If you've found a bug in Typewind that you'd like to fix, submit a pull request with your changes. Include a helpful description of the problem and how your changes address it, and provide tests so we can verify the fix works as expected.
If there's a new feature you'd like to see added to Typewind, share your idea with us in our discussion forum to get it on our radar as something to consider for a future release.
Please note that we don't often accept pull requests for new features. Adding a new feature to Typewind requires us to think through the entire problem ourselves to make sure we agree with the proposed API, which means the feature needs to be high on our own priority list for us to be able to give it the attention it needs.
If you open a pull request for a new feature, we're likely to close it not because it's a bad idea, but because we aren't ready to prioritize the feature and don't want the PR to sit open for months or even years.
You can run the test suite using the following commands:
cargo test
You can run update the test suite snapshot using the following command:
UPDATE=1 cargo test
To test the features you've added, run the following command:
npm run build
and then run each of the examples in examples/*
to test that the changes are working as intended.
Please ensure that the tests are passing when submitting a pull request. If you're adding new features to Typewind's SWC plugin, please include tests.