
                                                "March" : "0"
                                                "April" : "0"
                                                "May" : "0"
                                                "June" : "0"
                                                "July" : "0"
                                                "August" : "0"
                                                "September" : "0"
                                                "October" : "0"
                                                "November" : "3703"
                                                "December" : "1735"
                                                "Total" : "6466"
                                "amount_used" : [
                                                "January" : "1028"
                                                "February" : "0"
                                                "March" : "0"
                                                "April" : "0"
                                                "May" : "0"
                                                "June" : "0"
                                                "July" : "0"
                                                "August" : "0"
                                                "September" : "0"
                                                "October" : "0"
                                                "November" : "3703"
                                                "December" : "1735"
                                                "Total" : "6466"
                                "year" : "2009",
                                "ewrims_db_id" : "13976",
                                "ewrims_form_id" : "37516"
                "source_alt" : "",
                "date_received" : "",
                "date_accepted" : "01/06/1978",
                "date_notice" : "",
                "protest" : "",
                "number_protests" : "0",
                "agent_name" : "",
                "agent_entity_type" : "",
                "primary_owner" : "JOE  ALBERTA",
                "primary_owner_entity_type" : "Individual",
                "face_value_units" : "Acre-feet per Year",
                "max_dd_appl" : "0.0",
                "max_dd_units" : "Gallons per Day",
                "max_dd_ann" : "0.0",
                "max_storage" : "2.5",
                "max_use_appl" : "0.0",
                "year_first_use" : "1968.0",
                "effective_from_date" : "09/15/1994",
                "effective_to_date" : "",
                "entity_type" : "Individual",
                "name_type" : "Primary Owner",
                "mailing_street_number" : null,
                "mailing_street_name" : null,
                "mailing_address_line2" : null,
                "mailing_city" : null,
                "mailing_state" : null,
                "mailing_country" : null,
                "mailing_zipcode" : null,
                "billing_street_number" : null,
                "billing_street_name" : null,
                "billing_city" : null,
                "billing_state" : null,
                "billing_country" : null,
                "billing_zipcode" : null,
                "phone" : null,
                "use_code" : "Stockwatering",
                "use_status_new" : "Migrated from old WRIMS data",
                "use_population" : "0",
                "use_net_acreage" : "0.0",
                "use_gross_acreage" : "0.0",
                "use_dd_annual" : "0.0",
                "use_dd_rate" : "",
                "use_dd_rate_units" : "",
                "use_storage_amount" : "2.5",
                "use_seasons" : "",
                "direct_div_season_begin_date" : null,
                "direct_div_season_end_date" : null,
                "direct_div_season_div_rate" : "",
                "direct_div_season_div_rate_units" : "",
                "direct_div_season_annual_amount" : "",
                "storage_season_begin_date" : null,
                "storage_season_end_date" : null,
                "storage_season_amount" : "2.5",
                "pod_max_dd" : "0.0",
                "source_max_dd_unit" : "",
                "pod_max_storage" : "0.0",
                "source_max_storage_unit" : "Gallons per Day",
                "pod_gis_maintained_data" : "",
                "appl_id" : "C003105",
                "podid" : "3912",
                "permit_id" : "",
                "water_right_description" : "",
                "issue_date" : "1979-03-26",
                "construction_completed_by" : "",
                "planned_project_completion_date" : "",
                "permit_terms" : "",
                "term_id" : "0000021",
                "version_number" : "2.0"
        "_id" : ObjectId("50f334c57ed9c041de0000dc")