- new message for multiple rigid bodies
- Fix Markers to Marker
- Proposal with both
- Proposal for definitive format
- Change idx (int) to name (string)
- Add markers indexes
- Add Rigid Body description
- Contributors: Francisco Martín Rico, José Miguel Guerrero, jmguerreroh
- Change license
- Update README.md
- Contributors: Francisco Martín Rico
- Cleaning
- ImusInfo added
- Remove srvs/msgs not used
- mocap4ros2_msgs replaced for mocap_msgs
- Add control msg
- Renaming mocap_msgs package
- Update README.md
- Marker(s)WithId msgs added
- Update README.md
- Names modified
- Add id to marker
- README modified
- Initial commit, msgs added
- Contributors: Francisco Martin Rico, Lorena Bajo Rebollo