- Introduction
- Summary
- ModelE ocean runs
- ModelE to PISM
Notes, code, and documentation on coupling the ModelE ocean with PISM.
Eventual goal is bi-directional coupling so that ModelE ocean (temperature, salinity) forces PISM, and PISM freshwater is returned to ModelE.
At the moment coupling is one-way: We drive PISM with ModelE, using monthly coupling.
This summary may be out of date. See TOC, section headings, and code within for definitive code used to generate the products. Work plan is, roughly:
- Select ModelE ocean cells bordering Antarctica and Greenland
- Extract
, and other needed metadata
- Extract
- Reproject from ModelE grid to PISM grid
- Select relevant depth of ocean properties
- GZ draft, bathymetric routing to shelf break, etc.
- Use nearest neighbor sampling otherwise interpolation would occur, which might be OK for T or S, but unlikely to produce reasonable density which is
Template | Comment |
E4M20 | 4x5 resolution qflux ocean |
E1oM20 | 4x5 dynamic ocean |
E6F40 | 2x2.5 resolution qflux ocean |
E1F40o13 | 2x2.5 dynamic 13 layer ocean |
E1F40o32 | 2x2.5 dynamic 32 layer ocean |
cd ~/projects/GISS/modelE_2.1_branch/decks
make clean RUN=${RUNNAME}
make -j setup RUN=${RUNNAME} EXTRA_FFLAGS="-Ddbgcsv_silent"
../exec/runE ${RUNNAME} -cold-restart -np 2
../exec/runE ${RUNNAME} -np 2
Examine outputs in run folder…
- From decks folder
cd ${RUNNAME}/
mkdir post
cd post
# annual sum of first 20 years
sumfiles ../???10{0,1}[0-9]* # ANN1000-1019.acc${RUNNAME}.nc
# monthly sum of first 20 years
MONTHS=$(locale mon|tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'| tr ';' '\n' |cut -c1-3)
YEARS=$(seq 1000 1019|tr '\n' ','| sed 's/,$//')
parallel "sumfiles ../{1}10[0-1][0-9]*" ::: ${MONTHS}
scaleacc ANN1000-1019.acc${RUNNAME}.nc aij,aj,ajl,aijl,aijk,ijhc
ncview ANN1000-1019.aij${RUNNAME}.nc
# look at "impm_lndice", "MICB", etc.
month_names=($(locale mon|tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'| tr ';' '\n' |cut -c1-3))
for m in ${month_names[@]}; do
scaleacc ${CMRUNDIR}/${RUNNAME}/${m}${YEAR}.acc${RUNNAME}.nc oijl
# just need one of these for metadata
scaleacc ${CMRUNDIR}/${RUNNAME}/JAN${YEAR}.acc${RUNNAME}.nc aij
mv JAN${YEAR}.aij${RUNNAME}.nc aij.nc
- Note, 4x5 arrays have a smaller polar cell.
- Easiest to set two domains
- 4x5 +- 92 °
- 2x2.5 +- 90 °
Resample to the +- 90 ° domain.
grass ./G_ModelE/PERMANENT
# g.region -ps n=90 s=-90 w=-180 e=180 nsres=1 ewres=1
g.mapset -c 4x5
# hack for ModelE polar cells
g.region -p n=92 s=-92 w=-180 e=180 nsres=4 ewres=5
g.region save=4x5_92
g.mapset -c 2x2p5
g.region -p n=90 s=-90 nsres=2 ewres=2.5
g.region save=2x2p5_90
g.mapset 4x5
r.in.gdal -o input=NetCDF:aij.nc:landicefr output=landicefr
r.in.gdal -o input=NetCDF:aij.nc:landfr output=landfr
r.in.gdal -o input=NetCDF:aij.nc:ocnfr output=ocnfr
g.mapset 2x2p5
r.resample input=landicefr@4x5 output=landicefr
r.resample input=landfr@4x5 output=landfr
r.resample input=ocnfr@4x5 output=ocnfr
nlevel=$(ncks -M -C -v zoc JAN${YEAR}.oijl${RUNNAME}.nc |grep "zoc = "|tr -cd '[:digit:]')
levels=$(seq -w ${nlevel})
month_names=$(locale mon|tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'| tr ';' '\n' |cut -c1-3)
month_nums=$(seq -w 1 12)
g.mapset 4x5
parallel "r.in.gdal -o input=NetCDF:{1}${YEAR}.oijl${RUNNAME}.nc:{4} output={=4 s/.*_// =}_m{2}_z{3} band={3}" ::: ${month_names} :::+ ${month_nums} ::: ${levels} ::: salt pot_temp
g.mapset 2x2p5
parallel "r.resample input={3}_m{1}_z{2}@4x5 output={3}_m{1}_z{2}" ::: ${month_nums} ::: ${levels} ::: salt temp
The r.grow.distance
flood-fills the values with nearest neighbor. This is because ModelE coast may not match PISM coast, but we will want to be able to access the T and S values nearest the coast.
nlevel=$(ncks -M -C -v zoc JAN${YEAR}.oijl${RUNNAME}.nc |grep "zoc = "|tr -cd '[:digit:]')
levels=$(seq -w ${nlevel})
month_names=$(locale mon|tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'| tr ';' '\n' |cut -c1-3)
month_nums=$(seq -w 1 12)
r.proj location=G_ModelE mapset=2x2p5 input=landicefr method=nearest
r.proj location=G_ModelE mapset=2x2p5 input=landfr method=nearest
r.proj location=G_ModelE mapset=2x2p5 input=ocnfr method=nearest
rasters=$(r.proj location=G_ModelE mapset=2x2p5 -l |grep -E '^temp_|^salt_')
parallel --progress --bar "r.proj -n --q location=G_ModelE mapset=2x2p5 input={1} output={1}_E method=nearest" ::: ${rasters}
parallel --progress --bar "r.grow.distance --q input={1}_E value={1}" ::: ${rasters}
# for var in temp salt; do
# for z in ${levels}; do
# rasters=$(g.list type=raster pattern="${var}_m??_*z${z}" sep=,)
# r.to.rast3 --q input=${rasters} output=${var}_z${z}
# done
# done
# Generate 12 3D rasters: For each month, 1 3D raster of all levels
g.region t=${nlevel} -p3
parallel "r.to.rast3 --q input=\$(g.list type=raster pattern=\"{1}_m{2}_z[0-9]?\" sep=,) output={1}_m{2}" ::: temp salt ::: ${month_nums}
# parallel "r3.out.netcdf -p input={1}_m{2} output={1}_m{2}_GL.nc" ::: temp salt ::: ${month_nums}
nlevel=$(ncks -M -C -v zoc JAN${YEAR}.oijl${RUNNAME}.nc |grep "zoc = "|tr -cd '[:digit:]')
levels=$(seq -w ${nlevel})
month_names=$(locale mon|tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'| tr ';' '\n' |cut -c1-3)
month_nums=$(seq -w 1 12)
r.proj location=G_ModelE mapset=2x2p5 input=landicefr method=nearest
r.proj location=G_ModelE mapset=2x2p5 input=landfr method=nearest
r.proj location=G_ModelE mapset=2x2p5 input=ocnfr method=nearest
rasters=$(r.proj location=G_ModelE mapset=2x2p5 -l |grep -E '^temp_|^salt_')
parallel --progress --bar "r.proj -n --q location=G_ModelE mapset=2x2p5 input={1} output={1}_E method=nearest" ::: ${rasters}
parallel --progress --bar "r.grow.distance --q input={1}_E value={1}" ::: ${rasters}
g.region t=${nlevel} -p3
parallel "r.to.rast3 --q input=\$(g.list type=raster pattern=\"{1}_m{2}_z[0-9]?\" sep=,) output={1}_m{2}" ::: temp salt ::: ${month_nums}
# parallel "r3.out.netcdf -p input={1}_m{2} output={1}_m{2}_AQ.nc" ::: temp salt ::: ${month_nums}
# for var in salt temp; do
# ncrcat -A ${var}_m{01..12}_AQ.nc ${var}_AQ.nc
# ...
# done
%cd '/home/kdm/projects/GISS/docs'
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import calendar
import glob
import datetime
from grass_session import Session
from grass.script import core as gcore
import grass.script as gscript
# import grass.script.setup as gsetup
# import grass python libraries
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import general as g
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import vector as v
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import temporal as t
from grass.script import array as garray
afile = glob.glob('JAN*oijl*.nc')[0]
levels = xr.open_dataset(afile)['zoc'].values
months = [_.upper() for _ in list(calendar.month_abbr)[1:]]
for loc in ['GL','AQ']:
ds = xr.Dataset()
# S = Session()
# S.open(gisdb=".", location="G_"+loc, mapset="PERMANENT", create_opts=None)
with Session(gisdb=".", location="G_"+loc, mapset="PERMANENT", create_opts=None):
x = garray.array("x", null=np.nan)
y = garray.array("y", null=np.nan)
ds['z'] = levels
ds['x'] = x[0,:]
ds['y'] = y[:,0]
ystr = afile[3:7]
ds['time'] = [datetime.datetime(year=int(ystr), month=m, day=1) for m in range(1,13)]
for var in ['temp','salt']:
for i,mon in enumerate(months):
ii = str(i+1).zfill(2)
tmp = garray.array3d(f"{var}_m{ii}", null=np.nan)
ds[f"{var}_m{ii}"] = (('z','y','x'), tmp)
month_num = [str(m+1).zfill(2) for m in range(len(months))]
temp_time = xr.concat([ds[f"temp_m{n}"] for n in month_num], dim='time')
salt_time = xr.concat([ds[f"salt_m{n}"] for n in month_num], dim='time')
ds['temp'] = (('time','z','y','x'), temp_time.data)
ds['salt'] = (('time','z','y','x'), salt_time.data)
for m in month_num:
ds = ds.drop([f"temp_m{m}",f"salt_m{m}"])
ds = xr.open_dataset("E2P_AQ.nc")
_ = ds['salt'].isel({'time':0}).plot(col='z', col_wrap=4, robust=True)
ds = xr.open_dataset("E2P_GL.nc")
_ = ds['temp'].isel({'z':0}).plot(col='time', col_wrap=4, robust=True)
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
aq_meta = xr.open_dataset("LIME_AQ.nc")
aq_me = xr.open_dataset("E2P_AQ.nc")
aq = xr.merge([aq_meta,aq_me])
gl_meta = xr.open_dataset("LIME_GL.nc")
gl_me = xr.open_dataset("E2P_GL.nc")
gl = xr.merge([gl_meta,gl_me])
# # 800 m
# aq = aq.sel(z=800, method="nearest")
# gl = gl.sel(z=800, method="nearest")
# average of top 800 m
aq = aq.sel({'z':slice(0,800)}).mean(dim='z')
gl = gl.sel({'z':slice(0,800)}).mean(dim='z')
# aq.groupby('shoreface_basins_100').mean()['salt'].values
basins = aq['shoreface_basins_100'].values
for i,b in enumerate(np.unique(basins)):
if np.isnan(b): basins[np.isnan(basins)] = 0
basins[basins == b] = i+1
aq['basins'] = (('y','x'), basins)
basins = gl['shoreface_basins_100'].values
for i,b in enumerate(np.unique(basins)):
if np.isnan(b): basins[np.isnan(basins)] = 0
basins[basins == b] = i+1
gl['basins'] = (('y','x'), basins)
aq = aq.rename({'temp':'theta_ocean',
aq['theta_ocean'].attrs['units'] = 'Celsius'
aq['salinity_ocean'].attrs['units'] = 'g/kg'
gl = gl.rename({'temp':'theta_ocean',
gl['theta_ocean'].attrs['units'] = 'Celsius'
gl['salinity_ocean'].attrs['units'] = 'g/kg'
cd ${LIME_ROOT}/runs/ocean.PICO
cp ${LIME_ROOT}/../docs/ocean_PICO_* .
mpiexec -n 4 \
pismr \
-i ../pism_Greenland_5km_v1.1.nc \
-Mx 76 -My 141 -Mz 101 -Mbz 11 \
-z_spacing equal \
-Lz 4000 -Lbz 2000 \
-skip -skip_max 10 \
-grid.recompute_longitude_and_latitude false \
-grid.registration corner \
-surface given \
-surface_given_file ../pism_Greenland_5km_v1.1.nc \
-front_retreat_file ../pism_Greenland_5km_v1.1.nc \
-sia_e 3.0 \
-stress_balance ssa+sia \
-topg_to_phi 15.0,40.0,-300.0,700.0 \
-pseudo_plastic \
-pseudo_plastic_q 0.5 \
-till_effective_fraction_overburden 0.02 \
-tauc_slippery_grounding_lines \
-ts_file ts_g20km_10ka_hy.nc \
-extra_file ex_g20km_10ka_hy.nc \
-extra_vars diffusivity,temppabase,tempicethk_basal,bmelt,tillwat,velsurf_mag,mask,thk,topg,usurf,hardav,velbase_mag,tauc,tendency_of_ice_mass_due_to_discharge,basal_melt_rate_grounded,bmelt \
-bootstrap \
-ys 0 -ye 100 \
-extra_times 0:10:1000 \
-ts_times 0:yearly:1000 \
-ocean pico\
-ocean.pico.file ocean_PICO_GL.nc \
-ocean.pico.periodic no \
-frontal_melt.constant.melt_rate 100 \
-o g20km_1ka_ocean_PICO.nc