- Open the Multithreading script
- Add command to the CommandType enum
- Create a new Command class which derives from the BaseCommand class
private class GetTextCommand : BaseCommand
public string Name { get; set; } //Parameter of the command
public Result<string> Result { get; set; } //The result type which returns a string in this case
public GetTextCommand()
CommandType = CommandType.GetText; //Set the command type from the enum
- Add a command pool stack and initialise it in the constuctor
- Create the method like this:
/// <summary>
/// Get text from a text field
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Name of the GameObject</param>
/// <param name="result">Instatnce of the generic Result class</param>
/// <exception cref="NullReferenceException">Thrown if any of the parameters is null</exception>
public void GetText(string name, Result<string> result)
if (name == null || result == null) //Check for null parameters
ThrowException(new NullReferenceException("Multithreading, GetText: One of the instances was null"));
result.Reset(); //Reset the result instance in case it was already used
GetTextCommand command = GetFromPool(getTextCommandPool); //Get the command from the created command pool
command.Name = name; //Assign all properties
command.Result = result;
QueueCommand(command); //Queue the command to be executed in the Execute method
- Implement functionality in the execute method
- Add inside the switch your command like this:
case CommandType.GetText:
GetTextCommand command = (GetTextCommand)baseCommand; //Convert the base command to the specific command
string name = command.Name; //Assign the parameters
Result<string> result = command.Result;
command.Name = null; //Set the command values to null
command.Result = null;
ReturnToPool(getTextCommandPool, command); //Return the command to pool
GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find(name); //Do the functionality
Text GOText = gameObject.GetComponent<Text>();
string text = GOText.text;
result.Ready(text); //Call the ready function and if needed return something