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Electronic Prescription Service API


This is a RESTful HL7® FHIR® API specification for the Electronic Prescription Service API.

  • azure/ Defines CI/CD pipeline for the API
  • packages/bdd-tests/ Jest-Cucumber BDD Test Suite. See README for more details.
  • packages/coordinator/ Deals with message translation and distribution to other services. Backend for the production EPS FHIR API. See README for more details.
  • packages/e2e-tests/ End to end tests (Smoke tests). See README for more details.
  • packages/models/ A common project for sharing models and loading example requests and responses for testing
  • packages/specification/ This Open API Specification describes the endpoints, methods and messages exchanged by the API. Use it to generate interactive documentation; the contract between the API and its consumers.
  • packages/tool/ EPSAT tool. See README for more details.
  • packages/tool/azure Defines CI/CD pipeline for EPSAT
  • packages/tool/e2e-tests End to end tests for EPSAT. See README for more details.
  • packages/tool/proxies Apigee API Proxies for EPSAT
  • packages/tool/scripts Useful scripts
  • packages/tool/site Code for EPSAT - split into client and server
  • packages/tool/specification API spec for EPSAT - needed for Apigee deployment
  • proxies/ Apigee API Proxies for the API
  • scripts/ Utilities helpful to developers of this specification
  • .devcontainer Contains a dockerfile and vscode devcontainer definition
  • .github Contains github workflows that are used for building and deploying from pull requests and releases
  • .vscode Contains vscode workspace file
  • SAMtemplates Contains AWS resource definitions

Consumers of the API will find developer documentation on the NHS Digital Developer Hub.


Contributions to this project are welcome from anyone, providing that they conform to the guidelines for contribution and the community code of conduct.


This code is dual licensed under the MIT license and the OGL (Open Government License). Any new work added to this repository must conform to the conditions of these licenses. In particular this means that this project may not depend on GPL-licensed or AGPL-licensed libraries, as these would violate the terms of those libraries' licenses.

The contents of this repository are protected by Crown Copyright (C).


It is recommended that you use visual studio code and a devcontainer as this will install all necessary components and correct versions of tools and languages. See for details on how to set this up on your host machine. There is also a workspace file in .vscode that should be opened once you have started the devcontainer. The workspace file can also be opened outside of a devcontainer if you wish.

All commits must be made using signed commits

Once the steps at the link above have been completed. Add to your ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf as below:

pinentry-mode loopback

and to your ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf as below:


As described here:

You will need to create the files, if they do not already exist. This will ensure that your VSCode bash terminal prompts you for your GPG key password.

You can cache the gpg key passphrase by following instructions at

Manual Setup

If you decide not to use devcontainers, the following dependencies need to be installed: make, jq, curl, asdf. If you want to run validator, you must install maven and a jre

On Ubuntu 20.04

Installed by running the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git make curl build-essential checkinstall libssl-dev -y
git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.11.2
echo '. $HOME/.asdf/' >> ~/.bashrc; \
echo '. $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash' >> ~/.bashrc;
source ~/.bashrc

# for validator
sudo apt install default-jre maven -y

On Mac

xcode-select --install       # if not already installed
brew update
brew install git     # if not already installed

# INSTALL PYTHON with asdf
brew install asdf
# then follow instructions to update ~/.zshrc and restart terminal
brew install openssl readline sqlite3 xz zlib tcl-tk     # python dependencies

brew install jq

asdf setup

You need to run the following to install the needed asdf packages. Make sure you are in the root directory of our repo, alongside the .tool-versions file.

asdf plugin add python
asdf plugin add poetry
asdf plugin add shellcheck
asdf plugin add nodejs
asdf plugin-add java
asdf install

Install packages

Install the packages with make install, then verify everything is installed correctly by running the default make target.

Pre-commit hooks

Some pre-commit hooks are installed as part of the install above to ensure you can't commit invalid spec changes by accident and to run basic lint checks. The pre-commit hook uses python package pre-commit and is configured in the file .pre-commit-config.yaml. A combination of these checks are also run in CI.

Environment Variables

Various scripts and commands rely on environment variables being set. These are documented with the commands.

💡 Consider using direnv to manage your environment variables during development and maintaining your own .envrc file - the values of these variables will be specific to you and/or sensitive.

The following are recommended to place in the .envrc file

export PACT_PROVIDER=nhsd-apim-eps
# for api
export SERVICE_BASE_PATH=electronic-prescriptions
# for epsat
export SERVICE_BASE_PATH=eps-api-tool
export APIGEE_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(npm run --silent fetch-apigee-access-token)
export APIGEE_ENVIRONMENT=internal-dev
export APIGEE_ENVIRONMENT=internal-dev

Make commands

There are further make commands that are run as part of the CI pipeline and help alias some functionality during development.

API and EPSAT builds

To enable API and EPSAT to be built as part of the CI processes, the following targets are derived dynamically when the make command is invoked. The derived targets have either -api, -epsat or -all as a suffix If there is a file called api.release in the root folder, then the targets are run for api. If there is a file called epsat.release in the root folder, then the targets are run for epsat. If neither file is present, then the targets are run for api and epsat.

  • test
  • release
  • install
  • lint
  • check-licenses
  • build

Common commands

Common commands needed for development can be run by running the default make command.


This outputs to build.log and runs the following targets:

  • clean Removes the output from the build and release commands
  • build Outputs the FHIR R4 validated models and artifacts for the: specification, coordinator and apigee proxies into the corresponding dist/ directories
  • test Performs quality checks including linting, license checking of dependencies and unit/low level integration tests
  • release Pulls all the artifacts for the individual components together and arranges them in a format ready to deploy; used mainly by CI but useful to check the output matches expectations

Install targets

  • install Installs dependencies based on the specified target
  • install-api Installs dependencies for the API
  • install-all Installs all project dependencies
  • install-epsat Installs dependencies for epsat
  • install-node Installs Node dependencies for specified workspaces
  • install-python Installs Python dependencies using Poetry
  • install-hooks Installs pre-commit hooks
  • install-validator Installs dependencies for the validator

Download targets

  • download-openjdk Downloads OpenJDK.

Build targets

  • build Builds the project
  • build-api Builds API components
  • build-epsat Builds epsat components
  • build-all Builds all components
  • build-specification Builds the specification component
  • build-coordinator Builds the coordinator component
  • build-validator Builds the validator
  • build-proxies Builds proxies

Test targets

  • test Runs tests based on the specified target
  • test-api Runs API tests
  • test-epsat Runs epsat tests
  • test-all Runs all tests
  • test-coordinator Runs coordinator tests
  • test-models Runs models tests
  • run-smoke-tests Runs smoke tests
  • create-smoke-tests Creates smoke tests
  • install-smoke-tests Installs smoke tests
  • update-snapshots Updates snapshots

Run targets

  • run-specification Serves a preview of the specification in human-readable format
  • run-coordinator Run the coordinator locally
  • run-validator Runs the validator
  • run-epsat Builds and runs epsat

All run-* make targets rely on the corresponding build-* make targets, the build make target will run all of these

Release targets

These are called from CI pipeline for either API or EPSAT and copy some files to root folder needed for the APIM supplied pipeline templates to work. They also create a file called either api.release or epsat.release in the root folder. They can safely be run locally. This is not valid for -all target.

  • release Runs release based on the specified target
  • release-api Creates a release for the API
  • release-epsat Creates a release for epsat
  • prepare-for-api-release Prepares for an API release
  • prepare-for-epsat-release Prepares for an epsat release
  • publish Placeholder target for publishing
  • mark-jira-released Marks Jira issues as released

SAM targets

These are mostly called from CI pipelines to build and deploy resources to our AWS accounts via SAM

  • sam-build Builds deployable Cloudformation files from the main SAM template
  • sam-build-sandboxBuilds deployable Cloudformation files from the sandbox SAM template
  • sam-validate Validates the main SAM templates
  • sam-validate-sandbox Validates the sandbox SAM templates
  • sam-deploy-package Deploys a Cloudformation stack of defined resources from the chosen SAM template

Clean and deep-clean targets

  • clean clears up any files that have been generated by building or testing locally
  • deep-clean runs clean target and also removes any node_modules, python libraries, and certificates created locally

Quality checks targets

  • lint Performs linting based on the specified target
  • lint-api Lints the API components
  • lint-epsat Lints epsat components
  • lint-all Lints all components
  • cfn-guard runs cfn-guard for sam and cloudformation templates

Check licenses and versions targets

  • check-licenses Checks licenses based on the specified target
  • check-licenses-api Checks licenses for API components
  • check-licenses-epsat Checks licenses for epsat components
  • check-licenses-all Checks licenses for all components
  • check-language-versions Checks language versions

Tool commands

  • generate-mock-certs Creates some TLS certifacates that are used for local testing
  • update-prescriptions Updates examples with newly generated prescription ids/short prescription ids and updates authored on fields, use this in combination with tools for signing the examples to test dispensing in integration environments

Release notes commands

  • publish-fhir-release-notes-int publishes int release notes to conflunce
  • publish-fhir-release-notes-prod publishes prod release notes to conflunce
  • publish-fhir-rc-release-notes-int publishes RC int release notes to conflunce
  • mark-jira-released marks a jira release as released

Snapshot commands

  • update-snapshots updates the snapshots used in EPSAT unit tests. Used when you modify EPSAT pages or update some dependant libraries

Postman commands

  • generate-postman-collection Generates Postman collection

Security auditing commands

  • npm-audit-fix Fixes npm audit vulnerabilities

Running tests

Unit and Integration tests

There are tests that can be run locally for the following

  • packages/coordinator
  • packages/models
  • packages/tools/site/client
  • packages/bdd-tests

These can either be run from the root directory specifying the workspace - eg

npm test --workspace packages/coordinator

or by changing directory and running

npm test

or by using make targets

make test-coordinator
make test-models
make test-epsat
make test-bdd

or if using the devcontainer from the testing sidebar.

Automated Regression API tests

As part of the pipeline to deploy, automated regression is performed by starting the regression tests workflow in the Regression Tests Repo. This happens post API deployment on pull requests and deployments to all environments apart from REF and PROD. If any tests fail, this will fail the deployment

End-to-end API tests

See end to end API tests for more details

End-to-end EPSAT tests

See end to end EPSAT tests for more details

GitHub folder

This /.github folder contains workflows and templates related to github

  • dependabot.yml Dependabot definition file
  • pull_request_template.yml Template for pull requests

Workflows are in the /.github/workflows folder

  • codeql-analysis.yml Workflow for automated security analysis and vulnerability detection
  • combine-dependabot-prs.yml Workflow for combining dependabot pull requests
  • create_int_release_notes.yml Workflow for creating int release notes. Called from azure pipeline
  • create_prod_release_notes.yml Workflow for creating prod release notes. Called from azure pipeline
  • create_rc_int_release_notes.yml Workflow for creating RC int release notes. Called from azure pipeline
  • dependabot_auto_approve_and_merge.yml Workflow for auto-approving and merging Dependabot pull requests
  • mark_jira_released.yml Workflow for marking jira release as released. Called from azure pipeline
  • pull_request.yml Workflow for building, testing and deploying resources to AWS from a pull request
  • pr_title_check.yml Checks that pull requests title matches the desired format
  • pr-link.yml Links the raised PR with the associated Jira ticket
  • release.yml Runs on demand to create a release and deploy to all environments
  • run_package_code_and_api.yml Packages code and api and uploads to a github artifact for later deployment.
  • run_release_code_and_api.yml Release code and api built by run_package_code_and_api.yml to an environment.

Issue templates are in the .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE folder

  • Template for creating bug reports
  • Template for creating feature requests

Azure folder

This /azure folder contains templates defining Azure Devops pipelines

  • azure-build-pipeline.yml Assembles the contents of the repository into a single file ("artifact") on Azure Devops. By default this pipeline is enabled for all branches.
  • azure-pr-pipeline.yml Deploys ephemeral versions of the proxy to Apigee to internal environments. You can run automated and manual tests against these while you develop. This pipeline will deploy to internal-dev, but the template can be amended to add other environments as required.
  • azure-release-pipeline.yml Deploys the long-lived version of your pipeline to internal and external environments, typically when you merge to master.
  • azure-release-template.yml Defines parameters and extends a template for deploying services on Azure, specifically for Apigee deployment.
  • project.yml Defines variables.

In the /azure/templates folder, you can define reusable actions, such as running tests, and call these actions during Azure Devops pipelines. 

Proxies folder

This /proxies folder contains files relating to the Apigee API proxy.

There are 2 folders /live and /sandbox allowing you to define a different proxy for sandbox use. By default, this sandbox proxy is implemented to route to the sandbox target server.

Within the live/apiproxy and sandbox/apiproxy folders are:

  • /proxies/default.xml Defines the proxy's Flows. Flows define how the proxy should handle different requests. By default, _ping and _status endpoint flows are defined. See the APM confluence for more information on how the _ping and _status endpoints work.
  • /policies Populated with a set of standard XML Apigee policies that can be used in flows.
  • /targets The XMLs within these folders set up target definitions which allow connections to external target servers. The sandbox target definition is implemented to route to the sandbox target server (code for this sandbox is found under /sandbox of this template repo). For more info on setting up a target server see the API Producer Zone confluence

Emacs Plugins


Speccy A handy toolkit for OpenAPI, with a linter to enforce quality rules, documentation rendering, and resolution.

Speccy does the lifting for the following npm scripts:

  • lint Lints the definition
  • resolve Outputs the specification as a single file
  • serve Serves a preview of the specification in human-readable format

(Workflow detailed in a post on the developerjack blog.)

💡 The resolve -i command is useful when uploading to Apigee which requires the spec as a single file. The -i argument ensures that all $ref's are replaced with the referenced file or internal object's content


Viewing OAS specification

To view the specification in a user-friendly format, you will need VSCode with the OpenAPI extension (42Crunch.vscode-openapi) installed. Open the electronic-prescription-service-api.yaml file and use the F1 > OpenAPI: show preview using ReDoc command.

For more information about developing specifications see the API Producer Zone confluence.

Swagger UI

Swagger UI unfortunately doesn't correctly render $refs in examples, so use speccy serve instead.

Apigee Portal

The Apigee portal will not automatically pull examples from schemas, you must specify them manually.

Platform setup

Successful deployment of the API Proxy requires:

  • A Target Server named ig3

💡 For Sandbox-running environments (test) these need to be present for successful deployment but can be set to empty/dummy values.


The FHIR Validator is fetched during CI for a specific released tag. To see the released tag currently being used you can review the Download Validator step version

Running the validator locally

You can also run the validator locally by cloning the repo in the parent folder of this checked out repo. The code is already cloned if you are using the devcontainer

$ cd ../
$ git clone --depth 1 --branch <version> validator
$ cd electronic-prescription-service-api
$ make install-validator
$ make build-validator
$ make run-validator