Thanks for taking the time to contribute to this project. Before making PRs, please note the following:
- Proper intendation is must!
- Include ample comments so that code is understandable and easy to follow.
- Mention the complexity of a function in a comment.
- Time complexity :
- Space complexity :
- Place your code in right directory.
- Give your files names that are relevant and meaningful.
- First line of your code must begin with a comment mentioning the link of the question
- Place the solutions in seperate folder "ques" in relevant directory
If not already present, you are free to create a file in a folder:
- Please write a brief description of your algorithm in file
- Suggestions of things to include in file:
- Description of algorithm
- Time and space complexity of algorithm
- Links to your favourite online questions solvable by that algorithm
- You may also provide solution to related questions in "ques" folder in the same directory.
- Also, mention link of solution (if available) along with the question link.
- Give the PR a meaningful name.
- For e.g. 'Fixes #(issue-number): PR name, fixing the particular bug' (without commas)
- There should be always 1 commit for 1 PR.
- If there are more than 1 commit in a PR, squash them.
- Pull Request details should be descriptive.
- Commit message should meaningful.