This folder contains a simple webcam demo where you can perform real-time SGG. First, make sure that you have downloaded or trained a model in SGDet mode, currently only sgdet is supported for demo. To run the demo you'll need to:
Install the codebase, refer to
Train a SGDet model and save the results files in the
folder -
Get the path to the config file used for training, for instance
Get the path of your trained weights, for instance
OPTIONAL: if you want to spice it up, you can add a real-time tracker on top of the object detection to track relations between the same objects through time with boxmot (
pip install boxmot
). You can then activate it with argument--tracking
. -
OPTIONAL: you can also configure the box and rel confidence threshold, by default I put 0.1 for the relation and 0.5 for the boxes, if no relation or too many relations are shown, try to adjust those thresholds with the arguments
You can run the demo as follows:
python --config YOUR_CONFIG_FILE_HERE.yml --weights YOUR_WEIGHTS_FILE.pth --tracking # only activate tracking if boxmot is installed
You can also use the SGDET_on_custom_images.ipynb notebook to visualize detections on images.