The activemodel-caution gem mirrors ActiveModel's validation framework to provide non-blocking warnings. It is possible to specify a warning as 'active', in which case it must be confirmed (otherwise a validation error is raised).
The codebase is heavily based on the ActiveModel's Validation framework.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'activemodel-caution', :git => ''
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself by cloning the project, then executing:
$ gem build activemodel-caution.gemspec
$ gem install ./activemodel-caution-1.0.3.gem
Basic usage is similar to ActiveModel's validations:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
caution :warn_against_empty_content
def warn_against_empty_content
warnings.add(:content, 'is blank') if content.blank?
@post = 'My first blog', content: '')
@post.valid? #=> true #=> false
@post.unsafe? #=> true
@post.warnings.messages #=> { :content => ['Content is blank'] }
Also included are "active warnings", which trigger a validation error until they are confirmed:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
caution :actively_warn_against_empty_content
def actively_warn_against_empty_content
warnings.add(:content, 'is blank', active: true) if content.blank?
@post = 'My first blog', content: '')
@post.valid? #=> false #=> false
@post.unsafe? #=> true #=> { :content => ['Content is blank'] }
@post.errors[:base] #=> 'The following warnings need confirmation: Content is blank'
The object must then be "confirmed as safe" to be valid:
@post.warnings_need_confirmation? #=> true
@post.confirmed_safe? #=> false
@post.active_warnings_confirm_decision = true
# We no longer are waiting for a decision...
@post.warnings_need_confirmation? #=> false
# ...and the decision was, in this case, positive:
@post.confirmed_safe? #=> true
@post.valid? #=> true #=> false
This repository aims to mirror the validations of ActiveModel
/ ActiveRecord
in both functionality and implementation.
As such, releases are tagged to mirror Rails' own. The file version.rb
defines both RAILS_VERSION
the latter of which can be use to release intermediate updates should they be necessary.
Changes needing mirroring can be found with e.g. the below, although it's wise to review the full changelogs in detail too.
rails$ git diff v6.0.0.rc1..v6.0.0.rc2 --stat -- {activemodel/lib/active_model,activerecord/lib/active_record}/{error,validat}*
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
Development dependencies can be installed using bundler in the usual way. Tests can be run with
$ bundle exec rake
They currently use an in-memory SQLite database when testing the ActiveRecord integration.