- Improved contrast through automatic adjustment of the overlay background color to match the tint color
- Improve GesturedeckMediaOverlay API
- New volume icon style
- Fix Pan and LongPress action if set to null
- Improve activation key handling
- Fix GesturedeckMedia crash if set as null
- Allow disabling specific gestures in GesturedeckMedia
- Add
parameter to set the touch listener on the root view of the activity, set to false if you want to set the touch listener on a specific view or activity and call onTouchEvent manually.
- Show logo in watermark
- Fix reversed horizontal swipe icons
- Adjust volume text padding
- Improve Java and Jetpack Compose compatibility
- Add Javadoc
- Use sharp-corner icons
- Android 14 support
- Stability improvements
- Fix removing watermark after activation
- Fix activation keys not working
- Support custom background color
- Update documentation
- Reorder constructor parameters
- Add JitPack and licensing info
- Add GesturedeckMedia
- Rename PanSensitivity enum values
- Performance improvements
- Minor API adjustments
- Update documentation
- Improve Readme
- Initial release