- New translations: Dutch
- #533 Media Key / SMTC support for Windows
- #526 Add an Autoplay mode to continually add related songs when nearing the end of queue
- #496 Shuffle button added to favorite songs view
- #524 Added toast notifications for certain UI actions
- #557 Add album shuffle modes to Albums and Genre pages
- #544 Caching added for LrcLib lyrics, custom LrcLib URL supported in config file
- #549 Use notify-send for notifications on Linux if available
- #489 Add setting to disable automatic scaling adjustment for detected DPI
- #517 Favorite/menu icon buttons added to grid cards when hovered
- #514 Show full dates from OpenSubsonic servers when available
- New Advanced settings tab exposing more config file settings to the UI
- Log to a file instead of stdout on Windows
- #496 Persist repeat setting across restarts
- #515 Removing track from playlist when sorted removed wrong track
- #540 Fullscreen artist images not loading in full resolution
- #550 Fix volume slider scrolling too quickly with some mice
- #301 Sometimes crashing on exit
- #506 Add list/grid debouncing to improve scrolling smoothness when scrolling very quickly
- Loading dots not stopping if canceling a search before completion
- Image caching broken on some servers due to track IDs not being legal filenames
- Migrate to Fyne 2.6 for improved stability and performance
- New translations: German, Japanese
- #510 Setting in config dialog to choose app language, overriding the auto-selection
- #490 Add config file setting to change how many tracks queued by "Play random"
- Clicking on playlist cover from playlist page shows cover in pop-up (like album page)
- #418 Fix regression in scrolling performance of album grid introduced in 0.12.0 (with "Show year in album grid" setting)
- #477 Scroll to currently playing track when loading Now Playing page
- #483 Track with new sample rate failing to begin playback on Windows
- #487 Removing track from a playlist would remove all copies of it
- #495 Use custom HTTP User-Agent to avoid being blocked by some WAF servers
- #506 Other scroll improvements: increase base scrolling speed, add keybindings for PageUp/PageDown
- Some performance improvements from updating to Fyne 2.5.3
- Ensure clicking outside of tracklists can always unselect selection
- A few translation updates
- Wrong tooltip on repeat control
- New translations: French, Polish, Portuguese (Brazillian), Romanian, Spanish
- #116 Add tool tips to buttons and truncated labels
- #462 Remember the "skip duplicate tracks" setting when adding tracks to playlists
- #454 Switch sorting on All Tracks page to recently added
- #441 Custom themes didn't work on Windows
- Fixed "jumpy" scrolling on MacOS
- #452 Window sometimes misdrawing on startup for Linux (even better fix than last time)
- #440 Crash when rendering certain bitmap fonts
- Fixed some more memory leaks from communicating with MPV
- #446 Missing space in error dialog text for sharing
- Play queue sometimes not saving on exit
- Pop up play queue crashing on Windows
- #65 Add support for translations, and add Chinese and Italian translations
- #428 Add a peak/RMS meter visualization
- #424 Add track info dialog and context menu item
- #409 Add support for Composer (new tracklist column, and row in Track Info dialog)
- #432 Use artist sortName for sorting artist grid by name, if present
- #415 Add button to sort artist discography by name or year (asc or desc)
- #317 Prevent Windows from sleeping while music playing
- Add a new button below the volume control to show a pop-up play queue
- Add a config file option to disable SSL/TLS validation (useful for self-signed certificates)
- #435 Japanese and possibly other scripts not truncating properly in grid views
- #420 Crash if navigating away from Artist page before cover image loaded
- #411 Regression in not detecting dark/light mode for Linux
- #417 Artist page not loading artist image for servers that don't support artist largeImageURL
- Memory leak when querying certain MPV properties
- #421 Fixed handling of multiple instances of the same track in the play queue
- #302 Improve metadata in Linux .desktop file
- Window occasionally misrendered into smaller space on opening for Linux over xwayland (more reliable fix than last release)
- #363 Enable drag-and-drop reordering of tracks in the play queue and playlists
- #403 Add command-line options to control playback
- Add option to show album years in grid views
- Include radio station results in Quick Search
- Better stringification of play times longer than 1 hour
- Add fallback logic for populating related tracks and artist top tracks if server returns none
- #397 Add "Play next/later" options to the related tracks list on the Now Playing page
- #405 Change wording of the Add/Edit server form to be less confusing (thanks @mintsoft!)
- Window occasionally misrendered into smaller space on opening for Linux over xwayland
- Don't crash if server returns nil saved play queue but no Subsonic error
- Updated to Fyne 2.5, adds/fixes the following
- #356, #372 Adds synced lyrics support, and Jellyfin lyrics support
- LrcLib.net is used as a fallback lyrics source and can be disabled in the config file
- #344 Improve UX of Add to Playlist dialog (thanks @natilou!)
- #276 Show track thumbnails in tracklist views
- #328 Adds support for internet radio stations for Subsonic servers
- #286 Adds "option button" to right of current track title to bring up action menu
- #371 Adds a portable mode
- #387 Improves performance and behavior of Random albums sort with upcoming Navidrome releases
- Adds dynamic gradient background to Now Playing page
- #165 Last track occasionally missing in album view depending on window size
- #383 Album filter button disappearing when restoring pages from history
- #391 Artist radio button sometimes plays radio for wrong artist
- #378 Clicking Home button doesn't automatically refresh page
- #369 Crashing when trying to add a new server
- #370 Lyrics don't refresh when playing next song
- What's New dialog wasn't showing when launching updated version
- Crash on exit when saving play queue to server and no track playing
- #128 Support mouse back and forward buttons for navigation
- #238 Redesigned Now Playing page with large cover art and lyrics
- #303 Add context menu entry to create sharing URLs (Subsonic servers only)
- #337 Add option to load/save play queue to Subsonic servers instead of locally
- #350 Add option to shuffle artist's discography by albums or tracks
- #351 Show original and reissue date for albums if available (OpenSubsonic servers)
- #352 Add "Song radio" option to tracklist context menus
- #361 Add "Play next" option to context menus
- #366 Add sorting options to Artists page
- #330 Can't reorder track in play queue more than once
- #345 Playlist's comment text doesn't wrap
- #346 Pressing down arrow on tracklist with few tracks could cause some to be hidden
- #364 "Move down" option in play queue context menu was moving to bottom
- #327 Show visual loading cue when searching and no results yet
- #22 Arrow key scrolling and focus keyboard traversal to grid and list views
- Ctrl+Q keyboard shortcut to quit app on Windows and Linux
- A few MPRIS bugs (thanks @adamantike!)
- #319 Show modal dialog when connecting to server to block UI interaction which could cause crash
- #321 High CPU use when certain dialogs were shown
- #326 Make tracklist widget more efficient
- Lower CPU use when text entry fields are focused
- #33 Allow reordering of tracks in the play queue
- #218 Highlight the icon of the current page's navigation button (thanks @natilou!)
- #273 Show release type in album page header (for OpenSubsonic servers)
- #309 Setting to save and reload play queue on exit/startup
- #315 Use most recent playlist as default in "Add to playlist" dialog
- #316 Option to show desktop notifications on track change
- Added icons to context menu items
- #313 OpenGL startup error on some hardware
- #295 Occasional crash when showing album info dialog, especially on Jellyfin
- #294 Unable to connect to Airsonic servers not supporting latest Subsonic API
- #293 Long album titles overflow the bounds of info dialog
- #292 ReplayGain "prevent clipping" setting was reversed
- #284 Artist Radio on Jellyfin not generating a fresh mix if clicked a second time
- #283 On Jellyfin, a long artist biography could overflow the page header
- #288 Systray icon missing on Linux since 0.7.0
- #98 Add support for connecting to Jellyfin servers
- #157 Add "Auto" ReplayGain option to auto-choose between Track and Album mode
- #179 Add experimental setting for changing UI scaling
- #282 Crash when repeatedly searching the All Tracks page quickly
- #275 What's New dialog sometimes continuing to re-show on subsequent launches
- #277 Config settings sometimes not being saved due to abnormal exits
- Don't crash with zero-track albums or tracks with no artists
- Slightly improved the time it takes to check server connectivity
- #263 "Quick Search" popup dialog to search entire library from any page
- #245 UI Refresh and misc. internal improvements from moving to Fyne 2.4
- New custom theme colors - Hyperlink and PageHeader
- Added support for displaying WEBP images (Thanks @adamantike!)
- Added playback setting to force disable server transcoding
- #270 Crash when removing from the currently playing track to the end of the play queue
- UI hang if playback slow to begin after clicking on green play button on cover images
- #259 Support for multi-valued artists and genres through the new OpenSubsonic API extensions
- #233 Mac OS media center integration incl. media key support (Thanks @zackslash!)
- #77 Builds off latest
branch available via Github Actions for Ubuntu and Intel Macs - #252 Sorting now enabled on genres and playlists list views
- #261 Sortable tracklist columns provide a visual indication on hover
- #249 "Rescan library" option added to settings menu to trigger a library scan on the server
- #248 Album lists not populating when connecting to Astiga
- #230 MPRIS SetPosition call fails
- cf09912 Album card on artist discography page occasionally showed artist name instead of year
- ce68593 Fix MPRIS invalid track object path for some Subsonic servers
- 64ec698 Play count did not increment on Favorites page tracklist
- a2a56b3 Ctrl+F should focus search bar on Artists page
- 5c9d338 Prevent multiple popup cover images if thumbnail clicked twice
- #223 Settings dialog opens to last active tab
- #227 Add size limit and periodic pruning to on-disc image cache
- 1c27a26 Added Cmd+, shortcut on Mac to launch settings dialog
- f2e4805 Add ContentCreated, UseCount to the MPRIS metadata
- #222 Regression: play button on Album and Playlist page playing incorrect album
- #221 MPRIS reported duration is incorrect
- #220 MPRIS SetPosition not implemented
- #75 Add MPRIS integration
- #105 Add dialog to view album description and Last.fm, Musicbrainz links (thanks @natilou!)
- #184 Highlight play icon for currently playing track in tracklist (thanks @adamantike!)
- #216 Release Audio Exclusive mode while paused to allow other applications to play audio
- #42 Substantial improvement to memory use when navigating quickly through pages
- #212 Crash on Wayland with 2x scaling factor
- #196 Track correctly scrobbles if removed from play queue while playing (thanks @adamantike!)
- #207 Add 15 band graphic equalizer
- #203 Add custom theme support
- fedb9fd Add playback status line to bottom of Now Playing page
- #197 Add repeat playback modes (thanks @adamantike!)
- #187 Add Home button to navigation bar (thanks @natilou!)
- #191,#201,#206 Add ability to download tracks, albums, and playlists (thanks @natilou!)
- c19edcc Add click-to-set to volume slider (thanks @adamantike!)
- #193 Attempting to launch a second instance refocuses the existing window
- #182 Regression: crash on Funkwhale when navigating to Artist page
- #178 Tracklist selection doesn't update properly if sorting with items selected
- #176 Regression: searching genres list broken
- #175 Incorrect version number shown in Mac system About dialog
- 066be7b Favorite button on Artist page showing opposite state
- 8b238fd Missing album icon in cover image placeholder for album grid views
- #168 Add multi-server support (add, delete, switch servers)
- #99 Add filter options to album grid views
- #170 Add ability to sort tracklist by individual columns
- #151 Add grid view for artists
- #166 Disable back/forward buttons when no navigation is possible (thank you @davidhaymond!)
- #156 Allow adjusting volume slider with the scroll wheel
- 3e448ed Add context menu to cover thumbnail in bottom panel to rate/favorite/add to playlist current track
- 2083af3 Add shuffle option to tracklist context menu
- #158 Crash in "Play artist radio" feature when server returns empty response
- #161 Race condition occasionally causing album search results to be incorrect
- #163 Inability to log in on KDE and other systems where a credential storage service is not available
- #172 Navigating back to Favorites page twice always resets view to Albums
- b2dce99 Fixed a rare crash from a race condition with album searching
- dde8cd0 Fixed a resource leak of HTTP connections
- c97edef Ctrl+A should select all tracks on Favorites page
- #145 Add rating column to tracklist with 5-star rating widget
- #101 Add light theme, and optional auto-switching between dark and light
- #40 Add grid view option to playlists page with playlist cover images
- #95 Enable click-to-seek behavior in seek bar
- #136 Add context menu to items in grid views (albums and playlists)
- b017995 Add Ctrl+W (Cmd+W on Mac) shortcut to close to tray if enabled
- 5b6b6b4,a9eac50 Add tracklist context menu items to bulk set favorite and rating
- fd01e37 Add "meatball menu" actions to playlist page
- a9263c8 Add settings option to choose startup page
- cbc724d Migrate to Fyne 2.3.4 (few performance and memory improvements)
- 053474f Track title in bottom panel links to track location on Now Playing page
- 7819416 Clicking thumbnail in bottom panel shows full size cover
- de36149 Add volume adjustment options to system tray menu
- #148 Fix crash when searching for albums on Airsonic servers
- #149 Tracklist columns occasionally misaligned when shrinking window
- #142 Disable hyperlinks for track artists that are not also album artists
- #141 Fix crash when navigating to "Top Tracks" on artist page not yet fully loaded or invalid artist
- 56b6709 Don't pluralize "tracks" for albums and playlists with only one track
- #107 Add playback settings dropdown to choose output audio device
- #119 Add file path column to tracklist view
- #117 Add (optional) system tray menu and close to tray support
- #55 Show disc number and disc count for multi-disc albums
- #115 Add search bar to artist, genres, and playlists pages
- #104 Add alternate (e.g. external) hostname to server connection config
- #136 Add "..." button to album page with menu to add album to queue or playlist
- #70 Add searchable "All Tracks" page, with button to play random tracks
- #63 Add experimental support for setting custom application font
- 198110d Don't show update available prompt if the found version is the same as the running app version
- #120,#87 Update Mac build process to support OS versions back to High Sierra (thanks @whorfin!)
- #125 Navigating back twice to an albums page with search result clears search state
- #39 Add caching of artist images
- #94 Add Cmd+[ Cmd+] back/forward shortcuts for Mac (alongside existing Cmd+Left/Right)
- #96 Make scrobbling thresholds configurable
- #21 Add ability to reorder tracks within a playlist (via context menu)
- #99 Add Year (asc + desc) sort orders to album page
- #102 Add ReplayGain support (requires files to be tagged on server and transcoding to preserve tags)
- #106 Automatically check for updates
- #12 Add settings dialog
- d67dfa0 Add file size column to tracklist view
- 0a11df8 Limit the size of MPV's in-memory audio cache
- #90 Wrong covers get loaded for albums if server has different IDs for album and cover art
- #88 Incorrect icon size for Mac OS
- #87 Fix dependency bundling for Mac OS
- #45 Tracklist multi-select on Linux now works properly (Ctrl+click, Shift+click)
- #109 Memory leak in image rendering
- f34d432 Don't show tracklist row hover indicator when favorite toggle is hovered
- 98fb148 Migrate to Fyne 2.3.3 (modest memory improvements, fixes seek slider "wobble", fixes possible issues on M2 Macs)
- #73 Added "Play Random" button to genre page to play random songs
- #60 Add Top Tracks view to artist page
- #82 Added "Play Artist Radio" feature
- #79 Support legacy unsalted password auth
- #48 Send "Now Playing" scrobble to server when beginning new track
- #76 Added "Audio Exclusive" playback mode
- 60b7b93 Add support for deleting playlists and editing playlist metadata
- #62 Set a placeholder image if an album cover is not available
- #66 Refreshing artist page duplicates list of similar artists
- #37 Infinite scrolling album views stop loading if you scroll with scrollbar immediately to bottom
- #78 Favorite button on Artist page always shows unfavorited initially
- #64 Improve scrolling smoothness in album grid view
First release!