From 8fe7a0ddc0b0b2c81f75454899622e0a847c18fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: H171 <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2023 23:48:51 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] feat: add `types`
src/types/index.d.ts | 11 +
src/types/timelinejs3.ts | 432 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 443 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 src/types/index.d.ts
create mode 100644 src/types/timelinejs3.ts
diff --git a/src/types/index.d.ts b/src/types/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b35d460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Props } from './timelinejs3'
+declare module '@knight-lab/timelinejs' {
+ export class Timeline {
+ constructor(
+ containerId: string,
+ data: Props.Data,
+ options?: Props.Options
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/timelinejs3.ts b/src/types/timelinejs3.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e89b75e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/timelinejs3.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+export namespace Props {
+ export interface Date {
+ /**
+ * A number. Don't use commas. BCE years should be negative numbers.
+ * Don't use the letters "BC", "BCE" or any others.
+ */
+ year: number
+ /**
+ * A number from 1-12 (Javascript experts don't outsmart yourselves:
+ * Timeline corrects for Javascript's strange use of "0" for "January", etc.)
+ */
+ month?: number
+ day?: number
+ /**
+ * A number from 0-23
+ */
+ hour?: number
+ /**
+ * A number from 0-59
+ */
+ minute?: number
+ /**
+ * A number from 0-59
+ */
+ second?: number
+ millisecond?: number
+ /**
+ * A string for presenting the date. This value will be presented exactly as specified, overriding
+ * TimelineJS's default date formatting. Note that the year property, at a minimum, must still be
+ * provided so that TimelineJS can properly position the event on the actual timeline.
+ */
+ display_date?: string
+ /**
+ * A formatting string which will be used to render the date parts, if you wish to override
+ * TimelineJS's default formatting. Note that in general you can achieve the same with display_date
+ * (above), without needing to master the complexity of the date format strings.
+ */
+ format?: string
+ }
+ /**
+ * Text objects are JSON objects with the following properties. For each slide, text objects are optional.
+ */
+ export interface Text {
+ /**
+ * Any text. HTML markup is OK. Blank is also OK.
+ */
+ headline?: string
+ /**
+ * Any text. HTML markup is OK. Blank is OK. Not used for era objects.
+ */
+ text?: string
+ }
+ /**
+ * Media objects are JSON objects with the following properties. For each slide, media objects are optional.
+ */
+ export interface Media {
+ /**
+ * In most cases, a URL (see media type documentation for complete details).
+ * {@see}
+ */
+ url: string
+ /**
+ * Any text. HTML markup is OK. Blank is also OK.
+ */
+ caption?: string
+ /**
+ * Any text. HTML markup is OK. Blank is also OK.
+ */
+ credit?: string
+ /**
+ * A URL for an image to use in the timenav marker for this event. If omitted, Timeline will use an icon based
+ * on the type of media. Not relevant for title slides, because they do not have a marker.
+ */
+ thumbnail?: string
+ /**
+ * An alt tag for your image. If none is provided, the caption, if any, will be used.
+ */
+ alt?: string
+ /**
+ * A title for your image. If none is provided, the caption, if any, will be used.
+ */
+ title?: string
+ /**
+ * Optional URL to use as the href for wrapping the media with an `` tag.
+ */
+ link?: URL
+ /**
+ * Optional target to be associated with `link` if used.
+ */
+ link_target?: '_blank' | '_self'
+ }
+ export interface Slide {
+ start_date: Date
+ end_date?: Date
+ /**
+ * Not required, but recommended. Any text. HTML markup is OK. Blank is also OK.
+ */
+ text?: Text
+ media?: Media
+ /**
+ * Any text. If present, Timeline will organize events with the same value for group to be in the same row
+ * or adjacent rows, separate from events in other groups. The common value for the group will be shown as
+ * a label at the left edge of the navigation.
+ */
+ group?: string
+ /**
+ * A string which will be used when Timeline displays the date for this. If used, override's display_date
+ * values set on the start or end date for this event, which is useful if you want to control how the two
+ * dates relate to each other.
+ */
+ display_date?: string
+ background?: {
+ /**
+ * The fully-qualified URL pointing to an image which will be used as the background for the event.
+ */
+ url?: string
+ /**
+ * Alternative text that describes the image provided by the url property
+ */
+ alt?: string
+ /**
+ * A CSS color, in hexadecimal (e.g. #0f9bd1) or a valid CSS color keyword.
+ * {@see}
+ */
+ color?: string
+ }
+ /**
+ * A boolean value (true or false). Defaults to true, which means that Timeline will scan text fields
+ * and automatically add tags so that links and email addresses are "clickable." If set to false,
+ * you may still manually apply the tags in the appropriate fields when you want links. Autolinking applies
+ * to the text field in a text object and the caption and credit fields in a media object.
+ */
+ autolink?: boolean
+ /**
+ * A string value which is unique among all slides in your timeline. If not specified, TimelineJS will construct
+ * an ID based on the headline, but if you later edit your headline, the ID will change. Unique IDs are used when
+ * the hash_bookmark option is used, and can also be used with the timeline.goToId() method to programmatically
+ * move the timeline to a specific slide.
+ */
+ unique_id?: string
+ }
+ /**
+ * Era objects are JSON objects which are used to label a span of time on the timeline navigation component.
+ * In structure, they are essentially very restricted "slide" objects.
+ */
+ export interface Era {
+ start_date: Date
+ end_date: Date
+ /**
+ * Not required, but recommended. Any text. HTML markup is OK. Blank is also OK.
+ */
+ text?: Omit
+ }
+ export interface Data {
+ events: Slide[]
+ title?: Slide
+ eras?: Era[]
+ /**
+ * Either human or cosmological. If no scale is specified, the default is human. The cosmological scale is
+ * required to handle dates in the very distant past or future. (Before Tuesday, April 20th, 271,821 BCE
+ * after Saturday, September 13 275,760 CE) For the cosmological scale, only the year is considered, but it's
+ * OK to have a cosmological timeline with years between 271,821 BCE and 275,760 CE.
+ */
+ scale?: 'human' | 'cosmological' // default is "human"
+ }
+ /**
+ * When you create a timeline manually by calling TL.Timeline, you may pass in an optional third parameter which
+ * contains a variety of presentation options. This third parameter should be a Javascript object with keys matching
+ * the value in the Name column and corresponding values appropriate to the specific key.
+ * {@example
+ * ```js
+ * const options = {
+ * hash_bookmark: false,
+ * initial_zoom: 5,
+ * }
+ * const timeline = new TL.Timeline('timeline-embed',
+ * '',
+ * options)
+ * ```
+ * }
+ *
+ * If you use our authoring tool, you can pass most of these as URL parameters. Add &option_name=value for each.
+ * To demonstrate using the same options as above:
+ *
+ */
+ export interface Options {
+ /**
+ * default is `"default"`
+ *
+ * May be one of a list of Timeline's "built-in" font sets, or a full or relative URL (ending in .css) which
+ * points to a CSS file in the same format as the built-ins. (See the typography section of "Overriding
+ * Timeline's Styles")
+ * {@see}
+ * The valid values for the built-in fonts are:
+ * `
+ * abril-droidsans
+ * amatic-andika
+ * bevan-pontanosans
+ * bitter-raleway
+ * clicker-garamond
+ * dancing-ledger
+ * default
+ * fjalla-average
+ * georgia-helvetica
+ * lustria-lato
+ * medula-lato
+ * oldstandard
+ * opensans-gentiumbook
+ * playfair-faunaone
+ * playfair
+ * pt
+ * roboto-megrim
+ * rufina-sintony
+ * ubuntu
+ * unicaone-vollkorn
+ * `
+ */
+ font?: 'default' | string
+ /**
+ * default is `false`
+ *
+ * If true, copious console logging will be enabled.
+ */
+ debug?: boolean
+ /**
+ * `this._el.container.offsetHeight`
+ *
+ * The height of the timeline.
+ */
+ height?: number
+ /**
+ * `this._el.container.offsetWidth`
+ *
+ * The width of the timeline.
+ */
+ width?: number
+ /**
+ * default is `false`
+ *
+ * If `true`, the class `tl-timeline-embed` is added to the outer Timeline container. Typically only used to
+ * support Timeline iframe embeds.
+ */
+ is_embed?: boolean
+ /**
+ * default is `false`
+ *
+ * If set to `true`, TimelineJS will update the browser URL each time a slide advances, so that people can
+ * link directly to specific slides.
+ */
+ hash_bookmark?: boolean
+ /**
+ * default is `"white"`
+ *
+ * RGB values to use for slide backgrounds. Specify as hex code, CSS named color, or a Javascript object
+ * with `r`, `g`, and `b` properties from 0-255.
+ */
+ default_bg_color?: string
+ /**
+ * default is `2`
+ *
+ * How many screen widths wide the timeline should be at first presentation.
+ */
+ scale_factor?: number
+ /**
+ * The position in the `zoom_sequence` series used to scale the Timeline when it is first created. Takes
+ * precedence over `scale_factor`.
+ */
+ initial_zoom?: number
+ /**
+ * default is `[0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89]`
+ *
+ * Array of values for TimeNav zoom levels. Each value is a `scale_factor`, which means that at any given
+ * level, the full timeline would require that many screens to display all events.
+ */
+ zoom_sequence?: number[]
+ /**
+ * default is `"bottom"`
+ *
+ * Display the timeline nav on the `top` or `bottom`.
+ */
+ timenav_position?: 'top' | 'bottom'
+ /**
+ * default is `100`
+ *
+ * Optimal distance (in pixels) between ticks on axis.
+ */
+ optimal_tick_width?: number
+ /**
+ * default is `"tl-timeline"`
+ *
+ * Removing the `tl-timeline` base class will disable all default stylesheets.
+ */
+ base_class?: string
+ /**
+ * default is `150`
+ *
+ * The height in pixels of the timeline nav. Takes precedence over timenav_height_percentage.
+ */
+ timenav_height?: number
+ /**
+ * default is `25`
+ *
+ * Specify the timeline nav height as a percentage of the screen instead of in pixels.
+ */
+ timenav_height_percentage?: number
+ /**
+ * default is `40`
+ *
+ * Specify the timeline nav height as a percentage of a mobile device screen.
+ */
+ timenav_mobile_height_percentage?: number
+ /**
+ * default is `150`
+ *
+ * The minimum timeline nav height (in pixels).
+ */
+ timenav_height_min?: number
+ /**
+ * default is `30`
+ *
+ * The minimum marker height (in pixels).
+ */
+ marker_height_min?: number
+ /**
+ * default is `100`
+ *
+ * The minimum marker witdh (in pixels).
+ */
+ marker_width_min?: number
+ /**
+ * default is `5`
+ *
+ * Top and bottom padding (in pixels) for markers.
+ */
+ marker_padding?: number
+ /**
+ * default is `0`
+ *
+ * The first slide to display when the timeline is loaded.
+ */
+ start_at_slide?: number
+ /**
+ * default is `false`
+ * If true, loads timeline on last slide.
+ */
+ start_at_end?: boolean
+ /**
+ * default is `0`
+ */
+ menubar_height?: number
+ /**
+ * default is `false`
+ *
+ * Use declared suffix on dates earlier than 0.
+ */
+ use_bc?: boolean
+ /**
+ * default is `1000`
+ *
+ * Animation duration (in milliseconds).
+ */
+ duration?: number
+ /**
+ * default is `TL.Ease.easeInOutQuint`
+ */
+ ease?: string
+ /**
+ * default is `true`
+ */
+ dragging?: boolean
+ /**
+ * default is `true`
+ */
+ trackResize?: boolean
+ /**
+ * default is `100`
+ *
+ * Padding (in pixels) on the left and right of each slide.
+ */
+ slide_padding_lr?: number
+ /**
+ * default is `"0%"`
+ */
+ slide_default_fade?: string
+ /**
+ * default is `"en"`
+ *
+ * Value should be a language code for a translation set included with TimelineJS. See the
+ * Github repository for the set of supported language codes—to use these, specify the
+ * filename without the `.json` extension.
+ * {@see}
+ *
+ * Alternatively, you can create your own translation file, for other languages or simply
+ * to override the default messages. To do this, specify a URL to a file based on `en.json`.
+ * Your URL must end in `.json`.
+ */
+ language?: string
+ /**
+ * default is `null`
+ *
+ * Google Analytics ID.
+ */
+ ga_property_id?: string
+ /**
+ * default is `['back_to_start', 'nav_next', 'nav_previous', 'zoom_in', 'zoom_out']`
+ */
+ track_events?: string[]
+ /**
+ * default is `""`
+ *
+ * Can be used to help Timeline load related resources such as CSS themes and language files.
+ * Rarely needs to be set, except if you are bundling the TimelineJS javascript code with other
+ * javascript, so that the script it load from isn't in the same "relative" location to your
+ * local copy of those resources.
+ */
+ script_path?: string
+ /**
+ * default is `false`
+ *
+ * If this option is set to true, then TimelineJS will load the code necessary to support clips
+ * created using Knight Lab's SoundciteJS. This eliminates the need to add the embed code shown
+ * in step 3 of the Soundcite authoring tool. Simply copy the per-clip markup from step 2 into
+ * the "text" field for any TimelineJS event.
+ *
+ * Note that while the default value for this option is false, for timelines hosted on Knight
+ * Lab's systems, the value is set to true for ease of use.
+ */
+ soundcite?: boolean
+ }
From cc24542014d38cd7333ffdd57bcaf0cf294b8506 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: H171 <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2023 01:46:22 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] fix: rename `types` file
index.js | 1 +
src/types/{index.d.ts => knight-lab__timelinejs.d.ts} | 0
src/types/timelinejs3.ts | 10 +++++++++-
3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
rename src/types/{index.d.ts => knight-lab__timelinejs.d.ts} (100%)
diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index f60c4c8b..f3eaf24a 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
export { Timeline } from './src/js/index.js';
+export * from './src/types/timelinejs3.js';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/types/index.d.ts b/src/types/knight-lab__timelinejs.d.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/types/index.d.ts
rename to src/types/knight-lab__timelinejs.d.ts
diff --git a/src/types/timelinejs3.ts b/src/types/timelinejs3.ts
index 6e89b75e..48ba54a1 100644
--- a/src/types/timelinejs3.ts
+++ b/src/types/timelinejs3.ts
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ export namespace Props {
* Optional URL to use as the href for wrapping the media with an `` tag.
- link?: URL
+ link?: string
* Optional target to be associated with `link` if used.
@@ -430,3 +430,11 @@ export namespace Props {
soundcite?: boolean
+export type Data = Props.Data
+export type Options = Props.Options
+export type Text = Props.Text
+export type Media = Props.Media
+export type Era = Props.Era
+export type Slide = Props.Slide
+export type Date = Props.Date