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File metadata and controls

60 lines (38 loc) · 1.9 KB


Brutal workaround for FF issue #652991

May be useful for SPA who rely on SVG patterns url(#...) and history.pushState. Having this stack you may noticed FF adds none; to the end of fill/stroke paths after changing route, causing SVG paths to break.

This workaround should refresh pattern paths on route change, whereby SVG won't break.

It does not observe window.onpopstate event so you have to call it manually once route changes.

Demo without fix Take a look at Firefox

Demo with fix


npm i ff-svg-path-pushstate-workaround -S
import fixSVGPathsFF from 'ff-svg-path-pushstate-workaround'


var fixSVGPathsFF = require('ff-svg-path-pushstate-workaround')


var fixSVGPathsFF = window.ffSvgPathPushstateWorkaround

// at some point when route changes

By default it will lookup for all tags containing pattern in stroke or fill attributes.
document.querySelectorAll([fill^="url(#"], [stroke^="url(#"])

You may change it to fit your needs by passing custom selector as optional argument
fixSVGPathsFF('path') // will affect all path tags

P.s. Please note that default selector would search only fill/stroke specified by attributes. It won't find those parameters specified by styles, so you have to provide selector that will suit your needs, as mentioned above. (For example 'path' worked for me because on my project only path tags were used and all stroke/path parameters were specified by styles)

As example of usage with react-router

// yes, this should be called on every route change
const fixSVGPatternPathsInFF = () => {

<Route path='/' component={App}>
    <Route path='profile' component={Profile} onEnter={fixSVGPatternPathsInFF} />