In order to run tests some environment variables should be set.
Android release builds require:
ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PATH - Path to the keystore file
ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PASS - Password for the keystore file
iOS release builds for device require:
DEVELOPMENT_TEAM - Development team
PROVISIONING - Development provisioning profile
DISTRIBUTION_PROVISIONING - Distribution provisioning profile
You can set TEST_ENV
export TEST_ENV=next/rc/something-else-means-LIVE-env
It is translated to:
class EnvironmentType(Enum):
_init_ = 'value string'
NEXT = 1, 'next'
RC = 2, 'rc'
LIVE = 3, 'latest'
def __str__(self):
return self.string
Some tests use this logic and do not update apps when
Settings.ENV == EnvironmentType.LIVE
Git settings (optional)
SSH_CLONE - True or False (if not set tests will default to False).
Skip tns doctor
NS_SKIP_ENV_CHECK - If set (no matter of the value) doctor is not executed.