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79 lines (66 loc) · 3.7 KB

File metadata and controls

79 lines (66 loc) · 3.7 KB

Table of Contents

  1. Chart4Blind
  2. Features
  3. Screenshots
  4. Project Setup-Guide
  5. Usage as developer
  6. Distribute
  7. Running Tests


The code for the ACM IUI 2024 conference paper "Chart4Blind: An Intelligent Interface for Chart Accessibility Conversion" Chart4Blind - Arxiv.

In a world driven by data visualization, ensuring the inclusive accessibility of charts for Blind and Visually Impaired (BVI) individuals remains a significant challenge. Charts are usually presented as raster graphics without textual and visual metadata needed for an equivalent exploration experience for BVI people. Additionally, converting these charts into accessible formats requires considerable effort from sighted individuals. Digitizing charts with metadata extraction is just one aspect of the issue; transforming it into accessible modalities, such as tactile graphics, presents another difficulty. To address these disparities, we propose Chart4Blind, an intelligent user interface that converts bitmap image representations of line charts into universally accessible formats. Chart4Blind achieves this transformation by generating Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), Comma-Separated Values (CSV), and alternative text exports, all comply with established accessibility standards. Through interviews and a formal user study, we demonstrate that even inexperienced sighted users can make charts accessible in an average of 4 minutes using Chart4Blind, achieving a System Usability Scale rating of 90%. In comparison to existing approaches, Chart4Blind provides a comprehensive solution, generating end-to-end accessible SVGs suitable for assistive technologies such as embossed prints (papers and laser cut), 2D tactile displays, and screen readers.


  • A user is provided tools to convert an input image of a Line Chart
  • Manual Input of Data Points on Chart
  • Automatic Input of Data Points on Chart (With additional backend)
  • SVG and CSV output
  • OCR tool for Labels, Axis and descriptions entry
  • Guided tour
  • snackbar for feedback
  • SVG and CSV stored on server as training data if consent given (With additional backend)


Editor with manual tool

Editor in SVG preview

Interactive Tutorial

AI tool

Printable, accessible output 2

Accessible output

Project Setup-Guide

IMPORTANT: For automatic detection to work, a LineFormer equivalent backend must be running that accepts images LineFormer. See axiosRequests.ts in the api folder. Alter this interface, and possibly the proxy in package.json, to provide the required data to the tool.

Clone this project into a directory of choice: Download and install node and npm through their website NodeJS or other means. Then, run the command

  npm install

from the project root to install dependencies.

Usage as Developer

To run this project locally (dev move), run the command:

  npm start

This will open the browser with the running dev instance.


To build this project run

  npm run build

Running Tests

To run all tests, run the following command

  npm run test

This creates a coverage directory with an icov-report. View this report by opening the index.html file created in the coverage directory.