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MCE Supply Input Data Contract -- 24 hour assignments with income-based segmented vehicle classes

The following files specify the supply input data contract for the MCE tool. These inputs are specific to the 24 hour peak-spread assignments. All input data are OMX or CSV format and located in the ./_mceInputs/ subdirectory for each alternative.

For each input, <time period> defines the hour of the assignment period. Format is <start hour + end hour>. Time periods are as follow:

    0001:  00:00 - 01:00 (midnight - 1am)
    0102:  01:00 - 02:00 (1am - 2am)
    0203:  02:00 - 03:00 (2am - 3am)
    0304:  03:00 - 04:00 (3am - 4am)
    0405:  04:00 - 05:00 (4am - 5am)
    0506:  05:00 - 06:00 (5am - 6am)
    0607:  06:00 - 07:00 (6am - 7am)
    0708:  07:00 - 08:00 (7am - 8am)
    0809:  08:00 - 09:00 (8am - 9am)
    0910:  09:00 - 10:00 (9am - 10am)
    1011:  10:00 - 11:00 (10am - 11am)
    1112:  11:00 - 12:00 (11am - 12pm)
    1213:  12:00 - 13:00 (12pm - 1pm)
    1314:  13:00 - 14:00 (1pm - 2pm)
    1415:  14:00 - 15:00 (2pm - 3pm)
    1516:  15:00 - 16:00 (3pm - 4pm)
    1617:  16:00 - 17:00 (4pm - 5pm)
    1718:  17:00 - 18:00 (5pm - 6pm)
    1819:  18:00 - 19:00 (6pm - 7pm)
    1920:  19:00 - 20:00 (7pm - 8pm)
    2021:  20:00 - 21:00 (8pm - 9pm)
    2122:  21:00 - 22:00 (9pm - 10pm)
    2223:  22:00 - 23:00 (10pm - 11pm)
    2324:  23:00 - midnight (11pm - midnight)
  • mce_input_skims.omx - Contains all skim matrices for the alternative. A list of the matrices follows:

     mf.<*time period*>snl:  <*time period*> sov O-D trips (low income), example (mf.1718snl)
     mf.<*time period*>hnl:  <*time period*> hov O-D trips (low income)
     mf.<*time period*>snm:  <*time period*> sov O-D trips (medium income)
     mf.<*time period*>hnm:  <*time period*> hov O-D trips (medium income)
     mf.<*time period*>snh:  <*time period*> sov O-D trips (high income)
     mf.<*time period*>hnh:  <*time period*> hov O-D trips (high income)
     mf.<*time period*>hp:   <*time period*> heavy truck O-D trips (PCEs)
     mf.<*time period*>mp:   <*time period*> medium truck O-D trips (PCEs)
     mf.<*time period*>stnl: <*time period*> sov O-D travel times (low income)
     mf.<*time period*>htnl: <*time period*> hov O-D travel times (low income)
     mf.<*time period*>stnm: <*time period*> sov O-D travel times (medium income)
     mf.<*time period*>htnm: <*time period*> hov O-D travel times (medium income)
     mf.<*time period*>stnh: <*time period*> sov O-D travel times (high income)
     mf.<*time period*>htnh: <*time period*> hov O-D travel times (high income)
     mf.<*time period*>hptn: <*time period*> heavy truck O-D travel times
     mf.<*time period*>mptn: <*time period*> medium truck O-D travel times
     -if a scenario includes *pricing*, the following matrices will also be included
     mf.<*time period*>slnl: <*time period*> sov (low income) O-D perceived travel times of any tolls associated with trip
     mf.<*time period*>sinl: <*time period*> sov (low income) O-D perceived total travel times of trip (travel time + toll travel time)
     mf.<*time period*>hlnl: <*time period*> hov (low income) O-D perceived travel times of any tolls associated with trip
     mf.<*time period*>hinl: <*time period*> hov (low income) O-D perceived total travel times of trip (travel time + toll travel time)  
     mf.<*time period*>slnm: <*time period*> sov (medium income) O-D perceived travel times of any tolls associated with trip
     mf.<*time period*>sinm: <*time period*> sov (medium income) O-D perceived total travel times of trip (travel time + toll travel time)
     mf.<*time period*>hlnm: <*time period*> hov (medium income) O-D perceived travel times of any tolls associated with trip
     mf.<*time period*>hinm: <*time period*> hov (medium income) O-D perceived total travel times of trip (travel time + toll travel time)  
     mf.<*time period*>slnh: <*time period*> sov (high income) O-D perceived travel times of any tolls associated with trip
     mf.<*time period*>sinh: <*time period*> sov (high income) O-D perceived total travel times of trip (travel time + toll travel time)
     mf.<*time period*>hlnh: <*time period*> hov (high income) O-D perceived travel times of any tolls associated with trip
     mf.<*time period*>hinh: <*time period*> hov (high income) O-D perceived total travel times of trip (travel time + toll travel time)  
     mf.<*time period*>rlsl: <time period> sov (low income) O-D reliability skims
     mf.<*time period*>rlsm: <time period> sov (medium income) O-D reliability skims
     mf.<*time period*>rlsh: <time period> sov (high income) O-D reliability skims
     mf.tdist:               shortest path auto distance between zones
     mf.wdist:              shortest path walk distance between zones
     -all transit times are *perceived* (weighted)
     ** this will be updated to 24-hr at a later time **
     mf.amwt1:               AM2 initial transit wait time
     mf.amwt2:               AM2 additional transit wait time
     mf.amwalk:              AM2 total tranist walk time
     mf.amxfr:               AM2 total transfers (does not include initial boarding)
     mf.amtbiv:              AM2 bus in-vehicle time
     mf.amtliv:              AM2 lrt (MAX) in-vehicle time
     mf.amtriv:              AM2 heavy rail (WES) in-vehicle time
     mf.amtsciv:             AM2 streetcar in-vehicle time 
     mf.amtbriv:             AM2 brt in-vehicle time
     mf.amivt:               AM2 total in-vehicle time (bus + lrt + heavy rail + streetcar + brt)
     mf.mdwt1:               MD1 initial transit wait time
     mf.mdwt2:               MD1 additional transit wait time
     mf.mdwalk:              MD1 total tranist walk time
     mf.mdxfr:               MD1 total transfers (does not include initial boarding)
     mf.mdtbiv:              MD1 bus in-vehicle time
     mf.mdtliv:              MD1 lrt (MAX) in-vehicle time
     mf.mdtriv:              MD1 heavy rail (WES) in-vehicle time
     mf.mdtsciv:             MD1 streetcar in-vehicle time
     mf.mdtbriv:             MD1 brt in-vehicle time
     mf.mdivt:               MD1 total in-vehicle time (bus + lrt + heavy rail + streetcar + brt)
  • mce_input_links_<time period>.csv - Contains a list of all links and their attributes in <time period> specific networks. Attributes are defined as follows:

     i:                   from-node ID
     j:                   to-node ID
     @amrmp:              AM hourly ramp meter rate
     @barrier:            indicates presence of barrier (1)
     @cap:                hourly capacity
     @centerturn:         indicates presence of center turn lane (1)
     @divhwy:             indicates if link represents a divided highway (1) -- SET TO ZERO FOR ALL LINKS
     @dwdist:             downstream interchange distance (for calculating @relvar)
     @fwcap:              capacity of freeway link
     @htkad:              additional travel time used by heavy trucks in assignment
     @htvol:              assigned volume of heavy trucks (passenger car equivalents)
     @hlvol:              assigned volume of High Occupancy Vehicles (2+ persons) (low income)
     @hmvol:              assigned volume of High Occupancy Vehicles (2+ persons) (medium income)
     @hhvol:              assigned volume of High Occupancy Vehicles (2+ persons) (high income)
     @lanes2:             lanes = 2
     @lanes3:             lane = 3
     @lanes4:             lanes = 4
     @losc:               LOS C+
     @loscart:            LOS C+ arterial
     @losd:               LOS D+
     @lose:               LOS E+
     @losfh:              LOS F high +
     @losfl:              LOS F low +
     @losflart:           LOS F low + arterial
     @mb:                 mid-block capacity of link
     @mdrmp:              midday hourly ramp meter rate
     @mpa:                link is located within Metropolitan Planning Area boundary (1) 
                          determines urban vs. rural geography used for safety benefit
     @mtkad:              additional travel time used by heavy trucks in assignment
     @mtvol:              assigned volume of heavy trucks (passenger car equivalents)
     @noisef:             noise benfefit -- SET TO ZERO FOR ALL LINKS
     @pmrmp:              PM hourly ramp meter rate
     @relvar:             reliability travel time variance
     @signal:             indicates presence of signal control at j-node (1)
     @spd35:              speed 35
     @spd40:              speed 40
     @spd45:              speed 45
     @spd50:              speed 50
     @spd50p:             speed 50+
     @spd70:              speed 70
     @speed:              free flow travel speed 
     @stop:               indicates presence of signal control at j-node (1)
     @slvol:              assigned volume of Single Occupancy Vehicles (low income)
     @smvol:              assigned volume of Single Occupancy Vehicles (medium income)
     @shvol:              assigned volume of Single Occupancy Vehicles (high income)
     @tknet:              indicates whether link is part of RTP-defined regional *freight* network (1) 
     @tkpth:              additional *weight* for truck travel times used in assignments 
     @trkad:              additional travel time used by all trucks in assignment 
     @ttoll:              additional travel time equivalent for trucks of *toll* on link  
     @ul3:                approach capacity (capacity at intersection)
     @updist:             upstream interchange distance (for calculating @relvar)
     @waterf:             water quality benefit -- SET TO ZERO FOR ALL LINKS
     @zone:               transporation analysis zone associated with link
     additional_volume:   not used
     auto_time:           assigned travel time
     auto_volume:         assigned volume (passenger car equivalents)
     aux_transit_volume:  not used
     data1:               user defined data field 1 (ul1)
     data2:               user defined data field 2 (ul2)
     data3:               user defined data field 3 (ul3)
     length:              length in miles
     num_lanes:           number of lanes
     type:                facility type:  1 = transit-only, 2/3 = pedestrian-only 10 = freeways, 19 = HOV lane, 20 = highway,
                                         30 = arterials and collectors, 70 = freeway off-ramp, 79 = freeway on-ramp,
                                        999 = centroid connectors
     volume_delay_func:   volume delay function