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Introduction to gRPC

Original video

Hello everyone, welcome to the backend master class. So far we've implemented a set of HTTP JSON APIs for our simple bank service using Gin. Although it is very easy to implement and convenient to use, when it comes to performance, HTTP JSON APIs are no match for gRPC. If you have watched my videos in the gRPC course, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

But for those who haven't watched, I will do a quick overview of this technology so that you can understand why gRPC is one of the best frameworks when you want to develop a backend web service in Golang.

What is gRPC?

gRPC is a remote procedure call framework. Originally developed by Google, and now is a part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. The idea of gRPC is to allow the client to execute a remote function on the server.

As you can see in this example, there's a hello function on the server, which is written in Rust and the client, written in Go, can call that function as if it's in the same local codebase.

All the magics that happen behind the scene for remote interaction are handled by gRPC. And the RPC APIs and their data structure codes are automatically generated by a special program called Protocol Buffer Compiler.

One of the coolest things about gRPC is that it supports many different programming languages. So from the same API definition, you can easily generate server & clients code in whatever programming language you like.

How gRPC works?

Here's how it works:

  1. First, we need to define the RPC API and its request/response structure using Protocol Buffer.
syntax = "proto3";

message HelloRequest {
  string name = 1;

message HelloResponse {
  string greet = 1;

service WelcomeService {
  rpc Hello(HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse);

As you can see in this example, there's a HelloRequest, and a HelloResponse message. Then the WelcomeService has 1 RPC called Hello, which takes the HelloRequest as input and returns a HelloResponse. From this proto file, we move to second step, which is generating gRPC codes for the server and client.

  1. With the help of Protocol Buffer Compiler you can easily generate codes in any programming language of your choice. Here's an example of the generated Golang code. It has a struct for HelloRequest, a struct for HelloResponse, and 2 interfaces for the client and server, which we can base on to write the real implementation later. On the left is another example of the generated codes in Rust.
type HelloRequest struct {
	Name string

type HelloResponse struct {
	Greet string

type WelcomeServiceClient interface {
	Hello(*HelloRequest) (*HelloResponse, error)

type WelcomeServiceServer interface {
	Hello(*HelloRequest) (*HelloReponse, error)

pub struct HelloRequest {
    pub name: ::std::string::String,

pub struct HelloResponse {
    pub greet: ::std::string::String,

pub struct WelcomeServiceClient {
    client: ::grpcio::Client,

pub trait WelcomeService {
    fn hello(&mut self, req: HelloRequest,
        sink: ::grpcio::UnarySink<HelloResponse>);

  1. When we have the generated code, the only thing left is to implement the RPC handler on the server side, or

  2. Use the generated stubs on the client side to call the RPC on the server.

Pretty simple, isn't it?

Don't worry if you're not fully clear about all of these steps at the moment. I will gradually show you how to do all of them in the upcoming lectures.

gRPC benefits

OK, but why should we use gRPC instead of a normal HTTP JSON API? Well, first, gRPC offers higher performance. And its possible thanks to the underlying HTTP/2 protocol, which offer several benefits, such as transferring data in binary format, multiplexing, which allows sending multiple requests through the same TCP connection, header compression, and bidirectional communication between the client and server. Second, gRPC gives us a better API contract, where the server and client share the same Protocol Buffer definition of the API with strongly typed request/response data structure. And third, automatic code generation is one of the most important features of gRPC, which allows us to develop the service faster, because all codes that serialize, deserialize, or transfer data between client and server are already generated and handled by gRPC.

So all we need to focus on is implementing the core logic of the service.

4 types of gRPC

There are 4 types of gRPC.

The simplest one is unary gRPC, where the client sends 1 single request, and the server replies with 1 single response. This is similar to the normal HTTP API. Then we have client-streaming gRPC. In this scenario, the client will send a stream of multiple messages, and it expects the server to send back only 1 single response. Similarly, we have server-streaming gRPC, where the client sends only 1 request, and the server replies with a stream of multiple messages. And finally, the bidirectional streaming gRPC is the most complex, because client and server will keep sending and receiving multiple messages in parallel and with arbitrary order. It's very flexible and no blocking, which means, no sides need to wait for the response from the other before sending the next messages.

gRPC gateway

gRPC is already a great tool, but there's still 1 more thing that makes it even better: gRPC gateway. The idea is to write server code just once, but be able to serve both gRPC and HTTP JSON requests at the same time. Sounds pretty cool, doesn't it?

gRPC gateway is a plugin of Protocol Buffer that generates HTTP proxy codes from Protocol Buffer definition.

As you can see in this diagram, from the same proto file, the protobuf compiler will generate both the gRPC and the HTTP gateway codes. A normal gRPC client will connect directly to the gRPC server to send a gRPC request and receive a binary response, while an HTTP client will connect to the HTTP gateway server to send HTTP request. This request will be translated into gRPC format before forwarding to the gRPC service handler to be processed. Its response will also be translated back into JSON format before returning to the client.

There are 2 types of translation that we can choose to implement for the gateway: in-process translation means that the gateway can call the gRPC handler directly in the code, without going through any extra hop on the network. However, keep in mind that, it only works for unary gRPC. If you want to translate streaming gRPC calls, then you must run the HTTP gateway as a separate proxy server. In that case, the HTTP JSON request will be translated and forwarded to the gRPC server via a network call.

OK, so now you know why gRPC is a very powerful framework, and for me, it's a no-brainer to choose it over many other backend service frameworks.

What next?

In upcoming videos, I'm gonna gradually show you how to set up gRPC development environment, how to define a set of APIs and data structures using protobuf and generate gRPC stubs from it, how to implement the gRPC service handlers, and finally how to generate and set up a gRPC gateway as well as its Swagger documentation page for HTTP clients.

Although you might already know some of these if you're watched my gRPC course, it's been 2 years since I recorded that course, and a lot of things have changed in the gRPC toolings and APIs. So I think it would still be useful to remake new videos on these topics, but this time, for a real-world application: our simple bank service.

And that's it for today's video.

Thanks a lot for watching and see you soon in the next lecture!