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Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim

Heading Code List Table
Box Dash Quote LaTeX


  • Functions entirely inside of Neovim with no external windows
  • Changes between rendered view in normal mode and raw view in all other modes
  • Changes window options between rendered and raw view based on configuration
    • Effects conceallevel & concealcursor by default
  • Supports rendering markdown injected into other file types
  • Renders the following markdown components:
    • Headings: highlight depending on level and replaces # with icon
    • Horizontal breaks: replace with full-width lines
    • Code blocks: highlight to better stand out
      • Adds language icon, requires nvim-web-devicons and neovim >= 0.10.0
    • Inline code: highlight to better stand out
    • List bullet points: replace with provided icon based on level
    • Checkboxes: replace with provided icon based on whether they are checked
    • Block quotes: replace leading > with provided icon
    • Tables: replace border characters, does NOT automatically align
    • Callouts
    • LaTeX blocks: renders formulas if latex parser and pylatexenc are installed
  • Disable rendering when file is larger than provided value
  • Support custom handlers which are ran identically to builtin handlers




    name = 'render-markdown', -- Only needed if you have another plugin named markdown.nvim
    dependencies = {
        'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', -- Mandatory
        'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons', -- Optional but recommended
    config = function()


    as = 'render-markdown', -- Only needed if you have another plugin named markdown.nvim
    after = { 'nvim-treesitter' }, -- Mandatory
    requires = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons', opt = true }, -- Optional but recommended
    config = function()


Below is the configuration that gets used by default, any part of it can be modified by the user.

    -- Whether Markdown should be rendered by default or not
    start_enabled = true,
    -- Whether LaTeX should be rendered, mainly used for health check
    latex_enabled = true,
    -- Maximum file size (in MB) that this plugin will attempt to render
    -- Any file larger than this will effectively be ignored
    max_file_size = 1.5,
    -- Capture groups that get pulled from markdown
    markdown_query = [[
        (atx_heading [
        ] @heading)

        (thematic_break) @dash

        (fenced_code_block) @code
        (fenced_code_block (info_string (language) @language))

        ] @list_marker

        (task_list_marker_unchecked) @checkbox_unchecked
        (task_list_marker_checked) @checkbox_checked

        (block_quote (block_quote_marker) @quote_marker)
        (block_quote (block_continuation) @quote_marker)
        (block_quote (paragraph (block_continuation) @quote_marker))
        (block_quote (paragraph (inline (block_continuation) @quote_marker)))

        (pipe_table) @table
        (pipe_table_header) @table_head
        (pipe_table_delimiter_row) @table_delim
        (pipe_table_row) @table_row
    -- Capture groups that get pulled from inline markdown
    inline_query = [[
        (code_span) @code

        (shortcut_link) @callout
    -- Executable used to convert latex formula to rendered unicode
    latex_converter = 'latex2text',
    -- The level of logs to write to file: vim.fn.stdpath('state') .. '/render-markdown.log'
    -- Only intended to be used for plugin development / debugging
    log_level = 'error',
    -- Filetypes this plugin will run on
    file_types = { 'markdown' },
    -- Vim modes that will show a rendered view of the markdown file
    -- All other modes will be uneffected by this plugin
    render_modes = { 'n', 'c' },
    -- Characters that will replace the # at the start of headings
    headings = { '󰲡 ', '󰲣 ', '󰲥 ', '󰲧 ', '󰲩 ', '󰲫 ' },
    -- Character to use for the horizontal break
    dash = '',
    -- Character to use for the bullet points in lists
    bullets = { '', '', '', '' },
    checkbox = {
        -- Character that will replace the [ ] in unchecked checkboxes
        unchecked = '󰄱 ',
        -- Character that will replace the [x] in checked checkboxes
        checked = '󰱒 ',
    -- Character that will replace the > at the start of block quotes
    quote = '',
    -- Symbol / text to use for different callouts
    callout = {
        note = '󰋽 Note',
        tip = '󰌶 Tip',
        important = '󰅾 Important',
        warning = '󰀪 Warning',
        caution = '󰳦 Caution',
    -- Window options to use that change between rendered and raw view
    win_options = {
        -- See :h 'conceallevel'
        conceallevel = {
            -- Used when not being rendered, get user setting
            default = vim.api.nvim_get_option_value('conceallevel', {}),
            -- Used when being rendered, concealed text is completely hidden
            rendered = 3,
        -- See :h 'concealcursor'
        concealcursor = {
            -- Used when not being rendered, get user setting
            default = vim.api.nvim_get_option_value('concealcursor', {}),
            -- Used when being rendered, conceal text in all modes
            rendered = 'nvic',
    -- Determines how code blocks are rendered
    --  full: adds language icon above code block if possible + normal behavior
    --  normal: renders a background
    --  none: disables rendering
    code_style = 'full',
    -- Determines how tables are rendered
    --  full: adds a line above and below tables + normal behavior
    --  normal: renders the rows of tables
    --  none: disables rendering
    table_style = 'full',
    -- Determines how table cells are rendered
    --  overlay: writes over the top of cells removing conealing and highlighting
    --  raw: will leave the cells as they and only replace table related symbols
    cell_style = 'overlay',
    -- Mapping from treesitter language to user defined handlers
    -- See 'Custom Handlers' section for more info
    custom_handlers = {},
    -- Define the highlight groups to use when rendering various components
    highlights = {
        heading = {
            -- Background of heading line
            backgrounds = { 'DiffAdd', 'DiffChange', 'DiffDelete' },
            -- Foreground of heading character only
            foregrounds = {
        -- Horizontal break
        dash = 'LineNr',
        -- Code blocks
        code = 'ColorColumn',
        -- Bullet points in list
        bullet = 'Normal',
        checkbox = {
            -- Unchecked checkboxes
            unchecked = '@markup.list.unchecked',
            -- Checked checkboxes
            checked = '@markup.heading',
        table = {
            -- Header of a markdown table
            head = '@markup.heading',
            -- Non header rows in a markdown table
            row = 'Normal',
        -- LaTeX blocks
        latex = '@markup.math',
        -- Quote character in a block quote
        quote = '@markup.quote',
        -- Highlights to use for different callouts
        callout = {
            note = 'DiagnosticInfo',
            tip = 'DiagnosticOk',
            important = 'DiagnosticHint',
            warning = 'DiagnosticWarn',
            caution = 'DiagnosticError',


:RenderMarkdownToggle - Switch between enabling & disabling this plugin

  • Function can also be accessed directly through require('render-markdown').toggle()

Note to vimwiki Users

If you use vimwiki, because it overrides the filetype of markdown files there are additional setup steps.

  • Add vimwiki to the file_types configuration of this plugin
    file_types = { 'markdown', 'vimwiki' },
  • Register markdown as the parser for vimwiki files
vim.treesitter.language.register('markdown', 'vimwiki')

Additional Info