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Proactive Events API

Learn more about how to use the Proactive Event API to send out events to your user.


The Proactive Events API allows you to send out events to your user, which work as notifications.

There are four steps to send out events:

  1. You have to first add the Proactive Events API and other necessary settings to your Skill.
  2. You have to request an access token from Amazon, which you get after authorizing to be able to send out the events.
  3. You have to prepare the event object containing the data, that will be sent.
  4. You have to send out the event object.

Skill Permissions and Publications

To use the Proactive Events API you have to add it to your skill's permissions as well as specify the event schemas that you are going to use. For that add the following to your project.js file:

// project.js

module.exports = {
    alexaSkill: {
        nlu: 'alexa',
        manifest: {
            permissions: [
                    name: 'alexa::devices:all:notifications:write'
            events: {
                publications: [
                        eventName: 'AMAZON.WeatherAlert.Activated'
                        eventName: 'AMAZON.SportsEvent.Updated'
                        eventName: 'AMAZON.MessageAlert.Activated'
                        eventName: 'AMAZON.OrderStatus.Updated'
                        eventName: 'AMAZON.Occasion.Updated'
                        eventName: 'AMAZON.TrashCollectionAlert.Activated'
                        eventName: 'AMAZON.MediaContent.Available'
                        eventName: 'AMAZON.SocialGameInvite.Available'

    // ...

After that build and deploy the files:

$ jovo build -p alexaSkill --deploy --target info

After the deployment finished, you can find the clientId and clientSecret on the PERMISSIONS tab of your Skill on the Alexa Developer Console, which you will need later on:

Proactive Events API Client ID and Client Secret

Proactive Event Object

The Proactive Event object contains the data you want to send your users.

    "timestamp": "2019-02-13T14:00:00.00Z",
    "referenceId": "test-0001",
    "expiryTime": "2019-02-14T13:00:00.00Z",
    "event": {
        "name": "AMAZON.WeatherAlert.Activated",
        "payload": {
            "weatherAlert": {
                "source": "localizedattribute:source",
                "alertType": "TORNADO"
    "localizedAttributes": [
            "locale": "en-US",
            "source": "English Weather Channel"
    "relevantAudience": {
        "type": "Unicast",
        "payload": {
            "user": "<user-id>"
Name Description Value Required
timestamp The time of the event's creation string - ISO 8601 Yes
referenceId Unique id which identifies the event. You may use the same id for different customers, but each customer can only have received a single event associated with that id string - Must be alphanumeric values, including ~. Max 100 characters Yes
expiryTime Timestamp at which the notification will be deleted automatically. string - ISO 8601. Must be 5 minutes after and 24 hours before the timestamp value Yes
event The event data, which will be sent to the customer. Check Event for more info object Yes
localizedAttributes An array containing localized event attributes. Check Localized Attributes for more info object[] Yes
relevantAudience.type Who to send the event to. Either every user (Multicast) or a specific user Unicast enum - either Multicast or Unicast Yes
relevantAudience.payload If type is Multicast, payload has to be an empty object. If it's Unicast, the payload object will contain the user, to which the event will be sent object Yes
relevantAudience.payload.user User ID representing the user, who shall receive the event string Yes, if relevantAudience.type is Unicast


The event object contains the information, which will be sent to the user, by implementing one of the many schemas Amazon provides. You are not able to create your own event scheme, but have to use one of the available ones. Saying that, Amazon offers a wide variety of schemas, which will be expanded in the future.

For each event scheme you provide attributes, which will be added to a predefined utterance.


Utterance: There is a <weatherAlert> alert for your area. Provided by <Source>.

    "name": "AMAZON.WeatherAlert.Activated",
    "payload": {
        "weatherAlert": {
            "source": "localizedattribute:source",
            "alertType": "TORNADO"
Name Description Value Localization Supported Required
weatherAlert Contains information about the weather alert the event is about object No Yes
weatherAlert.source The source of the weather alert, i.e. who the information is from string Yes Yes
weatherAlert.alertType What kind of extreme weather situation is the alert about enum - either TORNADO, HURRICANE, SNOW_STORM or THUNDER_STORM No Yes


Utterance: <eventLeagueName> match update, <updateTeamName> scored! <homeTeamName> <homeTeamScore>, <awayTeamName> <awayTeamScore>

    "name": "AMAZON.SportsEvent.Updated",
    "payload": {
        "update": {
            "scoreEarned": 1,
            "teamName": "Apples"
        "sportsEvent": {
            "eventLeague": {
                "name": "localizedattribute:eventLeagueName"
            "homeTeamStatistic": {
                "team": {
                    "name": "Oranges"
                "score": 1
            "awayTeamStatistic": {
                "team": {
                    "name": "Apples"
                "score": 2
Name Description Value Localization Supported Required
update Contains information about changes to the current sports event object No No
update.scoreEarned For how much did the score change integer No Yes
update.teamName Which team did score string No Yes
sportsEvent Contains information about the sports event the update is about object No Yes
sportsEvent.eventLeague Contains information about the league the event is from object No Yes The name of the league string Yes Yes
sportsEvent.homeTeamStatistic Contains information about the home team for this specific event No Yes Contains information about the home team No Yes The name of the home team string No Yes
sportsEvent.homeTeamStatistic.score The current score of the home team integer No Yes
sportsEvent.awayTeamStatistic Contains information about the away team for this specific event No Yes Contains information about the away team No Yes The name of the away team string No Yes
sportsEvent.awayTeamStatistic.score The current score of the away team integer No Yes


Utterance: You have <messageCount> <messageFreshness> <messageStatus> <urgency> <message/messages> from <sender>

    "name": "AMAZON.MessageAlert.Activated",
    "payload": {
        "state": {
            "status": "UNREAD",
            "freshness": "NEW"
        "messageGroup": {
            "creator": {
                "name": "Andy"
            "count": 5,
            "urgency": "URGENT"
Name Description Value Localization Supported Required
state Contains information about the state of the message object No Yes
state.status The status of the message enum - either UNREAD or FLAGGED No Yes
state.freshness Specifies how recent the message is enum - either NEW or OVERDUE No No
messageGroup Contains information about the message itself object No Yes
messageGroup.creator Contains information about the creator of the message object No Yes The name of the creator string No Yes
messageGroup.count The number of messages integer No Yes
messageGroup.urgency The urgency of the messages enum - Only URGENT No No


Multiple possible utterances depending on state.status.

Utterances: Your preorder from <company> has been received, Your order from <company> was delivered <date>

    "name": "AMAZON.OrderStatus.Updated",
    "payload": {
        "state": {
            "status": "ORDER_SHIPPED",
            "deliveryDetails": {
                "expectedArrival": "2018-12-14T23:32:00.463Z"
        "order": {
            "seller": {
                "name": "localizedattribute:sellerName"
    "name": "AMAZON.OrderStatus.Updated",
    "payload": {
        "state": {
            "status": "ORDER_DELIVERED",
            "enterTimestamp": "2018-09-16T03:00:00.463Z"
        "order": {
            "seller": {
                "name": "localizedattribute:sellerName"
Name Description Value Localization Supported Required
state Contains information about the state of the order object No Yes
state.enterTimeStamp Specifies the timestamp of the event string - ISO 8601 No No
state.deliveryDetails Contains information about the delivery object No No
state.deliveryDetails.expectedArrival Specifies the expected arrival time string - ISO 8601 No No
order Contains information about the order object No Yes
order.seller Contains information about the seller object No Yes Specifies the name of the seller string Yes Yes


Utterance: Your <occasionType> at <providerName> for <subject> on <bookingTime> has been <confirmationStatus>

    "name": "AMAZON.Occasion.Updated",
    "payload": {
        "state": {
            "confirmationStatus": "CONFIRMED"
        "occasion": {
            "occasionType": "APPOINTMENT",
            "subject": "localizedattribute:subject",
            "provider": {
                "name": "localizedattribute:providerName"
            "bookingTime": "2018-11-20T19:16:31Z",
            "broker": {
                "name": "localizedattribute:brokerName"
Name Description Value Localization Supported Required
state Contains information about the state of the occasion object No Yes
state.confirmationStatus Specifies the status of the occasion string - either CONFIRMED, CANCELED, RESCHEDULED, REQUESTED, CREATED or UPDATED No Yes
occasion Contains information about the occasion object No Yes
occasion.occasionType Specifies the type of the occasion string - either RESERVATION_REQUEST, RESERVATION, APPOINTMENT_REQUEST orAPPOINTMENT No Yes
occasion.subject Specifies the subject of the occasion string Yes Yes
occasion.provider Contains information about the provider of the occasion object No Yes Specifies the name of the provider string Yes Yes
occasion.bookingTime Specifies the time of the occasion string - ISO 8601 No Yes Contains information about broker object No No Specifies the name of the broker string Yes Yes


Utterance: The coming <dayOfTheWeek> is <garbageType> garbage collection day

    "name": "AMAZON.TrashCollectionAlert.Activated",
    "payload": {
        "alert": {
            "garbageTypes": [
            "collectionDayOfWeek": "TUESDAY"
Name Description Value Localization Supported Required
alert Contains information about the alert object No Yes
alert.garbageTypes Specifies the garbage types which are scheduled for collection enum[] - possible values: BOTTLES, BULKY, BURNABLE, CANS, CLOTHING, COMPOSTABLE, CRUSHABLE, GARDEN_WASTE, GLASS, HAZARDOUS, HOME_APPLIANCES, KITCHEN_WASTE, LANDFILL, PET_BOTTLES, RECYCLABLE_PLASTICS, WASTE_PAPER. Max 5 items No Yes
alert.collectionDayOfWeek Specifies the day of the week at which the garbage types will be collected enum - either MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY or SUNDAY No Yes


Utterance: <contentName> will <method> on <startTime> on <providerName>

    "name": "AMAZON.MediaContent.Available",
    "payload": {
        "availability": {
            "startTime": "2018-11-20T21:00:00Z",
            "provider": {
                "name": "localizedattribute:providerName"
        "content": {
            "name": "localizedattribute:contentName",
Name Description Value Localization Supported Required
availability Contains information about the availability of the media content object No Yes
availability.startTime Specifies the time at which the content will be available string - ISO 8601 No Yes
availability.provider Contains information about the provider object No No Specifies the name of the provder string Yes Yes
availability.method Specifies the distribution method of the content enum - either STREAM, AIR, RELEASE, PREMIERE or DROP No Yes
content Contains information about the content object No Yes Specifies the name of the content string Yes Yes
content.contentType Specifies the media type enum - either BOOK, EPISODE, ALBUM, SINGLE, MOVIE or GAME No Yes


Utterance: Your <relationshipToInvitee> <inviterName> has <inviteType> you to a <gameOffer> of <gameName>

    "name": "AMAZON.SocialGameInvite.Available",
    "payload": {
        "invite": {
            "inviter": {
                "name": "Max",
                "relationshipToInvitee": "FRIEND"
            "inviteType": "CHALLENGE"
        "game": {
            "offer": "MATCH",
            "name": "localizedattribute:gameName"
Name Description Value Localization Supported Required
invite Contains information about the invite object No Yes
invite.inviter Contains information about the inviter object No Yes Specifies the name of the inviter string No Yes
invite.inviter.relationshipToInvitee Specifies the relationship of the inviter to the invitee enum - either FRIEND or CONTACT No Yes
invite.inviteType Specifies the type of the invite enum - either CHALLENGE or INVITE No Yes
game Contains information about the game object No Yes
game.offer Specifies the offer type enum - either MATCH, REMATCH or GAME No Yes Specifies the name of the game string Yes Yes

Localized Attributes

The localizedAttributes array is used specify the attributes and their values for each locale. You set the value of the attribute, which should be localized, to localizedattribute:key and use the key to specify the value for that attribute inside the array.

For example, here's the AMAZON.MediaContent.Available event with two localized attributes, providerName and contentName:

    "name": "AMAZON.MediaContent.Available",
    "payload": {
        "availability": {
            "startTime": "2018-11-20T21:00:00Z",
            "provider": {
                "name": "localizedattribute:providerName"
        "content": {
            "name": "localizedattribute:contentName",

The localizedAttribute array for this particular event would look like this:

"localizedAttributes": [
        "locale": "en-US",
        "providerName": "English Provider Name",
        "contentName": "English Content Name"
        "locale": "de-DE",
        "providerName": "German Provider Name",
        "contentName": "German Content Name"
    // ...

Get the Access Token

To be able to send out events, you have to first authorize yourself with Amazon to receive an access token.

For authorization, you send a request to one of Amazon APIs, which will return you the following object containing your access token:

Name Description Value
access_token An access token used to send out events string
expires_in The number of seconds the token is valid for integer
scope The scope the access token is valid for string
status The token type string

To authorize yourself you can either call the sendAuthRequest() method, which will return you the whole response object, or the getAccessToken(), which will return you only the access token. Both methods need your Alexa Skill's clientId and clientSecret as parameters:

// @language=javascript

// Get the whole response object
const result = this.$alexaSkill.$proactiveEvent.sendAuthRequest(clientId, clientSecret);

// Get only the access token
const accessToken = this.$alexaSkill.$proactiveEvent.getAccessToken(clientId, clientSecret);

// @language=typescript

// Get the whole response object
const result = this.$alexaSkill!.$proactiveEvent.sendAuthRequest(clientId, clientSecret);

// Get only the access token
const accessToken = this.$alexaSkill!.$proactiveEvent.getAccessToken(clientId, clientSecret);

Send the Event

After you got your token, you can send the event to your users:

// @language=javascript

const result = await this.$alexaSkill.$proactiveEvent.sendProactiveEvent(proactiveEvent, accessToken);

// @language=typescript

const result = await this.$alexaSkill!.$proactiveEvent.sendProactiveEvent(proactiveEvent, accessToken);

Skill Event - ProactiveSubscriptionChanged

With the Proactive Events API there was also a new Skill Event added. The ProactiveSubscriptionChanged event notifies you, if an user subscribes or unsubscribes from an event.

    "version": "string",
    "context": {
        "System": {
            "application": {
                "applicationId": "string"
            "user": {
                "userId": "string"
            "apiEndpoint": ''
    "request": {
        "type": "AlexaSkillEvent.ProactiveSubscriptionChanged",
        "requestId": "string",
        "timestamp": "string",
        "body": {
            "subscriptions": [{
                "eventName": "string"

The request will contain a subscriptions array, which will contain the events to which the user is currently subscribed to. That means, if an user unsubscribes you will have to compare the past subscribed events with the new array to find out, which one the user unsubscribed from. Also keep in mind, that these requests can arrive out of order, which is why you should always use the timestamp sent with the request to ensure, that you use the latest changes.

Learn how to enable Skill Events here