This sample revisits matrix multiplication using the CUDA driver API. It demonstrates how to link to CUDA driver at runtime and how to use JIT (just-in-time) compilation from PTX code. It has been written for clarity of exposition to illustrate various CUDA programming principles, not with the goal of providing the most performant generic kernel for matrix multiplication. CUBLAS provides high-performance matrix multiplication.
CUDA Driver API, CUDA Dynamically Linked Library
SM 5.0 SM 5.2 SM 5.3 SM 6.0 SM 6.1 SM 7.0 SM 7.2 SM 7.5 SM 8.0 SM 8.6 SM 8.7 SM 8.9 SM 9.0
Linux, Windows
x86_64, armv7l
cuMemcpyDtoH, cuDeviceGetName, cuParamSeti, cuModuleLoadDataEx, cuModuleGetFunction, cuLaunchGrid, cuFuncSetSharedSize, cuMemFree, cuParamSetSize, cuParamSetv, cuInit, cuMemcpyHtoD, cuLaunchKernel, cuDeviceGet, cuFuncSetBlockShape, cuCtxDestroy, cuDeviceGetCount, cuDeviceComputeCapability, cuCtxSynchronize, cuMemAlloc, cuCtxCreate
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