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DeathManager is a cross-server death management plugin system that includes both Velocity proxy and Spigot server plugins. It provides a complete death handling mechanism, making the player's death experience more smooth and personalized.
- 💀 Custom Death Handling
- Custom death titles and subtitles
- Custom death sound effects
- 5-second respawn countdown
- Spectator mode transition
- 🌐 Cross-Server Support
- Cross-server teleportation system
- Server communication synchronization
- Multi-server spawn point management
- 🎮 Gameplay Optimization
- Smooth respawn transition
- Automatic survival mode switching
- Custom respawn commands
- 🌍 Multi-language Support
- Customizable messages
- Multiple language configurations
- Download
- Place it in the Velocity
folder - Restart the server to generate configuration files
- Download
- Place it in each sub-server's
folder - Restart the server to generate configuration files
# DeathManager-Spigot Configuration
# Skip death teleportation system (if true, use local spawn point)
bypass: false
# Death-related settings
# Death sound settings
play_sound: true
volume: 1.0
pitch: 1.0
# Title settings
# Death title text list, randomly displays one on death
- "&cYou died!"
- "&cDeath is like the wind, always by my side"
- "&cThat was a bad adventure..."
- "&cStand up, warrior!"
- "&cJust a minor setback..."
# Subtitle text, supports variables:
# {time} - Respawn countdown (seconds)
subtitle: "&7Respawning in {time} seconds..."
# Title fade in time (seconds)
fade_in: 0.5
# Title stay time (seconds)
stay: 5
# Title fade out time (seconds)
fade_out: 0.5
# Actions executed after respawn
# Available variables:
# {player} - Player name
# {world} - Player's world
# {x} - X coordinate
# {y} - Y coordinate
# {z} - Z coordinate
# Supported action types:
# [op] - Execute command with OP permissions/may trigger elevation, not recommended
# [console] - Execute command as console
# [player] - Execute command as player
# [message] - Send message to player
# [title] - Send title
# [subtitle] - Send subtitle (must be used with title)
# For [title] and [subtitle], you can add display time (ticks):
# [title:20:100:20] - Represents fade_in:stay:fade_out time
enabled: true
- "[message]&aWelcome back, {player}!"
- "[title:10:40:10]&6Welcome Back"
- "[subtitle:10:40:10]&7Dear &f{player}"
# Debug settings
debug: false
# Local spawn point settings (only used when bypass=true)
world: world
x: 0.0
y: 64.0
z: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
pitch: 0.0
Command | Description |
/dmreload |
Reload plugin configuration |
/deathmanagerreload |
Reload plugin configuration (alias) |
Command | Description |
/setserverspawn |
Set server spawn point |
/deathmanager |
Plugin management command |
- ☕ Java 17+
- 🎮 Minecraft 1.20.x
- 🛠️ Latest Velocity/Spigot version
- Ensure both Velocity and Spigot servers have the corresponding plugins installed
- Configuration changes require plugin reload or server restart
- Please set spawn points correctly to avoid incorrect player respawn locations
Need help? We're here for you!
This project is licensed under the MIT License.