The following files specify the supply input data contract for the MCE tool. All input data are OMX or CSV format and located in the ./_mceInputs/ subdirectory for each alternative.
mce_input_skims.omx - Contains all skim matrices for the alternative. A list of the matrices follows:
mf.pm2Hpe: PM2 heavy truck O-D trips (PCEs) mf.pm2Mpe: PM2 medium truck O-D trips (PCEs) mf.md1Hpe: MD1 heavy truck O-D trips (PCEs) mf.md1Mpe: MD1 medium truck O-D trips (PCEs) mf.tdist: shortest path auto distance between zones mf.wdist: shortest path walk distance between zones mf.am2stt: AM2 SOV O-D travel times mf.am2htt: AM2 HOV O-D travel times mf.md1stt: MD1 SOV O-D travel times mf.md1htt: MD1 HOV O-D travel times -all transit times are *perceived* (weighted) mf.amwt1: AM2 initial transit wait time mf.amwt2: AM2 additional transit wait time mf.amwalk: AM2 total tranist walk time mf.amxfr: AM2 total transfers (does not include initial boarding) mf.amtbiv: AM2 bus in-vehicle time mf.amtliv: AM2 lrt (MAX) in-vehicle time mf.amtriv: AM2 heavy rail (WES) in-vehicle time mf.amtsciv: AM2 streetcar in-vehicle time mf.amtbriv: AM2 brt in-vehicle time mf.amivt: AM2 total in-vehicle time (bus + lrt + heavy rail + streetcar + brt) mf.mdwt1: MD1 initial transit wait time mf.mdwt2: MD1 additional transit wait time mf.mdwalk: MD1 total tranist walk time mf.mdxfr: MD1 total transfers (does not include initial boarding) mf.mdtbiv: MD1 bus in-vehicle time mf.mdtliv: MD1 lrt (MAX) in-vehicle time mf.mdtriv: MD1 heavy rail (WES) in-vehicle time mf.mdtsciv: MD1 streetcar in-vehicle time mf.mdtbriv: MD1 brt in-vehicle time mf.mdivt: MD1 total in-vehicle time (bus + lrt + heavy rail + streetcar + brt) mf.am2rls: AM2 SOV O-D reliability skims mf.md1rls: MD1 SOV O-D reliability skims
mce_input_links_PM2.csv / mce_input_links_MD1.csv - Contains a list of all links in the PM2 or MD1 networks and their attributes. Attributes are defined as follows:
i: from-node ID j: to-node ID @amrmp: AM hourly ramp meter rate @barrier: indicates presence of barrier (1) @cap: hourly capacity @centerturn: indicates presence of center turn lane (1) @divhwy: indicates if link represents a divided highway (1) @dwdist: downstream interchange distance (for calculating @relvar) @fwcap: capacity of freeway link @htkad: additional travel time used by heavy trucks in assignment @htvol: assigned volume of heavy trucks (passenger car equivalents) @hvol: assigned volume of High Occupancy Vehicles (2+ persons) @lanes2: lanes = 2 @lanes3: lane = 3 @lanes4: lanes = 4 @losc: LOS C+ @loscart: LOS C+ arterial @losd: LOS D+ @lose: LOS E+ @losfh: LOS F high + @losfl: LOS F low + @losflart: LOS F low + arterial @mb: mid-block capacity of link @mdrmp: midday hourly ramp meter rate @mpa: link is located within Metropolitan Planning Area boundary (1) @mtkad: additional travel time used by heavy trucks in assignment @mtvol: assigned volume of heavy trucks (passenger car equivalents) @noisef: noise benfefit @pmrmp: PM hourly ramp meter rate @relvar: reliability travel time variance @signal: indicates presence of signal control at j-node (1) @spd35: speed 35 @spd40: speed 40 @spd45: speed 45 @spd50: speed 50 @spd50p: speed 50+ @spd70: speed 70 @speed: free flow travel speed @stop: indicates presence of signal control at j-node (1) @svol: assigned volume of Single Occupancy Vehicles @thrwy: indicates whether link is part of RTP-defined regional *throughway* network (1) @tknet: indicates whether link is part of RTP-defined regional *freight* network (1) @tkpth: additional *weight* for truck travel times used in assignments @trkad: additional travel time used by all trucks in assignment @ttoll: additional travel time equivalent for trucks of *toll* on link @ul3: approach capacity (capacity at intersection) @updist: upstream interchange distance (for calculating @relvar) @urbrur: urban vs. rural geography used for safety benefit (uses @mpa as definition) @waterf: water quality benefit @zone: transporation analysis zone associated with link additional_volume: not used auto_time: assigned travel time auto_volume: assigned volume (passenger car equivalents) aux_transit_volume: not used data1: user defined data field 1 (ul1) data2: user defined data field 2 (ul2) data3: user defined data field 3 (ul3) length: length in miles num_lanes: number of lanes type: facility type: 1 = transit-only, 2/3 = pedestrian-only 10 = freeways, 19 = HOV lane, 20 = highway, 30 = arterials and collectors, 70 = freeway off-ramp, 79 = freeway on-ramp, 999 = centroid connectors volume_delay_func: volume delay function