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File metadata and controls

215 lines (159 loc) · 7.73 KB

This document is both some upstream notes and an introduction to maintaining ddupdate code.

Design goals:

  • ddupdate should be easy to configure. Most users should just need to run a simple configuration script (after registering with a DDNS service).
  • ddupdate should be secure, using standard tools to handle password secrets. No root access should be required to configure or run it.
  • ddupdate should be extensible, and thus being based on plugins.
  • ddupdate should be flexible for programmers, making it possible to write plugins for all sorts of sites including those ddclient cannot handle.
  • ddupdate should be linux-centric, using standard linux tools such as systemd and NetworkManager where it is appropriate.

Writing plugins

Writing plugins is not hard. Most plugins are about 10-20 lines of code + docs, most of which boilerplate stuff. The best way is to look at the existing plugins and pick solutions from them. Some hints:

  • Before writing the plugin, make tests with wget or curl to make sure how the api works. Essential step, this one.

  • The plugin API is defined in the file. API docs can be generated using python3 -m pydoc lib/ddupdate/ or so.

  • Coding style: Use make pylint, make pycodestyle and make pydocstyle. The relevant tools python3-pylint, pycodestyle and pydocstyle needs to be in place.

  • Each plugin must live in a file with a unique name. It must contain a main class derived from AddressPlugin or ServicePlugin. The class docstring is the help documentation.

  • The class _name property is the official name of the plugin, must be unique. _oneliner is indeed the short summary displayed by for example --list-services.

  • To test, create the directory ~/.local/share/ddupdate/plugins and drop the new plugin into it.

  • Authentication:

    • Some sites uses standard basic authentication. This is handled by http_basic_auth_setup in e. g.,
    • Others uses username + password in the url e. g.,
    • Hashed passwords are used in e. g.,
    • API tokens are handled in e. g.,
    • Some have broken basic authentication, see
    • Some uses a separate header with the API token, see
  • Most services uses a http GET request to set the data. See for a http POST example.

  • Handling expired server certificate: see duiadns.

  • Reply decoding:

    • Most sites just returns some text, simple enough
    • json: example in
    • html: example in
  • Configuration: The line 'netrc line' in the plugin method documentation is parsed by ddupdate-config to determine what user should define for example user, password, etc. This mechanism based on the netrc syntax is used also in the keyring backend.


ddupdate has a multitude of packaging:

  • ddupdate is available as a pypi package from the master branch. It can be installed using pip::

    $ sudo pip install ddupdate --prefix=/usr/local

    or from the cloned git directory:

    $ sudo python3 install --prefix=/usr/local

    It can be installed in an virtualenv root by a regular user. To use the plugins in the venv in favor of the system ones prepend the proper path to XDG_DATA_DIRS using something like::

    $ export  XDG_DATA_DIRS=$PWD/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS

    Using a virtualenv, configuration files like ~/.config/ddupdate.conf and ~/.netrc are still used from their system-wide locations.

  • fedora is packaged in the fedora branch. Pre-built packages are at Building requires the git and rpm-build packages. To build version 0.7.1::

    $ git clone -b fedora
    $ cd ddupdate/fedora
    $ sudo dnf builddep ddupdate.spec
    $ ./make-tarball 0.7.1
    $ rpmbuild -D "_sourcedir $PWD" -ba ddupdate.spec
    $ sudo rpm -U --force rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/ddupdate*rpm
  • The debian packaging is based on gbp and lives in the debian and pristine-tar branches. The packages git-buildpackage, devscripts and git are required to build. To build current version 0.7.1 do::

    $ rm -rf ddupdate; mkdir ddupdate; cd ddupdate
    $ git clone -o origin -b debian
    $ cd ddupdate
    $ sudo mk-build-deps -i -r  debian/control
    $ git fetch origin pristine-tar:pristine-tar
    $ gbp buildpackage --git-upstream-tag=0.7.1 -us -uc
    $ sudo dpkg -i ../ddupdate_0.7.1*_all.deb
    $ git clean -fd             # To be able to rebuild
  • A simpler way to build debian packages is based on retreiving the sources from the ubuntu ppa and rebuilding them::

    # First-time setup
    $ sudo apt-get install devscripts build-essential
    $ ppa=""
    $ echo "deb-src $ppa xenial main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
    $ sudo apt-key \
        adv --keyserver --recv-keys B0319103FF2D1390
    # Rebuild package
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ apt-get source --build ddupdate
    $ sudo dpkg -i ddupdate*.all.deb

Creating a new version (maintainer work)

  • Replace all occurrences of version string:

    sed -E -i 's/([^0-9])0\.[1-9]\.[0-9]/\10.5.1/g' $(git ls-files)
  • Update NEWS file.

  • Check Last Changed in all manpages.

  • Commit and tag the release: git tag 0.7.1

  • Create fedora package:

    git checkout fedora
    cd fedora
    ./make-tarball 0.7.1
    rpmdev-bumpspec *.spec , and edit it.
    rm -rf rpmbuild
    rpmbuild-here -ba *.spec
  • Possibly iterate. When done, merge to master and push with tags:

    $ git checkout master
    $ git merge devel
    $ git push --tags origin master:master
    $ git push origin devel:devel
  • Copy tarball and repo to debian and commit it on pristine-tar

  • Upload to pypi:

    $ python sdist
    $ twine upload dist/*
  • Create debian test build on sid::

    $ cd ddupdate/ddupdate
    $ sudo mk-build-deps -i -r  debian/control
    $ git fetch upstream pristine-tar:pristine-tar
    $ git merge -X theirs 0.7.1
    $ dch -v 0.7.1-1
    $ git commit -am "debian: 0.7.1-1"
    $ Check systemd/ddupdate.service
    $ git commit -a --amend
    $ git  clean -fd
    $ gbp buildpackage --git-upstream-tag=0.7.1 -us -uc
    $ git clean -fd    # To be able to rebuild
  • Create fedora packages (above)

  • Make a new COPR build

  • Create an Ubuntu package. Needs tar >= 1.29b, pristine-tar >= 1.42 (from zesty). Builds on xenial and trusty.

     $ sudo ntpdate
     # Setup build environment
     $ rm -rf ddupdate; mkdir ddupdate; cd ddupdate
     $ git clone \
         -o upstream -b debian
     $ cd ddupdate
     $ git fetch upstream pristine-tar:pristine-tar
     $ pristine-tar checkout ddupdate_0.7.1.orig.tar.gz
     $ mv ddupdate_0.7.1.orig.tar.gz ..
     $ sudo mk-build-deps -i -r debian/control
     # Patch ubuntu stuff:
     $ debian/deb2xenial
     # Build and install the binary package
     $ debuild -us -uc
     $ sudo dpkg -i ../ddupdate_0.7.1_all.deb
     # Build and distribute source package (upstream only)
     $ debuild -S
     $ dput ppa:leamas-alec/ddupdate ../*source.changes