I thought that it deserve some docs. So... Here we go:
For loop which code each letter separate.
- Convert letter to int value in ASCII. For example "a" has value 97 (case sensitive)
- Convert key letter to int value, but minus 32. Normal letters start with value 32 (Space or " ") and it need to measure how much move letter in ASCII table. So letter "a" with key value 1, should be moved by 1 not by 32. Just like in
Caesar cipher
. - Swift letter by value of key int. For example:
- Letter "a" has value 97.
- Key "1" has value 49. Minus 32, so it will be 17.
- Simple 97 + 17 = 114.
- Value of 114 is "r".
- Voile, letter "a" encoded by key "1" is "r".
OK, but what if you have text longer than key? Simple, you start reading key from begging.
text = Message key = pass
- M --> p = ?
- e --> a = H
- s --> s = h
- s --> s = h
- a --> p = S
- g --> a = J
- e --> s = Z
Encrypted text: ?HhhSJZ