Useful Resources:
- Latest Blender API:
Paste this into your code to drop into an interactive Python interpreter in this line:
__import__('code').interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals()))
If you want to edit a Blender property without triggering it's update function, access it like in this example:
class Test:
def update_a(self, context):
# Wrong, would cause endless recursion
# self.b = str(self.a)
# Correct, does not trigger b's update method
self["b"] = str(self.a)
def update_b(self, context):
self["a"] = int(self.b)
a: IntProperty(update=update_a)
b: StringProperty(update=update_b)
Creating a hidden datablock
Datablocks wich have a name starting with "." (dot) are hidden in UI dropdowns/menus by default, similar to hidden files on Linux. The user can still type in a dot in the search field to see all the hidden datablocks.
The VRay addon uses this to create hidden helper textures, for example to use their colorramp in a custom node (as a workaround to the fact that addons can't create colorramps).
It is possible to attach a listener function to an existing property via bpy.msgbus