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Service constellation to exercise the flow framework

Application libraries:

  • app-framework Library providing a simple microservice framework
  • app-api Library providing interfaces that define the REST API for each service in the example application


  • app-web-ui Front-end service that presents an HTML interface to the system
  • app-ui Front-end service that accepts external requests
  • app-core Service that orchestrates functionality between services in the example application
  • app-histogram Service that counts characters in a given set of text
  • app-queue Service that handles deferred processing
  • app-store Service that provides data storage

Test modules:

  • app-model Library providing system description flows for creating tests with the Flows framework
  • app-assert Test library providing shared assertion components
  • app-itest System integration test suite for exercising app instances

Example Application Overview

These services present operations that can produce a histogram of specific characters within a target string. This simple functionality is decomposed into several services so that the Flow framework can be used to test and illustrate the data flows between them.

The diagram below illustrates the services and their interdependencies.

graph TD
    OPS(OPS<br>Provokes queue) -- POST --> QUEUE[QUEUE<br>Stores and processes<br>deferred operations]
    USER([USER<br>Needs characters counted]) -- GET/POST --> UI[UI<br>HTTP interface]
    USER -- browser --> WEB_UI[WEB_UI<br>Browser interface]
    subgraph example system
    CORE[CORE<br>Orchestrates processing] -- POST --> HISTOGRAM[HISTOGRAM<br>Counts characters]
    QUEUE -- POST --> CORE
    QUEUE -- DELETE/GET/PUT --> STORE[STORE<br>Key/Value store]
    STORE -- SQL --> DB[(DB<br>)]
    UI -- GET/POST --> CORE
    WEB_UI -- POST --> UI
Artifact dependency structure Solid lines are compile-scope dependencies, dotted are test-scope.
graph LR
  subgraph core
    builder[<a href=''>builder</a>]
    model[<a href=''>model</a>]
  subgraph message
    message-http[<a href=''>message-http</a>]
    message-json[<a href=''>message-json</a>]
    message-sql[<a href=''>message-sql</a>]
    message-text[<a href=''>message-text</a>]
    message-web[<a href=''>message-web</a>]
  subgraph validation
    validation-junit5[<a href=''>validation-junit5</a>]
    coppice[<a href=''>coppice</a>]
  subgraph assert
    assert-junit5[<a href=''>assert-junit5</a>]
    duct[<a href=''>duct</a>]
  subgraph example
    app-api[<a href=''>app-api</a>]
    app-assert[<a href=''>app-assert</a>]
    app-core[<a href=''>app-core</a>]
    app-framework[<a href=''>app-framework</a>]
    app-histogram[<a href=''>app-histogram</a>]
    app-itest[<a href=''>app-itest</a>]
    app-model[<a href=''>app-model</a>]
    app-queue[<a href=''>app-queue</a>]
    app-store[<a href=''>app-store</a>]
    app-ui[<a href=''>app-ui</a>]
    app-web-ui[<a href=''>app-web-ui</a>]
  app-api --> app-web-ui
  app-api --> app-ui
  app-api --> app-core
  app-api --> app-histogram
  app-api --> app-queue
  app-api --> app-store
  app-api --> app-model
  app-assert -.-> app-web-ui
  app-assert -.-> app-ui
  app-assert -.-> app-core
  app-assert -.-> app-histogram
  app-assert -.-> app-queue
  app-assert -.-> app-store
  app-assert -.-> app-itest
  app-core --> app-itest
  app-framework --> app-api
  app-histogram --> app-itest
  app-model --> app-assert
  app-queue --> app-itest
  app-store --> app-itest
  app-ui --> app-itest
  app-web-ui --> app-itest
  assert-junit5 --> app-assert
  builder --> app-model
  coppice -.-> app-model
  duct --> app-assert
  message-http --> app-model
  message-json --> app-model
  message-sql --> app-model
  message-text --> app-model
  message-web --> app-model
  model --> app-model
  validation-junit5 -.-> app-model

  %% keeps subgraphs positioned correctly
  core ~~~ message
  message ~~~ validation
  validation ~~~ assert

Starting the services

To exercise this application, start each of the individual services. For example, each service can be started in Maven in a separate terminal. The commands below are executed from the main "example" directory.

For example:

mvn exec:java -pl app-core

To start the service listening on a specific port, use the --port option during invocation like so:

mvn exec:java -pl app-ui -Dexec.args="--port 8080"

This is particularly helpful with the app-ui service so it always starts on a consistent port.

Alternatively all services can be started using the Main class in app-itest:

mvn exec:java -pl app-itest

When the cluster is started, this will output a line indicating which port the UI service is listening on:

[] INFO - Cluster started with UI on port 60783

Exercising the services

Once the services are up and running, you can send requests to the app-ui service.


A simple histogram

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data "the text" http://localhost:8080/histogram
{" ":1,"e":2,"h":1,"t":3,"x":1}

A deferred histogram

# submit the data and get back an ID
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data "the text" http://localhost:8080/histogram/deferred

# query the status of the request
$ curl http://localhost:8080/histogram/deferred/9e8d6cc8-b66f-48ff-80aa-e51225f1c77b

# Retrieve the results
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/histogram/deferred/9e8d6cc8-b66f-48ff-80aa-e51225f1c77b
{" ":1,"t":3,"e":2,"h":1,"x":1}

Testing the application using Flows

Each service includes its own set of tests based on Flows. Running the tests will generate flow diagrams in target/mctf that show the scenarios under test and what messaging was asserted.

There is also self-contained functional integration tests in the app-itest module that starts all services and tests the flows.

All of these tests are based on the same set of Flows in the app-model module. This demonstrates how a single change to the Model can be used to update service tests and system integration tests.