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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6caabb5
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/assets/life_toad.gif differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..974452d
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/assets/life_toad_df.gif differ
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+# Extra.1 Well...
+> "No." - _Doom Slayer_
+ This section is completely optional, and is provided for a bit
+ of nerdy fun. It is by no means essential, feel free to skip
+ it if it doesn't interest you!
+Well, someone can, probably. But doom in a dataframe would be kinda hard to play, so let's try something simpler.
+[Conway's Game of Life](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life) is a notorious Cellular Automaton that we could perhaps implement with a plugin.
+For science, of course.
+![Toad pattern with period = 2](assets/life_toad.gif)
+Jokes aside, life allows us to show how a plugin can access elements in both neighbouring rows and columns for each element.
+With a little bit of extra Python, we can display things in an almost pretty manner.
+ For this tutorial, we'll assume you created a new plugin from the
+ cookiecutter template and named it `game_of_life`
+ (these steps aren't shown here, since they were already covered at the
+ very beginning of this series).
+In this section we'll cover the developer side of the plugin (both Python and Rust).
+In the next section we'll show how a user can import and use what we developed here.
+## The Python side
+Let's take a look at what we'll implement first, in `game_of_life/__init__.py`:
+import fileinput
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from itertools import tee, islice
+from os import PathLike
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Iterable, Any
+import polars as pl
+from polars._typing import IntoExpr
+from game_of_life.utils import register_plugin
+# Parse a board from a file or stdin
+def parse_board(ifile: str | ...) -> list[list[int]]: ...
+# Transpose a list of lists
+def _transpose(board: list[list[int]]) -> list[list[int]]: ...
+# Creates a DataFrame from a list of lists
+def board_to_df(board: list[list[int]]) -> pl.DataFrame: ...
+# Helper function to help us deal with corner cases
+def _nwise_wrapping(iterable: Iterable[Any], n: int): ...
+# Advance the simulation by n steps
+def step(df: pl.DataFrame, n: int = 1): ...
+# Register our plugin
+def life_step(left: IntoExpr, mid: IntoExpr, right: IntoExpr) -> pl.Expr: ...
+Starting with the function to parse a board from a file or stdin:
+def parse_board(
+ ifile: (
+ str
+ | bytes
+ | PathLike[str]
+ | PathLike[bytes]
+ | Iterable[str | bytes | PathLike[str] | PathLike[bytes]]
+ ),
+) -> list[list[int]]:
+ """
+ Converts a board in a file containing only 0s and 1s, e.g.::
+ 0010
+ 0100
+ into:
+ [[0010],[0100]]
+ """
+ return [
+ [c for ch in ln if (c := int(ch)) in [0, 1]]
+ for line in fileinput.input(ifile)
+ if len(ln := line.strip()) > 0
+ ]
+Next, we have transpose. Why do we need it, anyway? Because the way a dataframe reads our list of lists is counter-intuitive when constructing it from a dict comprehension.
+If we start with an input board like:
+without transpose, we'd end up with:
+>>> import polars as pl
+>>> board = [[0,0,0,0],[1,1,1,1]]
+>>> pl.DataFrame({f"c{idx}": row for idx, row in enumerate(board)})
+shape: (4, 2)
+│ c0 ┆ c1 │
+│ --- ┆ --- │
+│ i64 ┆ i64 │
+│ 0 ┆ 1 │
+│ 0 ┆ 1 │
+│ 0 ┆ 1 │
+│ 0 ┆ 1 │
+Not what we expected _visually_, so we transpose the initial board to have the resulting dataframe match it.
+def _transpose(board: list[list[int]]) -> list[list[int]]:
+ return [[row[idx] for row in board] for idx in range(len(board[0]))]
+Next one is `board_to_df`, which calls `_transpose` and constructs the DataFrame in a similar way to the example above.
+The padding detail is just to avoid columns with larger names than others, feel free to ignore it:
+def board_to_df(board: list[list[int]]) -> pl.DataFrame:
+ """
+ Converts a list of lists of integers (0s and 1s) to a Polars DataFrame.
+ The inner lists must have the same length.
+ """
+ # This is done because each row will become a column - the user likely
+ # expects a dataframe that *visually* matches the input file
+ board = _transpose(board)
+ padding_len = len(str(len(board) - 1))
+ board_t_dict = {f"{idx:0{padding_len}}": row for idx, row in enumerate(board)}
+ return pl.DataFrame(
+ board_t_dict,
+ )
+Let's skip `_nwise_wrapping` and `step` for now and jump straight to the last function - we'll return to the two we skipped soon:
+ Don't forget to read the comments!
+def life_step(left: IntoExpr, mid: IntoExpr, right: IntoExpr) -> pl.Expr:
+ """
+ This is the function that registers the polars plugin. To use it directly,
+ data must be in the correct format. An interesting way to do so is to use
+ the same column names as the original data frame, so the resulting df will
+ have the same shape. See how this is done in the `step(df, n)` function.
+ """
+ return register_plugin(
+ args=[left, mid, right],
+ lib=lib,
+ symbol="life_step",
+ is_elementwise=False,
+ )
+Ok, plugin registered. How do we use it? We create columns in `step` with `with_columns`.
+And we do so in a way that the new columns will have the exact name as the previously existing ones, so they're overridden.
+But wait, there's something we didn't talk about.
+What happens at the border of the board (both vertically and horizontally)?
+Do we stop the simulation from propagating there, do we wrap around, or something else?
+Many implementations stop the simulation at the border, so let's do it differently, let's wrap around!
+Wait, why are we talking about this here - isn't this a concern to be solved by our plugin in Rust?
+Yes, but Python-land is where we name our columns.
+So in order to have that nice overriding behavior, we need to address it here.
+This is also a hint at what the mysterious `_nwise_wrapping` function does:
+def _nwise_wrapping(iterable: Iterable[Any], n: int):
+ """
+ Returns overlapping n-tuples from an iterable, wrapping around. This means
+ the result will have the same length as `iterable`. It also means the first
+ element(s) will include elements from the end of the iterable, and
+ likewise, the last element(s) will include elements from the start, e.g.::
+ fn('ABCDE', 3) -> 'EAB', 'ABC', 'BCD', 'CDE', 'DEA'
+ """
+ elements = list(iterable)
+ to_be_wrapped = elements[-(n - 2) :] + elements + elements[: n - 2]
+ iterators = tee(to_be_wrapped, n)
+ return [
+ list(z) for z in zip(*(islice(it, i, None) for i, it in enumerate(iterators)))
+ ]
+The implementation might look a bit complicated, but the docstring should clarify its goal.
+Now we're only missing `step`, which takes a DataFrame already in the expected format and returns another DataFrame with our plugin applied `n` times to it:
+def step(df: pl.DataFrame, n: int = 1):
+ """
+ Takes a df and returns df.with_columns(...) corresponding to `n` advanced
+ steps in the simulation
+ """
+ padding_len = len(str(df.width - 1))
+ # colnums: [['{n-1}', '00', '01'], ['00', '01', '02'], ['01', '02', '03'], ... ]
+ colnums = _nwise_wrapping([f"{idx:0{padding_len}}" for idx in range(df.width)], 3)
+ # colnames: ['00', '01', '02', '03', ... , '{n-1}']
+ colnames = [cols[1] for cols in colnums]
+ # colvalues: [, ... ]
+ colvalues = [life_step(*tuple(cols)) for cols in colnums]
+ for _ in range(n):
+ df = df.with_columns(**OrderedDict(zip(colnames, colvalues)))
+ return df
+We're done with the Python side of things.
+And if you're wondering: "what plugin did we actually register with `life_step`?" -
+you're totally right to be confused, we didn't touch Rust yet!
+Why did we leave it for last?
+Because surprisingly, it's much simpler than the Python side, and much shorter too.
+## Let's get rusty
+What do we need to do?
+For each element, we need to look at the the sum of the 8 neighbours, then apply the rule to decide whether the element will be dead or alive in the next iteration.
+Here's what our entire `src/expressions.rs` looks like:
+use polars::export::arrow::legacy::utils::CustomIterTools;
+use polars::prelude::*;
+use pyo3_polars::derive::polars_expr;
+fn life_step(inputs: &[Series]) -> PolarsResult {
+ let (ca_lf, ca_curr, ca_rt) = (inputs[0].i64()?, inputs[1].i64()?, inputs[2].i64()?);
+ /*
+ We're "counting" on the user not to append or modify the DataFrame created
+ from the board file.
+ In general, this might sound insane, but for our Game of Life, this is not
+ so unreasonable.
+ */
+ let lf = ca_lf
+ .cont_slice()
+ .expect("Expected input to be contiguous (in a single chunk)");
+ let mid = ca_curr
+ .cont_slice()
+ .expect("Expected input to be contiguous (in a single chunk)");
+ let rt = ca_rt
+ .cont_slice()
+ .expect("Expected input to be contiguous (in a single chunk)");
+ let len = lf.len();
+ let mut out: Int64Chunked = mid
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(idx, val)| {
+ // Neighbours above
+ let prev_row = if 0 == idx {
+ lf[len - 1] + mid[len - 1] + rt[len - 1]
+ } else {
+ lf[idx - 1] + mid[idx - 1] + rt[idx - 1]
+ };
+ // Curr row does not include cell in the middle,
+ // a cell is not a neighbour of itself
+ let curr_row = lf[idx] + rt[idx];
+ // Neighbours below
+ let next_row = if len - 1 == idx {
+ lf[0] + mid[0] + rt[0]
+ } else {
+ lf[idx + 1] + mid[idx + 1] + rt[idx + 1]
+ };
+ // Life logic
+ Some(match (val, prev_row + curr_row + next_row) {
+ (1, 2) | (1, 3) => 1,
+ (0, 3) => 1,
+ _ => 0,
+ })
+ })
+ .collect_trusted();
+ out.rename(ca_curr.name());
+ Ok(out.into_series())
+Awesome, now what? If we ignore tests, _as plugin developers_, we could say we're done.
+Nothing's happened yet, so how could we be done?
+In the next section we'll take a look at how the plugin _user_ would call the functions we made available.
diff --git a/docs/life_pt2.md b/docs/life_pt2.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38c033b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/life_pt2.md
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# Extra.2 Plugin user
+In the last section we saw what the plugin developers made available for a plugin user.
+Now we put the user's hat and demonstrate that _usage_.
+For this, we'll implement a CLI app that will parse a board file provided as an argument, then run a step of the simulation every `delay` seconds (also provided as an argument).
+> Tip: place the code from this section in a separate file, e.g., `run.py`.
+Just like what we did previously, let's look at an overview of what's to come:
+import argparse
+import contextlib
+import io
+import sys
+from time import sleep
+from game_of_life import parse_board, board_to_df, step
+import polars as pl
+class Application:
+ # Initialize the board
+ def __init__(self): ...
+ # Printing the application object prints the board
+ def __str__(self) -> str: ...
+ # Run a step of the simulation every `delay` steps, for `n` maximum steps
+ def start(self, n, delay, print_df): ...
+Notice how we're importing `parse_board`, `board_to_df` and `step` from our fully-developed plugin.
+This could've been installed with pip! Check the [publishing chapter](publishing.md) for more on this.
+So first things first: `__init__`.
+Here we use the stdlib `argparse` module to capture the command line arguments we mentioned above.
+Then, we call `board_to_df` with the result of `parse_board`, storing the resulting DataFrame in the `Application` object itself.
+class Application:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._args = argparse.Namespace()
+ cli = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog="python -m game_of_life", description="Options"
+ )
+ cli.add_argument("-i", "--input", type=str, required=True)
+ cli.add_argument("-d", "--delay", type=float, default=0.2)
+ cli.add_argument("-n", "--num-steps", type=int, default=sys.maxsize)
+ cli.parse_args(namespace=self._args)
+ # [-i]
+ self.ifile: str = self._args.input
+ # [-d]
+ self.delay: float = self._args.delay
+ # [-n]
+ self.steps: int = self._args.num_steps
+ # Creates a pl.DataFrame from the provided file
+ self.df = board_to_df(parse_board(self.ifile))
+Next, an optional but handy detail - we implement `__str__` for `Application` in a way that printing an `Application` object will actually print the DataFrame stored internally:
+class Application:
+ # ...
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ res = io.StringIO()
+ with (
+ pl.Config(tbl_rows=-1, tbl_cols=-1),
+ contextlib.redirect_stdout(res),
+ ):
+ print(self.df)
+ return res.getvalue()
+The `pl.Config` part just removes the default row and column limits when displaying a DataFrame - otherwise we'd see ellipses (`...`) instead of `1`s and `0`s.
+Finally, `start` is where we display the DataFrame and call `step` to advance the simulation, over and over:
+class Application:
+ # ...
+ def start(
+ self,
+ n: int | None = None,
+ delay: float | None = None,
+ print_df: bool = True,
+ ):
+ if n is None:
+ n = self.steps
+ if delay is None:
+ delay = self.delay
+ if print_df:
+ print(self)
+ iteration_cnt = 0
+ try:
+ for _ in range(n):
+ self.df = step(self.df)
+ iteration_cnt += 1
+ if print_df:
+ # Clear screen
+ print("\033[2J")
+ print(self)
+ sleep(delay)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print(
+ f"\nKeyboard Interrupt: ran for {iteration_cnt} iterations. Aborting..."
+ )
+ print(f"max_num_steps={self._args.num_steps}\ndelay={self._args.delay}")
+To run the program, we only need two more things - an entry point and an input file.
+Create a `toad.txt` in an `input` folder, containing:
+and add this entry point at the end of `run.py`:
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ app = Application()
+ app.start()
+Now we can see the results of our work, at last:
+# Compile the rust code
+maturin develop --release
+# Run the application
+python run.py -i input/toad.txt -d 0.3
+![Toad pattern with period = 2, running in a dataframe](assets/life_toad_df.gif)
+## Reference
+The entire code for this plugin, including the user's side, can be found on [GitHub](https://github.com/condekind/life_polars_plugin).
diff --git a/minimal_plugin/__init__.py b/minimal_plugin/__init__.py
index 53c7d48..19a2597 100644
--- a/minimal_plugin/__init__.py
+++ b/minimal_plugin/__init__.py
@@ -140,3 +140,11 @@ def interpolate(expr: IntoExpr) -> pl.Expr:
+def life_step(left: IntoExpr, mid: IntoExpr, right: IntoExpr) -> pl.Expr:
+ return register_plugin(
+ args=[left, mid, right],
+ lib=lib,
+ symbol="life_step",
+ is_elementwise=False,
+ )
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 05271b3..440a3b5 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ nav:
- vec_of_option.md
- publishing.md
- aggregate.md
+ - "Extra: Can we run Doom?":
+ - life_pt1.md
+ - life_pt2.md
- where_to_go.md
diff --git a/src/expressions.rs b/src/expressions.rs
index 1a7b1c9..59977ae 100644
--- a/src/expressions.rs
+++ b/src/expressions.rs
@@ -432,3 +432,53 @@ fn interpolate(inputs: &[Series]) -> PolarsResult {
+fn life_step(inputs: &[Series]) -> PolarsResult {
+ let (ca_lf, ca_curr, ca_rt) = (inputs[0].i64()?, inputs[1].i64()?, inputs[2].i64()?);
+ let lf = ca_lf
+ .cont_slice()
+ .expect("Expected input to be contiguous (in a single chunk)");
+ let mid = ca_curr
+ .cont_slice()
+ .expect("Expected input to be contiguous (in a single chunk)");
+ let rt = ca_rt
+ .cont_slice()
+ .expect("Expected input to be contiguous (in a single chunk)");
+ let len = lf.len();
+ let mut out: Int64Chunked = mid
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(idx, val)| {
+ // Neighbours above
+ let prev_row = if 0 == idx {
+ lf[len - 1] + mid[len - 1] + rt[len - 1]
+ } else {
+ lf[idx - 1] + mid[idx - 1] + rt[idx - 1]
+ };
+ // Curr row does not include cell in the middle,
+ // a cell is not a neighbour of itself
+ let curr_row = lf[idx] + rt[idx];
+ // Neighbours below
+ let next_row = if len - 1 == idx {
+ lf[0] + mid[0] + rt[0]
+ } else {
+ lf[idx + 1] + mid[idx + 1] + rt[idx + 1]
+ };
+ // Life logic
+ Some(match (val, prev_row + curr_row + next_row) {
+ (1, 2) | (1, 3) => 1,
+ (0, 3) => 1,
+ _ => 0,
+ })
+ })
+ .collect_trusted();
+ out.rename(ca_curr.name());
+ Ok(out.into_series())