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All source code from NESCent projects is public and hosted on GitHub. This is the list of repositories in the NESCent GitHub organization.
Table of contents
Code developed in collaboration between NESCent-sponsored scholars and NESCent Informatics.
dplace: D-PLACE, a database of phylogeneties of languages for the study of cultural evolution; product of a NESCent working group, PIs Michael Gavin, Simon Greenihll and Russel Grey. Currently hosted by the Max Planck Institute at
evogen: Phylogenetic tree rendering as a web-service. Demonstration project for the EvoGenomics WG at NESCent
FossilCalibrations: a database of fossil calibrations for use in molecular divergence analysis; product of the Fossil Calibrations WG, PIs Dan Kspeka and Jim Parham. Linked to pubilshed calibration papers in Palaeontologia Electronica; hosted by PE at
fcdb-api: the API for the Fossil Calibrations database.
heliconius-db: Database schema and web-application for natural diversity of phenotypes and genotypes collected for the neotropical Heliconius butterflies; developed in collaboration with Owen McMillan and Nassib Nassar.
mr-naims: A simple name cleaner from the Phylotastic hackathon.
plhdb: The Primate Life Histories database (PHLDB); developed in collaboration with the NESCent working group, PIs Susan Alberts and Karen Strier.
pmdb: Database and web-application developed as a prototype for the NESCent Working Group on "Understanding the paradox of mixed mating in flowering plants" (PIs: Susan Kalisz, Mark Johnston).
- Phylontal: Java tool for aligning multiple species-specific ontologies in a phylogenetically-aware manner. Developed by Peter Midford during a sabbatical fellowship.
dataone-ws-tester: Outdated system to test API of a DataONE member node
GitHackDay: Code and docs from a NESCent hackday on git
- The repo that underlies this page.
openid_consumer_example: This is a simple rails app to show how to implement an OpenID Consumer in ruby.
VisualWG-TableMerge: Java tool for merging spreadsheets from the Visual Systems WG
Reposities that are not publicly-viewable, generally because they contain information about internal activities that cannot be made public.
digital-asset-archival: documentation and issue tracker for the handoff and archial of NESCent resources when the center closes
informatics-activity-log: weekly updates from the informatics team
nead: the NESCent adminstrative database
NEAD-snapshot: A snapshot of the NEAD code from 2012
- feedingdb
- phylocommons
- ParkNotebooks
- motmot
- feed-ontology-closure
- 2014-05-08-datacarpentry
- phyloMeta
- 1000-datasets
- diversification
- DQ
- evolution-2014
- angular-hackday
- phylowood
- max-bodysize-evol
- Taxonomy-Ontology-Tool
- nescent-data
- snape
- Chimp-Recs-FieldObservations
- mx
- ascBias
- sysadmin-tools