diff --git a/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb b/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb index cd90bfd..c314e19 100644 --- a/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb +++ b/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb @@ -31,5 +31,5 @@ Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices ' by using the '*' as shown below: ' - - + + diff --git a/frmMain.vb b/frmMain.vb index b794f47..d40f5b1 100644 --- a/frmMain.vb +++ b/frmMain.vb @@ -11,9 +11,17 @@ Public Class frmMain With ToolTip1 .SetToolTip(btnCreateGameList, "Click to start the process, and create a gamelist.xml in the same directory as the mame input .xml") .SetToolTip(btnCreateMameXML, "Set the mame exe path and XML filename below. Click to create a mame -listxml .xml") + .SetToolTip(btnMameEXEPath, "Use Windows dialog to pick mame exe path.") .SetToolTip(txtMameEXEPath, "Path to the mame exe you want to create details for.") .SetToolTip(txtMameXMLPath, "Path to the XML file you wish to use or create. File name must exist for gamelist.xml creation.") .SetToolTip(txtImages, "Path to the images you've downloaded for Mame. If you have a previous set of scraped and downloaded images, you can use the append box below to append -image to the filename") + .SetToolTip(chkVersionXML, "Use the below .xml file for reading MAME details. (Required at the moment)") + .SetToolTip(chkImagePrepend, "Prepend the below text to all snapshot images.") + .SetToolTip(chkImageAppend, "Append the below text to all snapshot images. Useful if you have a previously scraped image set.") + .SetToolTip(chkVideoDir, "Enable adding MAME video files to the gamelist. Must be in the format ROMNAME.EXT") + .SetToolTip(chkScanSubFolders, "Scan subfolders in the main rom directory for rom file.") + .SetToolTip(cmbROMExt, "The extension, including period, of the existing rom files. Usually .zip or .7z") + .SetToolTip(cmbVideoExt, "The extension, including period, of the existing video files. Usually .mp4") .SetToolTip(chkPrettyXML, "Create readable, indented XML. Only useful if you're going to edit the file by hand.") .SetToolTip(txtFavouritesPath, "Set a folder.ini file here. If the romset exists in this file, it will be added to your favourites in Emulation Station") .SetToolTip(chkHideBios, "Sets Bios, non runnable, screenless and mechanical sets to hidden.")