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DeathManager - Cross-Server Death Management Plugin

Version License

简体中文 | English

📝 Introduction

DeathManager is a cross-server death management plugin system that includes both Velocity proxy and Spigot server plugins. It provides a complete death handling mechanism, making the player's death experience more smooth and personalized.

✨ Features

  • 💀 Custom Death Handling
    • Custom death titles and subtitles
    • Custom death sound effects
    • 5-second respawn countdown
    • Spectator mode transition
  • 🌐 Cross-Server Support
    • Cross-server teleportation system
    • Server communication synchronization
    • Multi-server spawn point management
  • 🎮 Gameplay Optimization
    • Smooth respawn transition
    • Automatic survival mode switching
    • Custom respawn commands
  • 🌍 Multi-language Support
    • Customizable messages
    • Multiple language configurations

📥 Installation

Velocity Side

  1. Download DeathManager-Velocity.jar
  2. Place it in the Velocity plugins folder
  3. Restart the server to generate configuration files

Spigot Side

  1. Download DeathManager-Spigot.jar
  2. Place it in each sub-server's plugins folder
  3. Restart the server to generate configuration files

⚙️ Configuration

Spigot Configuration

# DeathManager-Spigot Configuration

# Skip death teleportation system (if true, use local spawn point)
bypass: false

# Death-related settings
  # Death sound settings
  play_sound: true
  volume: 1.0
  pitch: 1.0
  # Title settings
    # Death title text list, randomly displays one on death
      - "&cYou died!"
      - "&cDeath is like the wind, always by my side"
      - "&cThat was a bad adventure..."
      - "&cStand up, warrior!"
      - "&cJust a minor setback..."
    # Subtitle text, supports variables:
    # {time} - Respawn countdown (seconds)
    subtitle: "&7Respawning in {time} seconds..."
    # Title fade in time (seconds)
    fade_in: 0.5
    # Title stay time (seconds)
    stay: 5
    # Title fade out time (seconds)
    fade_out: 0.5

# Actions executed after respawn
# Available variables:
# {player} - Player name
# {world} - Player's world
# {x} - X coordinate
# {y} - Y coordinate
# {z} - Z coordinate
# Supported action types:
# [op] - Execute command with OP permissions/may trigger elevation, not recommended
# [console] - Execute command as console
# [player] - Execute command as player
# [message] - Send message to player
# [title] - Send title
# [subtitle] - Send subtitle (must be used with title)
# For [title] and [subtitle], you can add display time (ticks):
# [title:20:100:20] - Represents fade_in:stay:fade_out time
  enabled: true
    - "[message]&aWelcome back, {player}!"
    - "[title:10:40:10]&6Welcome Back"
    - "[subtitle:10:40:10]&7Dear &f{player}"

# Debug settings
debug: false

# Local spawn point settings (only used when bypass=true)
  world: world
  x: 0.0
  y: 64.0
  z: 0.0
  yaw: 0.0
  pitch: 0.0

📌 Commands

Velocity Commands

Command Description
/dmreload Reload plugin configuration
/deathmanagerreload Reload plugin configuration (alias)

Spigot Commands

Command Description
/setserverspawn Set server spawn point
/deathmanager Plugin management command

🔧 Requirements

  • ☕ Java 17+
  • 🎮 Minecraft 1.20.x
  • 🛠️ Latest Velocity/Spigot version

⚠️ Notes

  1. Ensure both Velocity and Spigot servers have the corresponding plugins installed
  2. Configuration changes require plugin reload or server restart
  3. Please set spawn points correctly to avoid incorrect player respawn locations

💬 Technical Support

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📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.