This project focuses on predicting diabetes status based on a dataset containing blood pressure and glucose levels of 995 individuals. We utilized descriptive statistics, implemented statistical methods for data preprocessing, and developed a Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier from scratch. The model was compared with the results in the original dataset and validated using the Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier from standard Python packages.
Dataset: Obtained from Kaggle, comprising blood pressure, glucose levels, and diabetes status of 995 individuals.
- Glucose: Quantitative variable representing glucose levels.
- Blood Pressure: Quantitative variable.
Target Variable:
- Diabetes: Binary indicating diabetic or non-diabetic status.
- Converted "diabetes" column to Boolean format.
- Addressed outliers using the Interquartile Range (IQR) method.
- Standardized data for uniform scale.
- Divided the dataset into 80% training and 20% testing data.
- Computed mean, standard deviation, and variance for "blood pressure" and "glucose."
- Standardized data for zero mean and unit variance.
- Conducted Shapiro-Wilk test for normality on blood pressure and glucose features.
- Utilized conditional plots to visualize glucose and blood pressure distributions for diabetic and non-diabetic individuals.
- Developed a custom class called NB to implement the Gaussian Naive Bayes model.
- Trained the model using prior probabilities and estimated parameters for feature distributions.
- Predicted diabetes status for the test set.
- Compared results with the Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier from Python packages.
- Identified multimodal distribution for glucose and bimodal distribution for blood pressure.
- Tested non-normality of features using the Shapiro-Wilk test.
- Achieved 94.87% accuracy with the custom Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier.
- Verified identical results with the Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier from standard Python packages.
- Successfully classified individuals as diabetic or non-diabetic using blood pressure and glucose measurements.
- Acknowledged multimodal and bimodal distributions for glucose and blood pressure, respectively.
- Gaussian Naive Bayes model achieved a high accuracy of 94.87%.
- Noted the assumption of independence in the Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier and potential influences between glucose and blood pressure.