Basic logger for nodejs supporting error, warning, info, debug and trace messages with (or without) timestamp. Everything you log is printed to the console.
npm install basic-logger
var Logger = require('basic-logger');
// configure level one time, it will be set to every instance of the logger
Logger.setLevel('warning'); // only warnings and errors will be shown
Logger.setLevel('warning', true); // only warnings and errors will be shown and no message about the level change will be printed
var customConfig = {
showMillis: true;
showTimestamp: true;
var log = new Logger(customConfig) // custom config parameters will be used, defaults will be used for the other parameters
log.error('An error occurred');
log.warn('I am not kidding!');'you just screwed this');
log.debug('this code is still alive...');
log.trace('we are here.');
- Show the timestamp with every message.showMillis
- Show milliseconds in the timestamp.printObjFunc
- The function to apply objects to, if logged. Default is util.inspect.prefix
- String that is prepended to every message logged with this instance.
You'll need vows
. Then just run npm test
- support for colored log messages
- log to file